Parkland Post – 17th December
This week
Welcome to this week’s Parkland Post; what a week it has been! It has been wonderful to see so many parents and carers attending our Christmas events – thank you for doing so in such a way that has kept our school community safe.
The Nativity, which was held on Monday and Tuesday, was incredibly special. All the staff and visitors were impressed at how well each child delivered their lines and how beautifully they all sang – it was impossible not to have those toes tapping!
Our KS2 Carol Service on Wednesday was a delight too. Rev. Mary Winters joined us and talked to the pupils about gratitude and how we should be thankful for what we have. The children excelled themselves singing in all of our chosen songs and performing sign language in our rendition of Little Donkey. On Wednesday, school looked even more festive as we came in our Christmas jumpers – there were so many different designs and it brought a smile to everyone’s faces! Our wonderful kitchen team prepared and served a delicious Christmas dinner complete with crackers on the tables and singing of Christmas songs; it was wonderful to see our pupils and staff enjoying themselves so much.
Remembering Justin Bowman
During our concerts this week, a collection box was available as many parents had asked if they could make a donation towards a memoriam for Justin Bowman who sadly died recently. The donations will be used for a bench in school in consultation with Justin’s family. Thank you to all those who have made a donation. If anyone would still like to make a donation, they can do so via our school office.
Return to school in January
We have a training day on Tuesday 4th January 2022 and pupils return to school on Wednesday 5th January – a text will be sent out nearer the time to remind you.
We look forward to seeing everyone in the new year and would like to thank you for your continued support this year. Have a wonderful Christmas and New Year, enjoy the holidays and we will see you all bright and early on the 5th January!
Events and Term dates
Keep an eye on our events page. It will tell you what’s happening in school and when.
Term dates
You can find all of holiday dates on the website or via this link.
Parent Forum Dates
Thank you to those parents that attended our previous forum, it is important that we get your input and ideas for school. If you can make the next one please join us for tea and cake and a good chat! Here are the dates for the rest of the year.
January 27th
March 4th
May 5th
School Dinner Prices
Please be aware that from the 1st of January the cost of a school dinner will be £1.95 which is 5 pence more per day. Thank you.
As we come to the end of the autumn term, please remember to send your child in the correct uniform as there have been a few instances of inappropriate footwear and earrings. The uniform list can be found on the following link to our website:
Pride Awards For The Term
Do what matters most
Be yourself, always
Show you care
Succeed together
Developing in confidence and making great progress this half term.
Making friends and always trying her best.
Chloe P
For always working so hard. Chloe gives all of her work 100% effort and is always willing to share her ideas with her friends. Well done Chloe!
For always being in the right place, at the right time, making the right choices. Harper, you are a fabulous role model for the other children and we are so proud of you!
Year 1
Coming out of her shell and growing in confidence during the autumn term.
Your progress over the Autumn term, you are flying in all areas of the curriculum. Keep it up!
Year 2
Always making the right choices and going the extra mile to help your class mates, well done Alfie!
Always making the right choices and going the extra mile to help your class mates, well done Piper!
Year 3/4A
Always making good choices and setting a great example. You always put 100% effort into your learning and you’re always there to help a friend.
Being you! You always set a fantastic example to your peers. You always work hard and do the right thing. I know this positive attitude will continue to shine through.
Year 3/4NW
You do what matters mostevery day by being polite and kind. you are a friend to all and always try your best.
You always show you care about your work by producing everything to a high standard. You care about your friends and make sure the classroom is neat and tidy.
Year 5
For really coming out of his shell, thriving in all areas of his learning and being a wonderful role model.
For showing bravery and resillience, Ffion can now swim independently which is something she has worked hard to achieve.
Year 6
For being an all round star in class and around school. He has a wonderful attitude to learning and an excellent sense of humour.
Putting 100% into everything she does. Lucy acts on feedback to make improvements to her work and always strives to be the best she can be.