Parkland Post – 2nd December
Welcome to another packed Parkland Post! It has been yet another busy week with Nativity rehearsals, PE tournaments and the introduction of some key roles in our academy!
Key dates
Please see the poster below for our Christmas activities; there are so many exciting things happening!
Playground Buddies
Children in KS2 have applied to become Playground Buddies this week, which involved them completing an application form detailing the qualities they had and what they would do to improve playtimes and lunchtimes for our children. They have had their first training session with Mr Parkinson today and are already thinking of the different games they will be playing each day. Look out next week for photographs of them in action.
School Councillors
Our new School Councillors have been voted in this week and last year’s Councillors have handed over the baton. We would like to thank: Noah, Piper, Deacon, Hunter, Jayden, Aishah, Charlee and Layla for their hard work and dedication to making our academy run more smoothly.
We would like to welcome our new Councillors for the year ahead: Isabel and Charlie-Joe in Year 2, Leo and Noah in Year 3, Ayrton and Kiarna in Year 4, Peyton and Hunter in Year 5 and Gracie-Lou and Alfie in Year 6. Their class members believed that they would do an incredible job and have voted for them to lead our academy forward over the course of this academic year.
PE Tournament
16 of our Year 5 and 6 pupils took part in the Indoor Athletic Tournament which was hosted by Co-op Academy Priesthorpe yesterday afternoon. Our pupils behaved impeccably well and were praised for this by other adults at the event. They returned looking glum but were having us on as they then whipped out silver medals! We are so proud of the way they carried themselves and represented our academy.
Skills Builder Home Challenge
We hope you have a fabulous weekend and that it actually gets light and less foggy! Mrs Wierzbianski is planning to walk Jet and then eat cake! Ms Pascoe is going to A Christmas Fair!
We will see you all bright and early on Monday morning – doors open at 8:40am.
Pride Awards!
For working hard on her morning task, sounding out and writing CVC words.
For working hard at carpet time and always willing to have a go.
Year 1
Alex M-R
For his fantastic effort and input into our history lessons this week. Alex enjoyed looking at old toys and comparing them with new ones.
For improved efforts and attitude to learning this week. Chloe has been trying really hard in all curriculum areas.
Year 2
For being brave and asking for help when she doesn’t understand – Amelia has worked much more confidently this week.
For putting an amazing effort into his independent piece of writing this week.
Year 3
For continually improving in our writing lessons.
For a superb scientific explanation about what would happen if we didn’t have bones.
Year 4
For excellent determination and persistence in maths – even when it is challenging.
For always being an excellent role model. You work so hard and are such a credit to Year 4!
Year 5
Jack K
For his act of kindness with the PE tournament medals. What a superstar!
For being a calm and mature member of Year 5.
Year 6
For persevering with your maths this week. Well done Kieran!
For always being a happy and friendly member of the class.
Be yourself, always
Show you care
Succeed together
Do what matters most