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Art and Design

Our teaching of art will:

  • Allow children to have the opportunity to express themselves creatively, using a range of media available to them.
  • Promote an appreciation and enjoyment of art.
  • Encourage a critical eye when discussing their own work and the work of others
  • Allow children to develop a knowledge of different styles, genres and artists throughout history.
  • Support our children to develop a sophisticated vocabulary when talking about art, using the correct expressions and techniques.

There are 4 threads that run through all taught areas of the art curriculum at Co-op Academy Parkland. These were chosen to ensure children have the opportunity to make purposeful and meaningful links across and within their learning of art. The threads are as follows:


In addition to this, each class will have an artist (these have been selected to include a range of classical and modern, male and female and from a range of ethnic backgrounds and sexual orientations) that they study throughout the the year. There will be a significant artist study at one point in the year and opportunities can be generated as the year progresses to establish and embed another links to this artist in other subject areas. A framed portrait of each artist is displayed in each classroom to both promote and celebrate the contributions of these artists to the world we inhabit.


The long term plan guides teachers as to the key knowledge, skills, content and thread that needs to be taught to their class at each term in the year. This has been designed with the class’s wider curriculum learning in mind and links are made across and within other areas of the curriculum where appropriate.

Ongoing retrieval of previous learning in the subject throughout other year groups supports the purpose of the learning and helps children to solidify and embed their learning experiences.

The teaching sequence always begins with a stimulus that provides our learners with the opportunity to discuss the art work and the effect it has, before they begin to deconstruct the techniques and materials used and begin the process of planning and creating their own art work. The length and frequency of the art lessons is at the discretion of the teacher and teachers can use their professional judgement as to the best way to achieve the desired outcome .

Each child from Year 1 will have a sketch book in which their learning is documented. Work will always include a date, learning objective and success criteria. The book is to follow the child through school each year so that the children’s skill progression across school is visible. 

Each class has an art pack that they can take home on a weekly basis. The rationale behind this is that children who may not have access to such resources at home are able to use them and explore their own creativity freely within the family home. Sibling and family contributions are encouraged and each child’s art-work is collated in a sketch book that is shared as the year progresses.


On leaving our school our children will have developed skills in 4 key areas within Art and Design. They will be able to discuss the benefits and downfalls of using specific materials for specific purposes, as well as using their experiences in using different mediums of art in their everyday lives. They will have developed an enjoyment for creating artwork through different mediums and be able to explain their preferred medium based on theory experiences. Our children will explain and recognise artwork from different significant people as well as art movements throughout history. They will use this knowledge in their key stage 3 experiences and build upon it by explaining their opinions on the work of others and their own work. Our children will be confident and passionate when  evaluating their pieces and the pieces created by their peers as well as using artistic vocabulary to develop questioning of the intent and purpose of pieces of artwork. 

They will be able to apply these skills and knowledge based on their understanding of the world around them. They will use experiences to apply to new challenges in the context of drawing on experiences at our school to apply to their future learning and lives.