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Parkland Post – 1 April

This week

Welcome to this week’s Parkland Post, we hope you have managed to thaw out after the snow yesterday; it certainly has been a crazy weather week!  
Leadership Updates
We are delighted to announce that Jack Sowter, the current Headteacher at Co-op Academy Nightingale, will be the new Executive Primary Headteacher for West Yorkshire.  This means that he will be working with Miss Connors, the leadership team and all the staff at providing the very best education and opportunities for your children.  
Miss Connors is currently absent so Mrs Wierzbianski will be Acting Headteacher until she returns; we wish Miss Connors a speedy recovery and hope to have her back soon.  We are also thrilled to announce that Ms Pascoe has been appointed as Assistant Headteacher here at Parkland and we wish her luck as she begins her new role with us.

Oliver Twist

We are very lucky to end the week with M&M productions and Oliver Twist! The children are laughing and singing along from start to end. Year 5 and 6 will be taking part in a workshop straight after, hopefully they come home and tell you all about it!

We hope you have a wonderful weekend and we will see you bright and early on Monday morning for our last week of term!  

Skills Builder Task

Once you have completed your story, please take a photo of it and send it to Facebook Messenger or bring it into school on Monday morning.  Everyone who completes the challenge will receive 5 Parkland Points and their photo will go on our Skills Builder wall of fame!

Bikeability Year 1 and Reception

Easter Competition

In addition to our Easter competition we will also be having an Easter raffle this year.

Tickets will be sold from the main office from Thursday the 31st of March.

All prize winners for the raffle and for the Easter competition will be announced on the last day of term in our assemblies

Nursery to Year 2- 9am

Year 3 to Year 6- 2.15pm

Friday is also a non uniform day for all children

Parent Forum Dates

Thank you to those parents that attended our previous forum, it is important that we get your input and ideas for school.

If you can make the next one please join us for tea and cake and a good chat! Here are the dates for the rest of the year.

May 5th

Pride Awards



 For her improved attendance and attitude to school.


For being a great role model to her peers.



For working really hard in maths and making a great picture using black dots. 


For her fantastic reading! Bethany is now able to read lots of words with digraphs in. Well done Bethany!

Year 1


Contributing lots of lovely adjectives to our shared piece of writing.


Always putting 100% into your work especially your English work this week it has been a pleasure to read.

Year 2


Being a fantastic friend and fantastic role model! Well Done!


Great perserverance in order to succeed and fantastic maths skills this week!

Year 3/4A


Setting a wonderful example of being an ‘always’ learner and working with anyone and everyone in this exemplar way.  


Always having a kind and caring nature.  You are a truly wonderful member of our class.  

Year 3/4NW


Working hard to improve your sentence structure. You wrote a fabulous prediction for our story.


Excellent understanding of unit and non-unit fractions

Year 5


Not giving up! Not in maths, and not in English, you are getting so bold!


Sharing some really mature thoughts about relationships and body image in PSHE.

Year 6


Great research into what is causing the biggest threat to Antarctica


Supporting his peers with their learning.

Parkland Panthers- Pupils who shone in their PE sessions this week

Year 1 – Leah and Charlie

Year 2 – Noah and Ellie

Year 3/4 – Kris, Callum G, Tia, Riley and Scarlett T

Year 5 – Ffion and Grace

Year 6 – Rocco and Grace

Do what matters most

Be yourself, always

Show you care

Succeed together