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Parkland Post – 12th November

This week

Welcome to this week’s Parkland Post.  What an action packed week we have had!  

Cycle Week

It has been Cycle Week and each pupil from Years 2 to 6 has had a cycling session in our playgrounds.  They have learnt how to be safe when cycling, how to look after bikes and have either been scooting or pedalling around having an incredible amount of fun! We would like to thank everyone from ‘Becycling’  for coming in to teach our pupils and we look forward to seeing you later in the academic year.

Marvellous Maths

Mrs Wierzbianski had an opportunity to visit each class in KS2 this week to speak to pupils about Power Maths, something which we have introduced in school to support our White Rose Maths approach.  Pupils were enthusiastic when talking about their new practice books and the various types of tasks which they complete during each maths session.  It was lovely to see how well the pupils are using concrete resources to give them a deeper understanding of maths concepts such as partitioning.  
In the playgrounds this week, our times table focus in KS2 has been the 8 x table and your children are becoming much more confident as each week passes. Please continue to support your child by practising these tables at home as it will soon become second nature.  In KS1, their focus has been counting in 2s from 20 and they have done a great job, again becoming more confident when calling them out.  I know that Miss Anson is thrilled with the positive buzz around school for all things maths!

Remembrance Day

On Thursday, we came together as a school to remember those who gave our lives for our future.  Miss Connors led the assembly and was impressed by the pupils’ knowledge about remembrance before we observed the two-minute silence.  Members from each class brought examples of poppy wreaths which they had made together and other examples of artwork which look stunning on our display board in the hall.  
We hope you enjoy your weekend and we will see you bright and early on Monday morning!

Family Breakfast

Children in Need

Children in Need is coming up!

On Friday the 19th of November, we ask that you come to school in non uniform or Pudsey bear themed if possible. We ask that you donate £1 via parent pay.

Thank you for your support

Parent Forum Dates

Thank you to those parents that attended our previous forum, it is important that we get your input and ideas for school. If you can make the next one please join us for tea and cake and a good chat! Here are the dates for the rest of the year.

November 25th

January 27th

March 4th

May 5th

Parkland Pride

Do what matters most

Be yourself, always

Show you care

Succeed together



For developing relationships with his peers.


For engaging in different activities in the classroom.



For always being a kind and helpful member of our class. We can always rely on Esmai to make the right choices!


For working hard to practise and apply his phonics skills when playing in the classroom. Well done Arlo!

Year 1


Always putting 100% into everything she does, and coming to school with a huge smile.

Charlie Joe

His fantastic maths work this week. Charlie has been a number whizz!

Year 2


Focussing her targets and always trying her best!


Excellent behaviour at all times and always making the right choice.

Year 3/4NW


Always giving 100% to everything and being willing to share her thoughts with the class.


Always trying her best and being enthusiastic about everything.

Year 3/4A


Being a really supportive learning buddy. You and your partners have worked hard and I was really impressed with your use of sentence stems to aid this.


Putting everything into all aspects of your learning.  You are incredibly modest but I have noticed all of your achievements and success.  Keep being you! 

Year 5


Working hard to be supportive and encouraging team member inside outdoors.


Always doing the right thing and bringing out the best in everyone.

Year 6


For the research she did and biography she wrote about Carl Linnaeus. She has created a double page spread which is packed full of information.


For supporting other members in 6PW not only in class but in the playground too. Lucy has such a caring nature.