Parkland Post – 16th December
Ho, ho, ho and welcome to the last week of our Autumn term! We are definitely feeling festive this week with the EYFS/KS1 Nativity, our KS2 Carol Concert, Christmas Jumper Day, Christmas dinner, class parties and end of year assembly! Mrs Wierzbianski definitely needs to up her game next year with her Christmas jumper, it simply didn’t have enough glitter, lights and tunes to keep up with the amazing examples your children were wearing this year! Jet even joined in this week with his Christmas jumper – he was thrilled to be in school with our children again.
Christmas Dinner
Our wonderful kitchen team prepared and cooked a delicious Christmas dinner for all of our children and staff on Thursday – they looked amazing in their Christmas T-shirts and everyone pulled a cracker whilst sharing jokes and having a good sing to the Christmas tunes. Thank you so very much for all of our kitchen team and dinner hall team who ensure your children are looked after.
Skills Builder Home Challenge
Attendance this term has been much lower than we would like. We can appreciate and understand when your children are really poorly and it is right to keep them at home during these times. If they just feel a little bit unwell and are fit enough to be in school, please send them in as more often than not, they start to feel better when they get busy with their work and friends. Attendance at school is incredibly important and coming to school every day allows your child to get the best possible education. If your child attends all week and is on time, they will receive 5 attendance Class Charts points – now that’s worth being in school!
School Uniform
As we begin a new year as well as a new term in January, please ensure your child/ren are wearing the correct uniform which can be found at the link below:
We do have a uniform exchange where you can take home items of uniform for your children. We do have postcard reminders for uniform which may be sent home from time to time. Our uniform shows we are part of a community. Wearing it says we’re all in this together. Thank you for your support with this.
As 2022 draws to a close, we would like to wish all of our families a safe, happy and magical Christmas and New Year and that you have a restful break. I hope you will join me in wishing our staff a well-deserved holiday and we will see you on Wednesday 4th January 2023 – doors open at 8:40am ready for lessons beginning at 8:45am.
Pride Awards!
For her excellent progress in phonics. Alyssa can now read sentences independently!
For always being in the right place, at the right time, making the right choices.
Year 1
For his tremendous efforts in everything that he does. Blayd has made so much progress this term and we’re all so proud.
For always putting 100% effort into all that she does.
Year 2
For fantastic efforts in trying to achieve his targets. Well done.
For excellent effort and perseverance in everything she does.
Year 3
For exceptional attitude to learning.
For showing great pride in her work.
Year 4
For bringing laughter and joy into our classroom everyday.
For consistently working hard and being a good role model.
Year 5
For always giving 100% effort in everything she does.
For a wonderfully positive attitude to learning, especially when it is challenging.
Year 6
For always working her hardest and really growing in confidence this term.
For making such great progress this term due to her excellent attitude to learning.
Be yourself, always
Show you care
Succeed together
Do what matters most