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Parkland Post – 31st March

Welcome to the final Parkland Post of the spring term!  What a busy time it has been for our children and staff.  Thank you to so many of you for attending our Easter assembly – it was lovely to have you all coming together to celebrate the children’s work and achievements.  

Easter Decorate an Egg or Bonnet Competition Winners

Congratulations to the following children who won a prize for their entries

Rec 1st Tillie-Mae 2nd Amelie

Y1 1st Willow 2nd Chloe

Y2 1st Willow 2nd Ruby

Y3 1st Charlea 2nd Phoebe

Y4 1st William 2nd Lucy

Y5 1st Lexi 2nd Isla

Y6 1st Charlee 2nd Connor

there were so many creative designs, our guest judges had a very difficult time choosing.

Attendance Matters

We had our attendance raffle in this morning’s assembly for those children who came to school 97%+.  The winner of a £50 meal voucher was Lilian Sewell, we hope you enjoy your meal out!  We will draw a raffle ticket next half term for those children who have 97%+ but you have to be in it to win it!

Class Charts and Reward Shop

Our Year 5 and 6 pupils were the first of our children to cash in some of their Class Charts points!  They chose from a selection of prizes and were thrilled with their selections.  Years 3 and 4 will be next to choose their prizes and after Easter, it will be our Years 1 and 2 and Early Years children.  Some decided to save their points for a larger prize such as a Lego set or afternoon tea with a friend.  

New arrivals

After the Easter holidays, we are going to be welcoming three new members of staff:  Mr Watson and Mrs Shirra who will take up their roles as Assistant Heads of Academy and Ms Nicola Flaherty our new Senior Learning Mentor.  Keep a look out over the next few days to find out a little bit more about them.  

And finally…

All of our staff would like to wish you and your families a very happy Easter and hope that you enjoy the holidays.  We reopen for the summer term on Monday 17th April where our doors will open at 8:40am ready for learning to begin at 8:45am prompt.  We look forward to sharing with you a range of exciting events which will be taking place in the summer term. 

Pride Awards!



For being an exemplary role model all year. We can always rely on Jamin to be a kind and caring friend and to try his best with his work. 

Year 1


For having confidence in the classroom and always trying his best!

Year 2


For being an always child! We can all rely on Willow to be a friend, a helper and hardworking member of Y2.

Year 3


She withholds all the aspects that make up ways of being for truly being a delight to teach and a role model to all. 

Year 4


For consistently being a positive and uplifting presence in our class. There is never a day Leila is not excited about her learning and eager to share her ideas with the class. She is kind, respectful and a ray of sunshine in Year 4.

Year 5A


Being an always child, she can always be relied on to help her peers.

Year 5B


For his great contributions in lessons.

Year 6


For being an excellent role model in Year 6. She is caring and sensitive and always does the right thing.

Be yourself, always

Show you care

Succeed together

Do what matters most