Parkland Post - Friday 1st Decemeber 2023
Welcome to a festive Parkland Post on what has been a brilliant non-uniform day - we would like to thank you for all of the donations towards our Winter Fair which is being held on the 14th December.
Next week's events
Tuesday 5th December at 1:30pm and Wednesday 6th December at 9:30am.
Ingleborough Hall Presentation by Y6
Wednesday 6th December at 2:30pm - parents from Years 5 and 6 are welcome to this event.
Christmas Jumper Day
7th December - all donations collected will be sent to the NSPCC
Attendance Matters
This week our whole school attendance is 88.3% which is well below the national average. Please send your children in if they have headaches, cold or coughs and keep them at home if they have sickness or diarrhoea. If in doubt, please speak to either Mrs Wierzbianski or Mrs Flaherty - thank you for your support with this.
Well done to this week's attendance winners Year 3 with 94.2% - they received extra playtime!
Please remember to send your children in the correct uniform as it shows we are part of a community and wearing it says we are all in this together. You can find the link here:
Positive Behaviour Policy
We would like to invite you to have a look at our new Positive Behaviour Policy on Friday 8th December, right after our Celebration Assembly. It is important that we work together on improving behaviour for learning to the highest standards, as this supports our learning culture and the children's happiness around our academy.
And finally...
We hope you enjoy what promises to be a chilly but bright weekend. Mrs Wierzbianski and Ms Pascoe are going to Otley Victorian Fair, Mr Watson is going Christmas shopping and Mrs Shirra will be going to Lotherton Hall for the Christmas experience with all the family. We will see you bright and early on Monday morning where our doors will open at 8:40am ready for learning to begin at 8:45am.
Parkland Pride
Layla – Show You Care
For using a part whole model in her own choosing time.
Jacob – Do What Matters Most
For making accelerated progress in his reading.
Year 1
Rory – Succeed Together
For his brilliant actions and singing during nativity rehearsals. He taking his role as narrator very seriously, well done!
Ellisia – Show You Care
For her amazing effort in all lessons to improve her handwriting, well done!
Year 2
Bridie – Show You Care
For being a hard worker and completing her work well and helping others.
Harrison – Succeed Together
For making progress in his phonics group well done, Harrison
Year 3
Jude – Succeed Together
For working significantly hard in Maths. You are amazing!
Elaina – Show You Care
For being a compassionate, loving and caring member of the class.
Year 4
Mollie – Show You Care
For always being willing to help everyone.
Phoebe – Show You Care
For growing in confidence to share ideas in class.
Year 5
William – Succeed Together
For being a great team player always! He worked really well with others in PE. His maths work has also been really good this week.
Lucy – Show You Care
For working really hard on some excellent homework. We were really impressed with her volcano display board. She has also done some excellent work in Maths!
Year 6
Regan - Show You Care
For an exceptional improvement in effort and your learning. You have made so much progress and I have loved teaching you.
Millicent - Do What Matters Most
For always doing the right thing and being an exemplary student. You have high expectations of yourself and you are a role model to others.