Parkland Post – 1st July
This week
Welcome to this week’s Parkland Post. Our children made us proud this week when they spoke to Mr Featherstone, our Vice Chair of the Academy Governing Council about the trips and experiences they have had this year. They talked fondly about where they had been and what they had learnt along the way. Years 3 and 4 were able to tell us a great deal about how the Vikings went into battle and are looking forward to being able to share their Egyptian death masks with parents at an event which is detailed below. Year 6 talked about how they developed resilience and overcame their fears when caving and Year 5 were looking forward to a visit to a local mosque.
Careers Week and Enterprise Day/Fiver Challenge
Next week, we will be having our Careers Week which will end with an Enterprise Day on Friday 8th July. Each class will be given £5 to ‘grow’ – they will have to decide as a class what sort of enterprise they are going to take part in, prepare and resource it and share it with you all on Friday afternoon at 2:30pm. We will be welcoming parents and carers into school to look at the children’s stall/enterprise ideas – please don’t forget to bring some pennies as each class will be trying to raise as much money as they can; the winning class receiving a certificate for their achievements. Careers Week is an opportunity to develop our Co-op Ways of Being and Skills Builder skills. Who knows, there might be a budding entrepreneur in our midst.
Transition Day
On Wednesday 6th July, our children will be meeting their new class teachers in preparation for the new academic year. They will have an opportunity to set goals for the new year, discuss their hopes and what they’re most looking forward to doing. Our new Reception class will have their transition from 10am and have their lunch at 11:30am. Our Year 6 pupils will have their transition on Tuesday 5th July if they are attending Immanuel College and Wednesday the 6th July if they are attending Hanson.
Year 6 Performance
We are delighted to invite you to watch the Year 6 end of year performance ‘Go for Gold’ on Thursday 14th July at 1:30pm in our school hall. A letter will be sent out to Year 6 families next week for you to apply for tickets which will be allocated on a first come first served basis. The play promises to have you laughing, crying and everything in between as you are taken on a journey to Athens in Ancient Greek times.
Egyptian Exhibition
Years 3 and 4 are going to hold a showcase of their work on Thursday 14th July at 3pm in the main hall – we would be thrilled if you could join us. They will give a short presentation and then you will be taken around their exhibition.
Sports Days
Sports Days are as follows:
Nursery: Thursday 14th July 11am and 2:15pm
Reception and KS1 – Rec, Years 1 and 2: Wednesday 13th July 9:30am
KS2 – Years 3, 4, 5 and 6: Wednesday 13th July 1:30pm
We hope to see as many of you there as possible and that the rain stays away!
And finally...
We hope you have a wonderful weekend, Mrs Wierzbianski is going to the Lake District and will be taking Jet for some very long walks and Ms Pascoe will be spending time outdoors with her boys. We will see you bright and early on Monday morning!
Pride Awards!
Doing a wonderful drawing.
For always being so kind and helpful. Ava is a great role model for the other children and always makes the right choices.
For working hard to make a bird box. Mollie tried her best to follow instructions and supported her friends to do the same. Well done Mollie!
Year 1
For helping other children to use a hundred square to count during maths.
For writing some excellent predictions and explanations about whether different materials would float or sink.
Year 2
For her determination when using time in Maths and not giving up when finding things hard!
For always doing the right thing and being a fantastic role model to his peers.
Year 3/4A
For always being the best version of himself in all areas of his learning.
For your attention to detail and effort that you put into your Journey to the Afterlife explanation text. Well done.
Year 3/4NW
For improved focus on your independent work. You are listening well to instructions and always trying your best.
For working really well with others. You are always willing to share your ideas.
Year 5
For always doing the right thing and working hard.
For always doing the right thing and working hard.
Year 6
For being an excellent role model in class and outside of school.
For being a ray of sunshine all week.
Do what matters most
Be yourself, always
Show you care
Succeed together