Parkland Post - Friday 26th January 2024
Welcome to this week’s Parkland Post! We have been very busy across the academy and there has been some amazing learning happening. Year 3 were investigating structures and following one of our Ways of Being, Succeed Together, as they worked as a team to create bridges. Year 1 have been impressing me with their phonics knowledge and their excitement for reading. Mrs Shirra launched the Blue Peter Reading Badge in Monday’s assembly and we have had a few reviews from our children which we will be sending off soon. If anyone else would like to take part in this, you could have a look at the website here:
Time to Talk Day - Thursday 1st February
We are taking part in Time to Talk Day in association with the charity Mind. Children and staff will be taking part in lots of activities during the day to encourage them to talk to each other.
NSPCC Number Day - Thursday 1st February
We will also be taking part in the NSPCC Number Day and your child can come dressed in something number or shape related. Mrs Wierzbianski is going to get her daughter to decorate a white t-shirt with lots of maths symbols on. We are asking for a donation to help raise money for a fantastic charity. We will also be having a bake sale and any money will go towards the donation fund. We will be sharing more details on our social media pages on Monday about this.
Attendance Matters
This week’s winners of the Attendance award were Year 2 with 94.1% - well done to them. There were no classes who were at 96% or above which is the Government target we are working to achieve so we will set the challenge for next week that every class who manages this will get an extra playtime.
And finally…
We hope you have a fabulous weekend. The weather is looking like it might be a bit calmer. Mrs Wierzbianski is going out for afternoon tea and can’t wait, Mr Watson is going to be going bowling for a friend's birthday. We will see you all bright and early on Monday morning where our doors open at 8:40am ready for learning to begin at 8:45am.
Parkland Pride
Megan - Show You Care
For being kind and supportive by making sure everyone has somebody to play with.
Luca – Show You Care
For having a fantastic attitude in school!
Aubrey – Succeed Together
For increased confidence and answering questions in learning time!
Year 1
Jessie-Leigh – Succeed Together
For her fantastic contributions in RE learning all about Judaism.
Beaux – Be Yourself, Always
For finding her own independence with maths challenges.
Year 2
Bonnie – Show You Care
For being a caring friend and always cheering others up with his smile.
Ebony – Show You Care
For always doing the right thing. Ebony puts care and attention into all aspects of school.
Year 3
Lilly may Higgins - Succeed Together
For working super hard in maths and for great explanations of her working out.
Charlie Joe - Show You Care
For always showing his love and compassion towards his peers.
Year 4
Noah - Succeed together
For always ensuring not only himself is sorted but his friends and classmates. Thanks for looking out for us!
Hope – Be Yourself, Always
For always being a delight to have in Year 4. You set a shining example to all of your peers.
Year 5
Olivia & Aishah– Succeed Together
Aishah stayed in at lunchtime to catch up on some learning that she had missed – Aishah goes above and beyond!
Olivia was a wonderful friend and for using her lunchtime to support a friend with her learning.
Amelia – Do What Matters Most
For being incredibly mature and explaining what she didn’t understand – then working extra hard to fix this.
Year 6
Kris - Be Yourself, Always
For your fantastic learning in all subjects. You have really impressed me with your effort and dedication.
Daisy – Be Yourself, Always
For your fantastic work in RE. It showed great knowledge and effort. Also, for your growing confidence to share ideas and learn.