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Parkland Post – 24th September

Lets see what’s coming up!

Autumn days are here, our pupils have been noticing the changes around school such as the leaves turning beautiful shades of gold, orange and red as they have been completing their Daily Mile.  Staff have been challenging our pupils to see how many laps of the playground they can do during our morning playtimes and we are developing an awareness of how exercise is helping us to be happy and healthy.  

Harvest Festival
Ms Barkerwood has been leading our singing assemblies for the last two weeks, it has been a while since we have heard ‘Cauliflowers Fluffy’ echoing around our corridors and we have definitely missed it!  We are hoping to be able to invite parents and carers in for our Harvest Festival; we will give further information nearer the time.

Keeping Children Safe in the car parks-
We wanted to make you aware that both of our car parks are in use by staff and visitors at all times.  Please help us to keep you and your children safe by making sure you supervise them if you are near these areas.   
Times Tables at Co-op Academy Parkland

This week, the whole school began our big push on times tables.  Anyone passing school at the end of playtimes and lunchtimes will have heard every child belting out their times tables in rote – our Year 6s were fabulous at leading the chant and Miss Anson was impressed!  Each week, we will have a different times table to focus on and it would be wonderful if you could help by helping your child to practise at home.  This week was the 2 times table for KS2 and in KS1, they were counting in ones up to 20, we will announce our new times table on Monday – keep looking at our Facebook page to find out what it is!
We hope you have a wonderful weekend and enjoy some time outside  – why not try to complete your Daily Mile somewhere different.  You could always take a photograph of you doing the Daily Mile and send it to us through Facebook Messenger as we love to see all the exciting things you get up to!

Year 1 and 2 Phonics Books

Year 1 and 2 have started their phonics sessions this week, to help the children with their phonics we will be sending home a book for you to read with your child each Friday. These books must be returned to school every day, especillly on Friday so that we can change them for the next book.

Please make sure you look after these books as we will have to charge £5 to replace each missing book as they are part of a set. Thank you and happy reading!

Nursery and Reception Fluoride Varnish

The Oral health team will be in school on 22nd November to apply the fluoride varnish to the childrens teeth in Reception and Nursery.

Please fill in the form linked below by 24th September, if you need a paper form, please ask at the office.

Register for Fluoride Varnish here

School Councillors

This year we have brand new school council members for each class (Y2 to Y6). Each of these classes took a vote for their representitives and here are the results.

Y6– Jacey & Rocco Y5– Charlee & Layla Y3/4A -Deacon & Hunter Y3/4NW– Aisha & Jayden Y2– Piper & Noah

School Photographer

Arts Photography will be attending School on Tuesday, 5th October to take some amazing Individual Portraits of your children.Please can you pre-register, before the photography date above. This is important as it enables you to gain quick access to your child’s photographs and the opportunity to purchase them. To do this, you will need to enter the following code: JR4UP85 The link to the registration is below.

You will then be asked to register your child, by using your child’s full school register name and group. Next enter your email address and pre-register.By pre-registering, when the photos are ready you will receive a private access code via an automatic email notification to inform you, your child’s photos are now ready to be viewed and purchased.

Register your child for their school photo here

Parkland Pride

Do what matters most

Be yourself, always

Show you care

Succeed together



For settling into Nursery so well and for being a great friend to all of the children.


For coming into Nursery with a smile and developing her confidence greatly.



For being a kind and considerate friend to all of the children in class. 


 For being much more confident to speak and join in. 

Year 1


A fantastic start to Year 1, Leo has really come out of his shell and taken great pride in his learning- especially phonics!


Her fantastic learning about the characteristics of different animals. You have really taken our learning on board.

Year 2


Supporting others and caring for the learning environment.


Preparing her sentences oralyy and then writing them independently.

Year 3/4NW


 Working really well as part of a group. You help people and have a fabulous attitude.


Being enthusiastic all day long. You give 100% in everything you do! 

Year 3/4A


Making great choices and stepping up to the Y4 expectations


Your wonderful nature. You always put 100% effort into all of your learning. I am really proud of everything you do.

Year 5


Approaching all his learning with a fantastic attitude and making excellent progress.


Always supporting others and working hard at everyhting she does. Well done!

Year 6


For the amazing home learning he has produced this week.  Our half-termly homework menu only went out last week and he has already produced so many informative pieces of work!


For his detailed responses during our whole class reading text ‘The Journey’.  Jack has been able to interpret changes and show empathy for characters who were experiencing modern day war.

Parkland Panthers– PE awards

Year 1 – Indira, Ruby, Jaden and Kysen

Year 2 – Brooke, Liam, Mollie and Noah

Year3/4A – Harvey and Erica

Year 3/4NW – Riley and Lucy

Year 5 – Leyton and Lincoln

Year 6 – Tyler and Jacey