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Parkland Post – 14th July

What another wonderful week! We had a fantastic Sports Day for Nursery, Reception and KS1, Year 3 parent event and outstanding performances from our Year 6 children and their production of ‘The Wizard of Oz.’ We are looking forward to our last week of school before the summer holidays!

Our key dates page has been updated with timings for various events. You can also find our events on our Class Dojo calendar.

The Wizard of Oz

Our Production of ‘The Wizard of Oz’ was a fantastic success for all Year 6 children. The children performed their dress rehearsal for the whole school and impressed everyone with their incredible talent. They had an afternoon and evening performance, where the parents/carers were able to see all their hard work and dedication! We are so proud of them all. Thank you again to our director and producer, Mrs Denby as well as the Year 6 staff.


End of Year Reports will be sent out on Monday 17th July at the end of the school day. If you would like to discuss your child’s report, all teachers will be available for an informal drop-in on Wednesday 19th July from 3:30-4:30 pm. Please ring the school office to book your informal drop-in to discuss any queries or concerns you may have.

Sports Day

We had lots of fabulous events this week for our children. Nursery had a lovely Sports Day on Tuesday afternoon and Reception/KS1 had their Sports Day on Wednesday morning. We were really impressed with their leadership and teamwork. Thank you to all the parents/carers for joining us!

Unfortunately, we had to cancel our KS2 (Years 3, 4, 5 and 6) Sports Day due to the weather, our new date for this is Wednesday 19th July from 1:30 pm, parents/carers are more than welcome to join us.

Year 3 Parent Event

We had another fantastic Curriculum Enrichment event for the parents/carers of Year 3! The children have created some fabulous artwork that was inspired by the famous abstract artist, Henri Matisse.

Thank you to all the parents/carers this half term for joining us and supporting your children with their learning!

Class Dojo

During one of our parent forums, you requested to have more information and clearer communication about the things that go on in our academy for your child/ren.  We have had Class Dojo running for a few weeks, and the feedback has been incredibly positive.  Thank you to everyone who has signed up for Class Dojo – please let Mr Watson know if you are having trouble accessing it and we will get you sorted. 

Skills Builder Home Challenge

And finally…

We have one final week before the summer holidays, we hope you all have lovely things planned! This weekend, Mrs Wierzbianski is going to Scarborough to see her parents, Mr Watson is seeing his family, Ms Pascoe is doing the Ilkley Half Marathon and Mrs Shirra is going to a grand opening of a new restaurant and seeing her parents. We hope that you all enjoy your weekend and we will see you bright and early on Monday morning when our doors open at 8:40 am so our children can be ready to begin learning at 8:45 am.  Thank you for your continued support with attendance and punctuality – it makes all the difference to your children.

Pride Awards!



For working hard as part of a team at Sports Day!


For showing amazing skills during our Sports Day event. You were amazing at Hurdles!

Year 1


For always being a kind, caring and happy member of Year 1!


For trying hard to follow instructions and for looking after his friends!

Year 2


For always offering to help with jobs around the classroom and being a caring friend. You make me so proud, Alice!


For putting in 100% effort in all lessons and actively participating in Accelerated Reader sessions. I’m super impressed with your speedy reading, keep it up!

Year 3


For working super hard in Maths and showing a true love for learning. Well done, super proud of you!


For being a smiling superstar. Always ready to learn with a positive attitude.

Year 4


For showing kindness and supporting her peers when needed!


For coming to school with a positive attitude to learning and trying his best in Maths!

Year 5A


For fantastic contribution to our school fair. Mason stayed until the end to help run our penalty shootout!


For being a brilliant team player and a fantastic goalkeeper for our penalty shootout.

Year 5B


For helping out all afternoon with the ‘Bash the Rat’ stall at the summer fair. He has excellent persuasive selling techniques.


For trying hard to understand and complete our work on relative clauses.

Year 6

All of Year 6

For all their hard work during their performance of ‘The Wizard of Oz .

Be yourself, always

Show you care

Succeed together

Do what matters most