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Parkland Post - Friday 15th December 2023

Welcome to the final Parkland Post of the year!  It has been a great start to our academic year and we are looking forward to building on these great foundations in the new year.  We have lots of exciting events planned for the spring term which we will be sharing with you soon. 

 HAF Programme


We are thrilled to be able to offer places on our HAF Christmas Programme in association with Yorkshire Academy of Creative Arts and Dance.  Each activity is for families to join and they all have a festive twist!  If you would like to come along, please sign up for this in our main office or email 

PTA Winter Fayre


Thank you to everyone who came to our Winter Fayre - we had an incredible turnout!  Overall, you have managed to raise £1100 which will go towards exciting things for your children.  Well done to Y1 for winning the Grow a Fiver competition - they will each be bringing home a prize!

Panto - Tuesday 16th January 2024


Your child will have brought home a letter yesterday with information about our whole school visit to the Alhambra Theatre to watch the pantomime 'Cinderella'!  This is a completely free experience all we ask is that you go onto ParentPay to give your permission for the visit.  It's definitely something to look forward to in the new year!  

KS2 Athletics Event 

A group of KS2 children competed in a Co-op athletics event at Priesthorpe on 5th December. All the boys and girls received a gold medal. What amazing teamwork! #succeedtogether

Supporting your chilld's wellbeing during the school holidays 


Place2Be have created a space on their website for parents and carers to support their child's wellbeing during the school holidays.  There are many handy tips and ideas for activities and tasks.  





Before you go out and buy new items of uniform, please follow the link to our uniform expectations.  We also have a number of pre-loved items of uniform available in school, please feel free to come into school and take some.  Uniform link


Training Day


The staff are having a Training Day on Tuesday 2nd January and children will return on Wednesday 3rd January.


And finally...


We would like to thank all of our families for your support during our first term - we can't quite believe time has flown so quickly (must have been having fun!).  We hope you manage to have a rest over the holidays and return fresh as a daisy in the new year.  Mrs Wierzbianski is looking forward to spending time with her family and getting her Christmas nails done, Mr Watson is going to see family down south, Ms Pascoe is spending quality time with her family and Mrs Shirra will be visiting and seeing all of her family.  We have a Training Day on the 2nd January but our doors will reopen for children on Wednesday 3rd January at 8:40am ready for learning to begin at 8:45am.  


Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from all at Co-op Academy Parkland!

Parkland Pride for the Term!


Jaxon E - For making brilliant progress in all areas and forming some lovely relationships.


Faith – For growing in confidence and working hard this term!

Year 1

Jamin - For being caring and helpful towards others, he is always on task completing his work with enthusiasm and maturity. He is a credit to Year 1!

Year 2

Chloe P – For always being ready to learn, trying her hardest and being kind to everyone!

Year 3

Olivia – For growing in confidence and putting 100% effort into everything. I am so proud of the smart, creative and enchanting individual you are growing to be.

Year 4

Noah – A cheerful positive attitude and consistent effort in all his classwork. A pleasure to teach!

Year 5

Jason – For working hard for the whole term. He behaves excellently all the time and is a great role model for everyone. His hand is always up volunteering questions. Well done for an excellent term!

Year 6

Lilian – For being a fantastic member of the class and always being a star pupil.