Parkland Post – 18th March
This week
Welcome to this week’s Parkland Post, our pupils have had another busy week! It was lovely to see our Year 1 children doing some planting outside as part of their focus on recognising the differences between living and non-living things. We have had some visits from our local PCSO Andy Blood who came to talk to our Year 5 and 6 pupils. He was also able to spend some time with our Reception class talking about his job – they even had the chance to look at a police car!
On behalf of Justin Bowmans family we have a collection tin for the charity ‘4Louis’ in school. There is a collection tub in main office and we have charity bands and lanyards for sale in Nursery from next week. Please ask us if you would like to buy something or make a donation.
Skills builder task
This week’s Skills Builder family challenge is to work together to create a piece of natural art. Andy Goldsworthy is an artist who was educated locally in Harrogate and at Bradford College and specialises in natural art – you could Google his art work and have a look at some of the images. If you complete this challenge, please send a photograph and there will be 5 Parkland Points for each child who takes part and they will go on our wall of fame in school!
Police Visit in Reception
Reception had some very special visitors today and they enjoyed every moment of it! They got to sit in the police car, learn about what police officers wear, the different vehicles they use and what they do to help us. Your child will have photos uploaded on to Tapestry in the coming days.
Red Nose Day Bake Off Winners & Gallery!
Pupil Winner- Billy Boulton
Parent Winner- Emma Quinlan
Staff Winner- Mrs Walsh
Parent Forum Dates
Thank you to those parents that attended our previous forum, it is important that we get your input and ideas for school.
If you can make the next one please join us for tea and cake and a good chat! Here are the dates for the rest of the year.
March 24th
May 5th
Pride Awards
For having a positive week in Nursery.
For showing a good understanding of small, medium and large in maths this week.
For working hard in phonics and remembering lots of sounds. Well done Aliza!
For joining in and asking lots of interesting questions during our visit from the police.
Year 1
For trying hard in phonics even when he finds it tricky
For always being kind, smiling and helping out in class.
Year 2
Being a fantastic role model both in and out of the classroom! Well done Jordan!
Trying really hard to be a good learner and supporting others in the classroom in order to succeed
Year 3/4A
Your positive attitude and encouraging your peers- this was particularly evidently when we were thinking about Ivan’s decision in English.
Demonstrating a positive attitude towards learning and trying hard so that learning starts straight away- keep it up!
Year 3/4NW
Jack B
Working really hard to improve the quality of this writing
Always offering to share your brilliant ideas with the rest of the class.
Year 5
For being a kind and caring friend to all, you have worked hard all week.
Showing resilience in his learning this week, keep it up Lincoln!
Year 6
Always doing the right thing.
Making extra effort this week to understand and convert measures.
Parkland Panthers- Pupils who shone in their PE sessions this week
Year 1 – Paisley and Jaden
Year 2 – Alfie and Lola
Year 3/4 – Anthony and Scarlett
Year 5 – Shafa and Kieran
Year 6 – Lillie
Do what matters most
Be yourself, always
Show you care
Succeed together