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Parkland Post – 22nd October

This week

Welcome to this week’s Parkland Post at the end of what has been a magnificent start to our school year!  

This week, we sent out our green, amber and red letters to show the level of attendance this half term.  It is incredibly important that your child is in school every day and is on time as pupils begin learning as soon as they arrive.  

Please remember to social distance wherever possible over half term and if you begin to display any symptoms, book a PCR test so you can keep all members of our school community safe. 
We hope you have a lovely holiday.  Don’t forget that we return on Tuesday 2nd November as we have a training day on Monday 1st November – we can’t wait to see you all for Autumn 2!

We were joined by Rev. Mary Winters for our Harvest Festival who talked about gratitude; what each of us should be thankful for.  Our pupils made us proud with their contributions as they talked about food from around the world, Fairtrade and climate change and the singing was simply beautiful.  Thank you for all of your contributions to our local food bank at Rev Winters’ church; it will help so many families.      

This week’s learning
In assembly on Monday, Mrs Wierzbianski had some volunteers from each class in Years 1-6.  Each class had worked together to create a Learning Charter and decided what their rights, responsibilities were and what consequences and rewards were available to them.  Each volunteer spoke clearly and communicated well with the whole school which can be quite a nerve-wracking experience.  It was a shining example of how we can succeed together which is one of our Co-op Ways of Being.


Sports clubs for both Key stages, ND Dance and Drama continue as normal after half term.

Coding Club with Miss Connors will start on Monday the 8th of November (10 Places for Y4 and Y5).

Science Club has now finished and Christmas Craft will start on Tuesdays after half term (10 Places for Y5 and Y6).

Breakdancers have had a text about the next block of lessons, please let us know if you do or don’t want your place. Each childs parent/carer on the list has recieved a text. The cost for the next block will be £18 due on or before the 22nd October. Thank you.

Harvest Competiton

 It was an extremely tough competition and one thing is clear – Parkland pupils are such a talented bunch!  We had scarecrows of all shapes and sizes and each and every one of them was so creative.  Thank you for taking the time to enter the competition, your winners are:

Nursery- Rory & Charlotte

Reception- Chloe P & Harper

Year 1- Paisley & Willow

Year 2- Alfie & Piper

Year 3/4A- Miley & Joshua

Year 3/4NW- Mya & Tommy

Year 5- Poppy & Connor

Year 6- Callum & Lucy

Parents Evening 29th/30th November

We want your views on our upcoming parents evening! Please complete this form so we can get a view of how you think we can to run it

Parents evening form- your view

Parent Forum Dates

Thank you to those parents that attended our previous forum, it is important that we get your input and ideas for school. If you can make the next one please join us for tea and cake and a good chat! Here are the dates for the rest of the year.

November 25th

January 27th

March 4th

May 5th

Parkland Pride

Do what matters most

Be yourself, always

Show you care

Succeed together



Her positive attitude and enthusiasm for learning.


For her ever developing confidence and showing us what a superstar she is!



For always making the right choices and encouraging her friends to do the same.  


For always working hard in phonics and trying his best. 

Year 1


Being a shape wizard this week during geometry week. Jude knows all his 2D and 3D shapes!


Her fabulous and grown up attitude to learning this half term! Poppie has shown fantastic learning behaviours.

Year 2


Striving to achieve his targets, well done!


Working well with others in the classroom, well done!

Year 3/4NW


 Fantastic independent writing- You wrote a lovely story!


Making real effort with her independent writing and joining in more.

Year 3/4A


Always doing the right thing and being a brilliant role model.


Always trying hard in everything that you do. You take so much pride and care in all aspects of school life.

Year 5


Always doing her best and approaching challenges with a fierce attitude.


Excellent independent work, always doing his best and being a superb member of Y5.

Year 6


For discussing her special item and creating her own symbol to represent herself.


Her fantastic work in RE this week where we have focused on symbols and symbolism.