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Parkland Post – 4th November

Welcome to this week’s Parkland Post in what has been a very busy and focused beginning to the second half of our autumn term.  This half term is always a busy one as we have our Remembrance assembly, Children in Need Day and there will be lots of Christmas events coming up.  We have included these dates below for you.    

Key dates

  • Remembrance Assembly Friday 11th November at 9am
  • Family Breakfast with a Road Safety Theme Tuesday 15th November from 8am until 8:40am 
  • Children in Need Day Friday 18th November
  • Parent Forum Thursday 24th November at 9am
  • Non-uniform day (please bring in donations for the Christmas Fair) Friday 2nd December
  • Nativity (Reception, Years 1 and 2) dates and times to be confirmed
  • Christmas Fair date and time to be confirmed
  • KS2 Carol Service Wednesday 14th December time to be confirmed
  • Non-uniform day and Christmas parties Friday 16th December
  • End of term assembly Friday 16th December at 9am


Last week, our Year 6 pupils went to Ingleborough Hall for their residential.  As soon as they arrived, they were straight into the action – collecting kit for activities, making their beds and going out for either gorge scrambling, caving or orienteering.  It was a fun-filled three days and each and every one of our children did us proud.  They challenged themselves throughout the three days and built essential skills and have all shown the ways of being.  Thank you to the staff who accompanied our children for the three days, expertly looked after them, encouraged them and made sure they were able to make memories they will never forget.

Class Charts

We have launched our Class Charts reward system this week, our children have loved earning points towards some fantastic prizes such as skip the queue pass, extra playtime and even afternoon tea with Mrs Wierzbianski and Ms Pascoe.  They will continue to earn points and each week during Celebration assemblies, the child with the highest number of points will get a dip in our prize box. 

Skills Builder – Aim High

Our new Skills Builder skill for this half term is ‘Aiming High’.  We have Class Charts points specifically for Skills Builder which our children can earn and each half term, our teachers will be choosing one person from their class who has embodied the skill the most who will receive a certificate for their efforts.  

We will give extended time this week for the Skills Builder challenge to encourage as many of you as possible to complete the task and win Class Charts points for it.  Once your child has completed it, send their work in or send a photo of it via our Facebook Messenger page.  We can’t wait to see what your dream job will be.

Remembrance Assembly

Our Remembrance Assembly will take place this Friday the 11th November at 9am.  You are warmly invited to join us as our children will be sharing work they have been doing and we will have a minute’s silence within our assembly.   

And finally…

Thank you to everyone who has managed to be in school every day and on time.  Our doors open at 8:40am to allow for multiple drop offs, ensuring all children are ready for learning at 8:45am.  A Class Charts point is given to every child who is in school all week and on time as being in school is incredibly important for your child’s education.  

Pride Awards!



For working hard and trying her best to concentrate doing group work.


For her fantastic reading and learning to ‘Fred in her head’.

Year 1


For her improved efforts across the curriculum this week.  Bethany is focused and ready to learn at all times.  Keep it up!


For his fabulous and continuous efforts in Maths this week.  Blake is an addition whizz!

Year 2


Excellent effort and class contributions.


For superb recall of learning and showing perseverance.

Year 3


Learning how to work together as a team.  You are really supporting each other as learning partners – keep it up! 


Learning how to work together as a team.  You are really supporting each other as learning partners – keep it up! 

Year 4


Working so hard on his work no matter what the subject and helping others in his group.


Being a caring and considerate member of the class

Year 5


For persevering with writing, especially when writing a poem this week.


For always being on task and putting 100% into everything she does – well done!

Year 6

All of Year 6

All of Year 6 for being superstars on their residential!

Be yourself, always

Show you care

Succeed together

Do what matters most