Parkland Post – 8th October
This week
Welcome to this week’s Parkland Post! We hope you are all well and that no-one blew away earlier this week – autumn was most certainly here and now it’s looking like we might be having another glorious weekend; it’s impossible to keep up!
Story writing in Years 3 and 4
Years 3 and 4 have been story writing this week based on the Visual Literacy short film ‘Lou’. So far, they have written an opening and a problem ensuring they use fronted adverbials and that the vocabulary they use is of a high standard. Mrs Wierzbianski has read a few pieces of work and is impressed with their writing so far – she can’t wait to read the final pieces!
Your Governing Body
This week, Miss Connors met with our Governing Body which was chaired by Miss Emma Ainsworth for this term’s update on the wonderful things happening at Parkland. We are lucky that our governors are so supportive and are part of our journey of school improvement. They are all looking forward to meeting you at our events this year.
Times table of the week
We had a great time reciting our ten times tables in the KS2 playground and counting in 2s in the KS1 playground. Next week, we will be focusing on the 4 times table in KS2 and will be continuing to count forwards in 2s in KS1. You could help your child become more confident at home with their times tables by reciting them together.
We hope you have a fabulous weekend, whatever you decide to do. Please try to listen to your child read for 10 minutes per day, help them to practise their spellings and their times tables. Mrs Wierzbianski will be walking Jet and doing a spot of reading as she’s quite fond of reading you know! We can’t wait to see all of our pupils bright and early on Monday morning for another week of learning!
Black History Month
October is Black History Month and pupils in Year 6 have been reading a text called ‘Hidden Figures’ which is the true story of four African-American women who were incredibly gifted mathematicians. The work they did changed not only their own lives but the face of air and space travel forever. Year 6 read about the barriers these women kept coming up against and learnt the importance of resilience, self-belief and sheer determination and grit.
This year our Harvest Competition has the theme of Scarecrows, all children from Nursery to Year 6 are encouraged to make, create, build or decorate a scarecrow, be creative!
Our Harvest Festival is taking place on Friday 22nd October at 9am. We are delighted to be able to invite you into school to watch our pupils share songs and information about harvest around the world. We will also be joined by Rev. Mary Winters and can’t wait to welcome our Parkland family back through our doors. Please feel free to wear masks if you wish and socially distance wherever possible.
We need your entries to be in school on Wednesday the 20th of October. They will be diplayed for everyone in school to see and staff will pick winners to recieve a prize and certificate in the Friday assembly.
Nursery and Reception Fluoride Varnish
The Oral health team will be in school on 22nd November to apply the fluoride varnish to the childrens teeth in Reception and Nursery.
Please fill in the form linked below by 24th September, if you need a paper form, please ask at the office.
Register for Fluoride Varnish here
Parent Forum Dates
Thank you to those parents that attended the forum yesterday, it is important that we get your input and ideas for school. If you can make the next one please join us for tea and cake and a good chat! Here are the dates for the rest of the year.
November 25th
January 27th
March 4th
May 5th
Parkland Pride
Do what matters most
Be yourself, always
Show you care
Succeed together
For having a great week and being a good friend.
Settling in well this week, well done Skyler.
For working hard to sound out and spell words.
For always helping at tidy up time.
Year 1
Being a kind member of the class. She is always looking out for her friends and is there to cheer others up.
Coming to school every day this week with a huge smile and being ready to learn.
Year 2
Her fantastic effort this week with her reading. Well done.
Always being a caring member of the class and offering help to your classmates, well done!
Year 3/4NW
Always giving 100% to everything and being a joy to have in class.
Using skills learnt in reading to clarify the meaning of words confidently.
Year 3/4A
Your attention toi detail and effort with your work this week. Particularly in your story.
Making great choices both in and out of the classroom. You are a fantastic role model.
Year 5
Grace G
Coming into school with a great attitude.
Showing kindness to others.
Year 6
Jacey for being an excellent team leader, great tactical choices and looking after her team members.
For working through each task well and challenging himself even further wherever he can.
Parkland Panthers– PE awards
Year 1 – Jaden and Isabel
Year 2 – Ellie and Lacey
Year3/4A –
Year 3/4NW –
Year 5 – Julia and Harvey
Year 6 – Grace and Alfie H