Parkland Post – 23rd September
Welcome to the first Parkland Post of the year – it is so good to be back! Our children have made the most wonderful start to the year and have settled into their new year groups well.
Cliffe Castle Visit for Years 3 and 4
This week, Years 3 and 4 have had a visit to Cliffe Castle where they focused on rocks and soils which complements the learning in class about The Stone Age. They had the opportunity to take part in two workshops and returned full of new information and facts!
This year, we are having a big push on improving attendance at Parkland. We need our children to be in school and on time so they can take part in the learning going on as it is so difficult to keep up when they have big gaps in attendance. You can help your child and our academy by making sure your child or children are in school on time (remember we now start promptly at 8:45am) and every day.
We now have an Attendance Officer, Mr Kirton who will be working with families and pupils supporting you with getting your children into school and on time. You might see Mr Kirton on the school gate in a morning or afternoon, he may call up to houses to check in with you and will be part of our celebration assemblies every half term.
Individual and Family Photographs
These will be taking place on the 3rd of October. If you require family photographs, please come at 8am for these to be taken. The line for these will close at 8:45am, please don’t leave it until the last minute to join the line as there may not be time to have these taken. Individual photographs will be taken and a proof copy will be sent home for you to view.
We hope you have a fabulous weekend, Mrs Wierzbianski will be enjoying lots of walks in the autumnal weather and Ms Pascoe will be catching up on some sleep!!
We will see you bright and early on Monday morning!
Pride Awards!
For joining in and sharing her ideas during class discussions.
For always paying attention and listening carefully at story time.
Year 1
Settling into year 1 with a fantastic attitude. Esmai has been a delight to have in our classroom and we can’t wait to see her flourish this year.
Always putting 100% into everything that she does.
Year 2
For being an excellent friend and supporting others.
Always trying her best and involvement in class discussions.
Year 3
Always taking care to present your work neatly.
Sharing wonderful ideas in class.
Year 4
All of Year 4
For their fantastic behaviour and enthusiasm on the class trip this week.
Year 5
For making fantastic contributions during maths lessons.
For being helpful and supportive of her classmates.
Year 6
For always doing his best and doing so with enthusiasm no matter what the task.
Caring deeply about her own progress and having compassion for those around her.
Do what matters most
Be yourself, always
Show you care
Succeed together