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Parkland Post - Friday 26th April 2024

Welcome to this week's Parkland Post!  It has been another busy week filled with learning and working together to succeed.  We began the week reading Dear Earth to celebrate World Earth Day, each class discussed what they could do to help take care of our world and the footprint we leave behind.  This links well to many of our Ways of Being: Show You Care; Do What Matters Most and Succeed Together.

Eco Conference at 1 Angel Square


Six of our Eco Warriors represented our academy at the Primary Eco Conference this week which took place at 1 Angel Square.  Our children presented to the other academies and showed everyone what we have been developing at our academy this year.  The day began with a look around the grounds of 1 Angel Square exploring the different habitats available - this was led by members of the Royal Horticultural Society.  They also learnt about the importance of worms with an enormous wormery and Fair and Funky designed some brilliant activities for the Eco Warriors to do - making milk bottle swallows and pedalling their smoothie bike!  Thank you to everyone involved in making this event such a success.

Family Quiz Night


On the 2nd May, the PTA will be running their first Family Quiz Night from 5:30pm in the main hall.  It will be teams of 6 which need to include at least 2 children and you will be able to book tickets through Arbor (more details will follow soon).  Nibbles and soft drinks will be provided and there will be lots of prizes throughout the evening!  Get thinking about your team names!


Attendance Matters


This week's whole school attendance was 92.5% which is below the national average set by the government.  This week's attendance winner was Year 6 with 97%. They won a craft set for their class (and an extra playtime as they were above 96%).  Please be aware that no holidays requests will be authorised during term time but a holiday form will still need to be completed - thank you.


Our KS1 Summer Team


We are thrilled to let you know that Miss Hunter is remaining with us in Year 1 and that Mrs Dines-Allen will be teaching Year 2 Monday to Wednesday each week with Mrs Rhodes who will continue to teach Year 2 every Thursday and Friday.  I am sure you will all join me in giving them a warm Parkland welcome - they will be introducing themselves on ClassDojo next week.  


And finally...


We hope you have a fabulous weekend and that you manage to get out into the fresh air for a trip to the park or for a walk.  The forecast looks like it might be a bit rainy but hopefully it won't be too bad - Mrs Wierzbianski will still be walking Jet come rain or shine!  This weekend, Mrs Shirra will be spending time with family, Mr Watson will be seeing friends, Ms Pascoe will be watching her boys play in a football tournament and Mrs Wierzbianski will be relaxing.  Whatever you decide to do, we hope you enjoy it and we'll see you bright and early on Monday morning where our doors will open at 8:40am ready for learning to begin at 8:45am.

Parkland Pride 


Tyanna - Show You Care

For being a wonderful friend to all of her classmates 


Arthur - Succeed Together 

For playing alongside his friends in the outdoor area. He loves playing imaginatively

Lilly - Be Yourself, Always 

For having a great first week at Parkland. Well done for being so brave! 

Year 1 

Matthew - Show You Care 

For always working hard during Phonics. He is confident in recognising, saying sounds and writing words with the correct sound. 

George - Show You Care  

For having a positive attitude to his work, is always on task and works independently. He has made great progress this week, especially in Maths. 

Year 2

Blake - Do What Matters Most 

For doing the right thing and smashing your Phonics! 

Esmai - Succeed Together 

For working with your teachers to adjust to being back in school!

Year 3 

Elaina - Do What Matters Most 

For growing in confidence and always trying hard! Well done!

Leah-Ariel - Be Yourself, Always 

For her unique attitude to learning. You always know how to make others laugh! 

Year 4 

Jacob - Show You Care

For making brilliant and insightful contributions in class this week. We have loved hearing your ideas! 

Savannah - Succeed Together 

For uplifting others with her positive attitude and helpful nature. 

Year 5 

Lucy - Succeed Together

For helping others with their independent learning and always going above and beyond. 

William - Show You Care 

For working hard on his presentation in English and aiming high by giving his all. Well done! 

Year 6 

Kris- Show You Care

For your determination and hard work this week and for making us laugh and putting a smile on all your teacher's faces while doing it! 

Kaja - Be Yourself, Always

For being an absolute star in your mock SATs, trying your best and never giving up!