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Parkland Post - Friday 8th December 2023

Welcome to this week's Wintry Parkland Post - what a week we have had!  It has been wonderful to welcome so many families through our doors during our Nativity performances and KS2 Carol Concert.  I am sure you will agree that they did themselves and us proud!  I love just how well everyone has worked together in order to achieve one of our Ways of Being - Succeed Together.  Thank you to all of the staff who have put in so much work behind the scenes; none of it would have been possible without you.

Winter Fayre

The PTA Winter Fayre will be taking place on Thursday 14th December at 3:20pm.  Each year group have been given the challenge to 'Grow your £5'.  The children have created their own stall to raise money and grow their £5.  Please join us and help us to raise as much money as possible!


Christmas Jumper Day

Thank you to everyone who wore a Christmas jumper and donated £1 for Save the Children.  We have managed to raise £87.80 which will help children in the UK and around the world who are facing serious issues such as war, hunger and poverty; thank you for your kindness. 


Attendance Matters


This week, our whole school attendance was 93.3% which is below our target of 96%.  The winning class was Year 6 with 96.3% and their prize was extra play time and a film afternoon.  Keep up the great work getting into school every day and on time!


And finally...


We hope you all have a fantastic weekend - hopefully the rain will stay away (keep everything crossed!)  Mrs Wierzbianski will finally be trimming up for Christmas and it's fair to say she's very giddy about it!  Mr Watson will be going out to celebrate a friend's birthday, Ms Pascoe and Mrs Shirra will be going Christmas shopping. We can't wait to see you in school bright and early on Monday morning for our final week before we break up for Christmas.  Our doors will open at 8:40am ready for learning to begin at 8:45am - we'll see you there!


Parkland Pride Awards 


Tommy - Be yourself, always

 For growing in confidence everyday!


Erin K – Do What Matters Most

For speaking with confidence in front of peers and adults, sharing her ideas and giving tasks a go

Lincoln – Show you Care

For supporting his friends when they are sad, and helping them with difficult tasks.

Year 1

Myla – Succeed Together

For concentrating well and using her phonics knowledge in writing!

George – Show You Care

For being a kind and helpful member of Year 1.

Year 2

Nikki – Do What Matters Most

For working hard in all lessons and giving everything a go.

Freddie – Be Yourself, Always

For being helpful in class and looking out for his friends.

Year 3

Indira – Succeed Together

For always doing her upmost best in her learning. Her perseverance, resilience and enthusiastic attitude shines through her learning.

Isla – Show You Care

For always showing her loving, caring attitude towards her teachers and peers.

Year 4

Melissa – Be yourself, Always

For always being willing to help everyone.

Taylor – Do What Matters Most

For being kind and polite working hard – a great addition to the class!

Year 5

Aishah  – Be Yourself, Always

For always giving her all in class and producing some excellent work for her homework tasks. She is a fantastic role model for all.

Deacon  – Show You Care

For always caring for others in the class and for giving everything when singing our Christmas Carols.

Year 6

Miley – Be Yourself, Always

For concentrating on making the right choice and supporting others to do the same.

Kris - Succeed together

For focusing on his learning and allowing himself and others to reach their potential.