Parkland Post – 10th December
This week
Welcome to this week’s festive instalment of the Parkland Post – ho, ho, ho! We have such a lot of events happening next week as we countdown to Christmas. As we endeavour to run each event, we ask that you wear face masks in school in order to protect our school community and take and lft before you come in. Here is a list of the events below:
We hope you have a wonderful weekend and that you have some festive fun planned. Don’t forget that pupils break up from school next Friday at 3pm and return to school on Wednesday 5th January 2022. We will then break up for half term on Friday 18th February.
Everyone is looking forward to seeing you bright and early on Monday morning for a week filled with learning, nativities and carol concerts – it really is the most exciting time of the year!
Events and Term dates
Keep an eye on our events page. It will tell you what’s happening in school and when.
Everyone attending a parent event will have to wear a mask. Please do not come to events if you have symptoms such as high temperature, persistent cough or loss of taste or smell.
We advise you to do a lateral flow test if you can before coming into school. Thank you for helping us to keep everyone safe.
Parent Forum Dates
Thank you to those parents that attended our previous forum, it is important that we get your input and ideas for school. If you can make the next one please join us for tea and cake and a good chat! Here are the dates for the rest of the year.
January 27th
March 4th
May 5th
School Dinner Prices
Please be aware that from the 1st of January the cost of a school dinner will be £1.95 which is 5 pence more per day. Thank you.
As we come to the end of the autumn term, please remember to send your child in the correct uniform as there have been a few instances of inappropriate footwear and earrings. The uniform list can be found on the following link to our website:
Do what matters most
Be yourself, always
Show you care
Succeed together
For his positive attitude to learning this week Evie-Mae
For her excellent maths skills.
For always being willing to help at tidy up time. Freddie, your tidying up skills are amazing!
For trying her best to recognise sounds in phonics.
Year 1
For continuing with her learning at home this week and sharing her spelling and handwriting with us.
For her fantastic learning in our music lessons. Indira can independently find the pulse in our new songs.
Year 2
Jacob D
His amazing attitude towards his maths work this week. He has kept on trying even when it was tricky.
His fantastic independent writing this week. Well done!
Year 3/4A
Always being ready to learn. You are a fantastic role model and have a desire to do well.
Always being a kind and supportive peer. You always listen and help your friends with whatever they need.
Year 3/4NW
Always trying his best with everything he does.
Always coming to school with a smile on her face and being enthusiastic about everything.
Year 5
Making sensible choices, showing kindness and support to those around her. Well done.
Helping those around him with choices and with their learning. A superstar!
Year 6
For her commitment to homework and home reading – keep it up!
For the investigative work she did in our science session which focused on electricity and circuits.
Parkland Panther- PE Awards
Year 1-
Year 2- Savannah and Piper
Year 3/4A-
Year 3/4NW- Jack k and Chelsey
Year 5- Ffion and Isha
Year 6- Finn and Alfie MD