Parkland Post – 3rd March
Welcome to this week’s Parkland Post. It has been a busy and exciting week this week celebrating all things Fairtrade, World Book Day and hosting our Family Breakfast. As always, the children have made us extremely proud with their hard work and enthusiasm.
World Book Day and Family Breakfast
We had a fantastic day for World Book Day and the staff and pupils made a wonderful effort with their costumes. Thank you also to all of the people who attended Family Breakfast on Thursday morning, it was lovely to share breakfast with so many of you.
Careers Related Visits
During the course of this year, our children are going to be having lots of visits from people talking about their careers. This is to link with our work that we are doing through the Skills Builder programme which focuses on the skills we need for the world of work. You may have seen visitors such as the police, our school nursing team and soon, we will be having visits from the Enerveo team who will be working with our children on jobs linked to energy and sustainability. We will be sharing photographs of these visits with you in the coming weeks.
Skills Builder Home Challenge
Our new skill for this half term is Creativity and we have a brilliant task for you for this weekend. If your child completes it, send it into school to share with their teacher and they will get 5 Skills Builder Class Charts points!
Fairtrade Fortnight
This week we have been spreading the message that making the small switch to Fairtrade supports producers in protecting the future of some of our most-loved food and the planet. We have been sampling, baking and learning about different Fairtrade products, especially enjoying the chocolate samples!
And finally…
We thank you for getting your children into school and for them being on time. We would love to get our attendance at Parkland above 97%, it was 93.6% this week, so please continue to make extra effort to ensure your child is with us and ready to learn on time. We hope you have a wonderful weekend, Mrs Wierzbianski will be getting her hair done and Ms Pascoe will be watching films with her boys, we look forward to another busy week ahead.
Pride Awards!
For making friendships and always being willing to join in
For her excellent learning about capacity. Laila is now able to use the terms ‘full’ and ’empty’ independently.
For always having a great attitude to learning.
Year 1
For trying hard in phonics
For always being a kind, caring and helpful member of Year 1
Year 2
For their amazing efforts in assessments
For their amazing efforts in assessments
Year 3
For being a fantastic member of the class with a great attitude to learning.
For always looking out for her classmates, through supporting their learning. Keep it up!
Year 4
For a fantastic week back since returning from his trip. He was very missed by all of Year 4 and having him back part of our team has been wonderful.
Working hard and making the right choices consistently.
Year 5
For being an excellent classroom helper and always doing the right thing.
For good manners and always being ready to help her friends.
Year 6
All of Year 6
For extra special effort during our assessment week and seeing some amazing improvements in the results.
Be yourself, always
Show you care
Succeed together
Do what matters most