Parkland Post – 21st October
Welcome to the final Parkland Post of the first half of the autumn term. Our children have made a fantastic start to the academic year, there have been so many things to celebrate such as: our Bench Ball Tournament winners; the development of our Peace Garden; our new Eco Warrior team who attended the Eco Conference and our School Councillors who attended the Pupil Voice Conference in Manchester at 1 Angel Square. In addition to this, the children have been proudly showing their work each week in our celebration assemblies.
Staffing Changes
We are saying goodbye and a HUGE thank you to Mrs Cooper who has been teaching in Year 4 and Mrs McGough who has been teaching in Year 5 for their hard work and dedication to our children. We wish them both lots of luck in their next ventures.
Miss Evans will be teaching Y4 after half term, sharing the role with Mrs Nunn. We will confirm who will be sharing the class teacher role with Miss Heaven in Year 5 at the beginning of the new half term. Ms Pascoe will be teaching in Year 6 and is leading the residential at Ingleborough Hall.
Training Day – Monday 31st October
Don’t forget, we are closed on Monday 31st October for a training day. We will reopen on Tuesday 1st November and our doors will be open for the children at 8:40am so you can drop KS2 children off first and still get your KS1 and Early Years children in for our start time of 8:45am.
School doors – open from 8:40am so lessons can start promptly at 8:45am.
Halloween Competition winners
We had such a high standard of Halloween entries for our pumpkin themed competition; you are all so creative! Well done to everyone who took part. The winners are:
Nursery – Erin S and River
Reception – Rory and Tallulah
Year 1 – Neveah and Harper
Year 2 – Isabel and Ruby
Year 3 – Emmanuel and Fabien
Year 4 – Tia and Olivia
Year 5 – Mya and Millie
Year 6 – Lincoln, Lyle, Alfie and Layla
Skills Builder Challenge
Our Skills Builder challenge is the final one with a Teamwork skill focus. Please continue to send your photographs via Facebook Messenger if you complete the challenge so we can add it to our wall of fame in the entrance hall.
Class Charts
After half term, we will be launching Class Charts which is a positive behaviour system and will be replacing Parkland Points. Your children will be able to earn points which are added to their own virtual tally and as they collect points, they will be able to cash them in for exciting rewards such as: a dip in the new and improved prize box; pin badges; Lego sets; craft kits; skip to the front of the queue passes and even an afternoon tea with Mrs Wierzbianski and Ms Pascoe! Each of these rewards have different point amounts so your child can work towards a reward which only has a small amount of points or save their points for a bigger reward. They can receive points for:
We will be holding an information session on Class Charts and our new Positive Behaviour Policy on Thursday 3rd November so you can hear about the exciting changes we have in store. More information will follow nearer the time.
And finally…
We hope you have a wonderful half term holiday and will be keeping our fingers crossed that we get to enjoy some autumnal sunshine. Mrs Wierzbianski is looking forward to a family break in Norfolk where she will be running Jet on the beach and Ms Pascoe will be heading down South to catch up with family and friends. We will see you all bright and early on Tuesday 1st November where our doors will open at 8:40am. Thank you for all of your support this half term; we really do appreciate it.
Pride Awards!
For having a fantastic attitude to learning. Well done George!
For organising and helping other children during a game of dominoes. Lilly-Mae was able to subitise each domino and supported other children to do the same.
Year 1
Being an amazing friend and member of Year 1. Harper is always looking out for her peers and is always there to give a helping hand.
Being a wonderful member of Year 1. Bridie-Mae put her all into everything she does. We are so proud.
Year 2
Starting each lesson ready to work and putting in his best effort.
Coming to school on time and ready to learn with a smile.
Year 3
Always working hard and being an excellent role model in class.
Settling into school nicely and beginning to learn our classroom routines.
Year 4
Always putting 100% effort into her work and for being a marvellous role model.
For planning, designing and creating a superb advertisement.
Year 5
For always being willing to give help with ICT to adults and his classmates.
For being kind, considerate and helpful to everyone in the class.
Year 6
Working extremely hard in maths and sharing his answers and methods with the rest of the class.
Always being such a wonderful and calm presence in class. We have been so lucky for you to share your personal items and moments in RE.
Do what matters most
Be yourself, always
Show you care
Succeed together