Curriculum Intent
At Co-op Academy Parkland we believe that all pupils can achieve and that our curriculum should empower them with skills, knowledge and understanding of a wide range of subjects.
The curriculum aims to build on pupils’ existing knowledge and skills, equipping them with qualities required to be the best version of themselves. We aim to value all subjects equally and celebrate successes within them.
Our curriculum has been designed in the belief that children learn best when learning is based on previous knowledge and experience, when learning is built on and repeated to deepen understanding and when children have logical connections made within many aspects of learning so they learn well and remember. We aim to develop a knowledge of their place in time – a sense of belonging and pride in Bradford – and an understanding of why Bradford is important. We want our pupils to have a sense of their regional, national and global identity.
Vocabulary is also important and we recognise that our children represent our socially diverse community and consider it crucial for them to develop a strong vocabulary that enables them to express themselves confidently, both emotionally and academically. Key vocabulary is mapped across our curriculum; opportunities to revisit and embed learnt vocabulary are planned for and key facts and vocabulary for units of work are shared with families in order to further consolidate learning.
Through our curriculum we aim to provide children with new, real, rich and diverse opportunities through trips, guest speakers, residentials and after school provision, to consistently enhance their experiences and learning. We believe these first-hand experiences equip our children with lifelong memories that enhance and embed their learning.
Our curriculum has a social/moral focus. We believe that working closely with families will enable us to build a stronger community and raise aspirations.
The National Curriculum, though at the centre of what is taught, is a framework and only a part of what we offer to children. To ensure our pupils have all they need to succeed now and in the future, we place great importance on the teaching of the skills needed to be a successful learner, resilience, communication and independence and we strive to develop the whole child through the teaching of PSHE, the Co-op and British values. Our curriculum aims to raise children’s self-esteem and teaches children to be mentally healthy.
Our curriculum aims to teach tolerance, appreciation and knowledge of faiths, beliefs, religions and cultures and to inspire creativity and a passion for self-expression.
We promote well-being and emotional development of each child in which every individual realises their own potential; learns how to keep themselves safe and be responsible; to raise aspirations; and to have a desire to make a contribution to their community.