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Parkland Post - Friday 20th October 2023

Welcome to the final Parkland Post of this half-term - it has been such a wet end to the week; thank you for still ensuring your children are in every day and on time, it has such a positive impact on their learning.  As we approach the half-term holiday, please can you check in on what your child is accessing on social media and via their devices, so they can be as safe as possible and check the age restrictions on apps.  


Attendance Matters

Our whole school attendance was down by 2.03% last week at 92.29% which is lower than the 96% target the Government has set.  It does mean that we did not manage to get the reward for a whole school non-uniform day so we are going to work together on the first week back to try and reach 96% or above.  

Pumpkin Competition

We are going to hold our annual Pumpkin Carving Competition - please bring your entries in on Monday 30th November so we can judge them and award prizes!  The children will then bring them home the same day so you can use them on Halloween the day after.  Good luck!

Community Shop

Our Community Shop will be open again on Tuesday 31st as soon as the school drop off has been done.  Everyone is welcome to come along and have food up to the value of £40, and it will cost you absolutely nothing - this is all to help with the cost of living.  Please sign up for this in the office or via our Facebook Messenger page or simply give us a ring in school.  We will then give you a time slot, so you can come and choose at your leisure.

Curriculum Bubbles and Homework Menus


Curriculum bubbles and homework menus will be shared with you all during the first week back so you can keep up to date with what your children are learning in school. 

Class Dojo

Please can you sign up to Class Dojo if you haven't already.  Mr Watson sent out invites to our school account via a text message but if you haven't received this, please let school know.  Class Dojo is the place we share learning stories, photographs and information about your child and their class.

And finally...

We hope you have a wonderful half term holiday and that the weather sorts itself out a little!  Mrs Wierzbianski is going to be visiting lots of places with Jet, Mr Watson is going to Turkey for a bit of warmth and relaxation, Mrs Shirra is going to be celebrating her dad's 70th with family and Ms Pascoe will be taking nice long walks if the rain stops!  We will reopen on Monday 30th October where our doors will be open from 8:40am ready for learning to begin at 8:45am.

Parkland Pride 


Logan – Be yourself, always

For being a good friend to lots of his classmates


Erin Ship – Show you Care

For working hard in Phonics and not giving up!

Anisah – Be yourself, always

For doing excellent Fred Talk and choosing to write CVC words independently.

Year 1

Beaux – Do what matters most

For always having a smile on her face. Beaux always tries her best!

Tillie-Mae – Be yourself, always

For always working hard and trying her best. Tillie is always a kind and caring member of Year 1.

Year 2

Layla – Show You Care

For showing you care to others and offering to help adults and children in Year 2.

Willow – Succeed Together

For listening carefully to the adults about improving her work and she is putting effort into making progress.

Year 3

Louise – Do What Matters Most

For always bringing a smile to school and to her classmates. Her dedication and support towards her peers is amazing.

Leela – Succeed Together

For always trying her absolute best in all her lessons and for being a considerate member of the class.

Year 4

Leo – Show You Care

For showing an excellent attitude to learning.

Hope – Be yourself, always

For always showing a positive attitude to learning and always being helpful around the classroom.

Year 5

Anthony – Show You Care

For always looking out for others at his table and helps people and takes excellent care of his work.

Zuzanna – Do What Matters Most

For working really hard in all subjects, showing excellent listening skills and focus. Her work is progressing really well as a result.

Year 6

Angelia - Do What Matters Most

For always doing the right thing and showing high expectations.  

Lexi – Do What Matters Most

For being an outstanding learner and trying your best in everything that you do.