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Parkland Post – 6th January

Welcome to the first Parkland Post of 2023!  We hope you have had a relaxing Christmas and New Year and that you are all ready for what is going to be a fantastic year.  Our children returned after the break with lots of stories to share and have been ready to learn.  We were visited by Mr Featherstone, one of our Governors this week who had the chance to meet lots of you on the school gate at the end of the day on Thursday.   

Home-School Agreement

Our new home school agreement will be sent to each family next week for you to read, sign and return to school.  Research has consistently shown that active parental interest makes a great deal of difference to how well children do at school.  You can help more effectively if you know what our academy is trying to achieve and what you can do to offer support.  Every home-school agreement which is returned by Friday 13th January will be entered into a prize draw to win a hamper containing food and drink.  The draw will take place in next Friday’s celebration assembly from 2:45pm.


Our school uniform plays a key role in promoting pride, self-confidence and a feeling of belonging for our children.  Please make sure your children are wearing the correct uniform, including school shoes and not trainers.  The full list of uniform can be found here:

School Uniform

We will be checking uniform over the next week and sending home postcard reminders if the correct clothing or footwear is not being worn.  Don’t forget, we have our uniform exchange where you can take home uniform which is nearly new.  We thank you for your cooperation with this – Uniform shows that we are in a community.  Wearing it, says we’re all in it together.

Attendance Matters

We are going to be having an attendance drive this term as our whole school percentages have dropped.  Please make sure you are sending your children into school every day and that they are on time to ensure they don’t miss out on learning and time with their peers.  A lot of research has been done on the impact of coming to school every day.  Among children with no missed sessions over KS2 (Years 3 to 6), 83.9% achieved the expected standard in SATS compared to only 40.2% of children who were persistently absent.

Skills Builder Home Challenge

Our new skill for this half term is Speaking.  Now we know how good our children are at having a natter but this skill helps our children to develop how to speak clearly and effectively, how to engage others and how to speak to others and influence them.  If your child has a go at our challenge, let us know on our Facebook Messenger page and your child will receive 5 Skills Builder points on Class Charts.


We hope you have a great weekend and that you are able to have a go at the Skills Builder home challenge.  Mrs Wierzbianski will be walking Jet come rain or shine and Ms Pascoe will be running a 10Km race at Harewood House.

Pride Awards!



For joining in and sharing her ideas during carpet sessions. 


For working hard in phonics. 

Year 1

All of Year 1

For a fabulous first week back. All of the children have super learners and giving 100% effort.

Year 2

All of Year 2

For excellent effort in completing tests this week

Year 3


For making a super start to the term by sharing her ideas and putting 100% effort into her work.


For making a super start to the term with a positive attitude to learning.

Year 4


For always bringing kindness, honesty and positivity into our classroom. 


For working hard and paying close attention especially on the most challenging tasks.

Year 5


For always listening and contributing to lessons.


For working hard to focus on his work and make positive changes.

Year 6

Gracie Lou

For having a really positive start to your learning in 2023.


For his enthusiasm in all areas of learning, particularly his love of challenging Maths work.

Be yourself, always

Show you care

Succeed together

Do what matters most