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Parkland Post – 5th May

Welcome to this week’s Parkland Post and what an amazing week it has been!  Don’t forget that Monday 8th May is another Bank Holiday, so we will be open again on Tuesday 9th May. Thank you to everyone who came to our Coronation Picnic and for the effort you have put in making the crowns which were incredible!  Well done to our Crown Parade winners; the School Council had such hard decisions to make.

Year 6 SATs

We would like to wish all of our Year 6 children the best of luck for next week’s SATs, you have done the hard work, and now is your time to shine.  SATs Breakfast is from 8:15 am in the Year 6 classroom – we will see you there.

PTA Meeting

We had our very first PTA meeting this week and we are very excited about our upcoming events for our Parkland community!

Key dates

More dates will be added and communicated with you as we organise trips, Early Years Stay and Play sessions and parent workshops where you will be able to come in and take part in an activity with your child.

Parents’ Evenings

Parents’ Evenings will be taking place on Tuesday 16th May 3:15-4:30 pm and Wednesday 17th May 3:15-6:00 pm.  Letters will be sent home next week, so we can collect your preferred dates and times for appointments.

Skills Builder Challenge

This week’s challenge links to our current focus on Leadership.  See if you can do this at home this weekend, send a photo of what you have managed to do to our Facebook Messenger and there will be 10 Skills Builder points on offer!

And finally…

We hope you have a fabulous weekend and enjoy the extra day off on Monday, we will reopen on Tuesday at 8:40 am.  Mrs Wierzbianski is going to enjoy an afternoon tea tomorrow with family, Ms Pascoe is having a street party, Mr Watson is going camping and Mrs Shirra is going to a friend’s party.

Pride Awards!



For being a great talk partner during our class discussions.


For her excellent effort in Phonics. Sofia has been working hard to read and write all words in Phonics.

Year 1


For always trying his best in all of his learning.


For working really hard in Maths.

Year 2


For sharing her out-of-school activities with us – we enjoy hearing about them.


For his much-improved attitude to his learning. Bowie is really showing maturity.

Year 3


For being helpful and amazing member of the class, keep it up.


For coming to school every day with a fantastic attitude to learning, well done!

Year 4


For trying really hard in her reading and moving up a level!


For working to the best of her ability in every subject.

Year 5A


For her fantastic attitude to learning. Isla really focuses in lessons, keep up this great work.


For always showing she cares. Hunter has a big smile on her face each morning and is always making the right choices.

Year 5B


For working really hard all the time and really trying to improve his skills.


Being aware of how to set work out in our books and helping others.

Year 6


For always joining in with discussions and presenting her ideas clearly.


For having compassion towards her peers during a PSHE lesson.

Be yourself, always

Show you care

Succeed together

Do what matters most