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Parkland Post – 28th January

This week

Welcome to this week’s Parkland Post!  Dare we say it, it is definitely beginning to feel a bit more like spring – we have had some fabulous sunrises and sunsets and have noticed the birds in our local area are very busy which links very nicely to this weekend’s Skills Builder home task. 

Big Garden Birdwatch

This week on Newsround, our children watched a report on which birds you might see in our gardens and parks.  The RSPB are holding their Big Garden Bird Watch this weekend and invite you to join in with more than one million other people to count the number of birds you see in one hour.  Taking part is as easy as 1, 2, 3.
1.  Watch the birds around you for one hour.

2.  Count how many species of bird land on your patch.

3.  Go online and tell the RSPB what you saw.

Free Trees

This Saturday morning between 10am and 1pm, Bradford Council are giving away a free tree to all Bradford residents.  If you go to the entrance of Cliffe Castle in Keighley, there will be Silver Birch, Downy Birch, Scotch Pine and Crab Apple trees available for you to choose from.  This is part of the #TreeforEveryChildBradford project.

The Vikings Are Coming!

Next week, Years 3 and 4 will take part in a historically themed day of learning.  Each crew will have a full day to dress like a dreng, haggle like a merchant and fight like a Viking.  We will share photographs and feedback from the pupils in next week’s Parkland Post!

We hope you have a wonderful weekend and that you are able to get back to nature whether you spend time in your garden or go to a local park.  If you do anything that you wish to share with the staff at school, please remember you can do this by sending a photograph of your child taking part in the Skills Builder task or something else which they enjoy taking part in such as being part of a football team.  We will see you bright and early on Monday morning!

After School Clubs

All of our clubs are back on from next Monday, please see the website for the list of clubs.

Contact school if you would like a place on any of clubs, please be aware some are already full be we can add you to the waiting list.

Covid Isolation

Starting from Monday 31st the covid guidance for school will change.

If a child is either showing symptoms or has a confirmed positive test (lateral flow or PCR) only they will need to isolate and stay home from school, siblings will not have to isolate. We will be monitoring the situation closely and this may change depending on the number of cases. Work is being uploaded regularly to your childs online learning platform.

Please call us if your child has symptoms or has a positive test, if you need any advice or need to know how long your childs isolation will last please call 119 or use the NHS covid app.

Thank you.

Parent Forum Dates

Thank you to those parents that attended our previous forum, it is important that we get your input and ideas for school.

If you can make the next one please join us for tea and cake and a good chat! Here are the dates for the rest of the year.

January 27th– rescheduled to February 10th

March 4th

May 5th

Time to Talk Day – 3rd February

On 3rd February, we will be marking MIND’s Time to Talk Day in school.  Our children will take part in activities during the day which will encourage them to strike up conversations, give time and space for them to discuss different issues and at playtime, we will be doing a walk and talk where we will incorporate our daily exercise with added chatting.  

Meet Miss Griffiths

Hi everyone! I am Miss Griffiths and I am the new Year 1 teacher and I am very excited to be starting out my teaching career here at Parkland. The last few weeks have been lovely getting to know my new class and I am  looking forward to the rest of the year.

Outside of school, I have always been a very sporty person. I have grown up taking dance, gymnastics and cheerleading lessons and always loved being upside down or flipping around. I have also taken part in lots of productions with my dance school; most of them we were lucky enough to perform at St George’s Hall in Bradford.

You can see our full staff list on the website in the ‘Meet our Team!’ section on the home page.

Pride Awards



For using scientific vocabulary- Tillie could tell us what translucent meant and find materials that were translucent.


For coming to Nursery and trying hard to follow routines and join in with her class mates. Well done Skylar.


Chloe G

For trying her best to be a good friend to the other children. 


For working really hard in phonics. Ava-Leigh is always ready to learn and is making lots of progress. Well done Ava-Leigh!

Year 1


For always wanting to learn and practice new skills, especially in her writing. 


For wanting to make sure everyone in the class is happy and making things to help cheer his friends up if they are upset.

Year 2


Her improved concentration and working hard to succeed. Well done!


His determination making his raft in design technology this week. Well done!

Year 3/4A


Your extra special effort in maths.  You always work hard but you have given even more this week with subtraction.  Well done.  


Always having a positive, ‘can do’ attitude.  I am so impressed Leila! Even when it is a challenge, you always have a go! Well done.

Year 3/4NW


For having enthusiasm with our Anglo saxon and Viking topic, you have found out lots of extra facts and shared them with us.


Showing massive improvement in her presentation of work this week, it’s fantastic!

Year 5


Showing kindness and friendship to those who need it in class and outside of class.


Excellent contributions to class discussions, particularly in English and helping others develop ideas.

Year 6


Always taking care of others in school.


Working really hard to multiply fractions in maths.

Parkland Panthers- Pupils who shone in their PE sessions this week

Year 2- Angel and Lola

Year 3– Amelia and Tommy Lee

Year 5 – Lyle and Gracie Lou

Year 6 – Eugene, Grace and Lucy

Do what matters most

Be yourself, always

Show you care

Succeed together