Parkland Post – 17th March
Welcome to this week’s Parkland Post. It has certainly been a busy last couple of weeks with a snow day and strike days and we are so grateful for your patience and understanding with these. Our children have had a great day today in non-uniform to raise money for Comic Relief. I set them a challenge at the start of the day to tell jokes to each other and see if they could make each other laugh – we have been giggling throughout the day!
Next week, Years 1, 3, 4 and 5 will be completing assessments so they can show off how much they have learned and remembered. Please can I ask that you make sure your children are in every day and on time so they can be part of these. The outcomes of these will be shared at our next Parents’ Evenings in May (16th and 17th).
Key Dates
Save the date – Easter Family Assembly Friday 31st March at 9am for all year groups. We will be joined by our local vicar, announce the Easter competition winners (more details will follow soon) and show some of the fabulous work our children have been working on.
Parents’ Evenings – 16th and 17th May (a letter will be sent out soon)
Family Breakfast – 20th June 2023 (details will be sent nearer the time)
Rainbow Week – 19th to the 23rd June (further details will follow nearer the time)
Comic Relief Day Photographs
Skills Builder Home Challenge
And finally…
It is going to be an action packed weekend for Mrs Wierzbianski who is going to take Jet for a trim as he is getting a bit woolly – you will be able to see him next week when he comes into school to spend time with our children and then will be spending time with family on Mothers’ Day. Ms Pascoe will be going to the Theatre in Leeds to watch some ballet.
We hope you have a wonderful weekend whatever you decide to do and we will see you bright and early on Monday morning where our doors will open at 8:40am ready for children to begin learning at 8:45am.
Pride Awards!
For doing what matters most by trying to be a good friend to others in our class.
For showing you care by being a balance bike superstar and being a great role model for his friends.
For her improved concentration and participation in phonics. Well done Tallulah!
For her great observations and descriptions of how the ice in our classroom was changing.
Year 1
Mollie-Anne and Layla-Faye
For working really hard in Maths by listening to each other and working as a team.
Year 2
For his amazing effort to join in with lessons, especially Art and Maths.
For her enthusiasm in her lessons this week, especially in Maths and Science.
Year 3
For working super hard like a champion! Amazing attitude to learning, keep it up!
For being a superstar! Well done for working so beautifully and your great attitude to learning.
Year 4
For adapting and working really well in her new table group. She has shown what a great and supportive class member she is.
For consistent effort in her work.
Year 5
For magnificent maths and succeeding in problem solving.
For working hard in English and following instructions to complete work well.
Year 6
For amazing progress in her SATS assessments.
For always putting huge amounts effort into her learning.
Be yourself, always
Show you care
Succeed together
Do what matters most