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Parkland Post - Friday 14th March 2025

Welcome to this week's Parkland Post, we have had so many things going on this week that we are glad for the weekend to finally arrive so we can all recharge for next week! We have had lots of visitors in our academy this week who have said our pupils are incredibly polite, always had a smile on their faces and held doors open for others - they really do embody our Ways of Being.     

British Science Week - 7-16th March 2025

This week, we have been marking British Science Week in each class with a variety of experiments, investigations and workshops.  Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 had fabulous workshops led by Balfour Beatty and were looking closely at construction.  Nursery had a class investigation and were very excited about the results!  Indira in Year 4 has been taking it one step further and has been doing extra science experiments at home; well done!


Attendance Matters

This week's whole school attendance was higher than last week's at 91.9% - we still have a long way to go before we hit our target of 96%; let's see if we can crack it next week!  

Red Nose Day

Next Friday, we will be wearing something funny for money or dressing in red for a donation towards some brilliant charities.  We will also be having a Parkland's Got Talent event where the children will be able to perform in front of their peers - I can't wait to see what they will all be doing!

'Just Dance' and Dine 27.3.25

Families are invited to come and dance along to our favourite songs and when you have worked up an appetite, come and dine with us.  Choose from:

  • Pasta Bolognese
  • Vegetable Pasta Bake

These will be served with a salad and garlic bread followed by either a chocolate crispy bun or fruit.  Everyone who attends will also be entered into a raffle to win some 'eggsellent' prizes (see what we did there...)

There are limited places available - to book your place please go to the 'Shop' section on Arbor.  We can't wait to see you there!

And finally...

We hope you have a wonderful weekend whatever you decide to do - the weather doesn't look too bad so hopefully you will be able to get outside into the fresh air.  I am going to be shopping with my daughter this weekend, Mr Watson is going to be celebrating with friends who are turning 30, Ms Pascoe is celebrating her husband's 40th with some surprises in store and Mrs Shirra is going to her daughter's dance show.  Whatever you decide to do, we hope you have a fabulous time doing it.  We will see you bright and early on Monday morning where our doors open at 8:40am ready for learning to begin at 8:45am - see you there!

Parkland Pride Awards 


Jeremy – Show You Care

For engaging with our inputs and working with a small group of his friends.


Tommy W - Succeed Together

Tommy has been working really hard in phonics to support others with their learning, he helps them use their Fred Fingers so they can succeed together. 

Eden - Do What Matters Most

Eden has been very brave this week with a poorly thumb, but has persisted with her learning and play, well done Eden!

Year 1

Lilly – Succeed Together

For having amazing focus in Phonics. She has remembered so many sounds and is applying them!

Arthur – Show You Care

For following instructions from adults during activities. Transitioning through school in a safe and respectful manner.

Year 2

Myla – Be Yourself, Always

For always trying your hardest in all that you do! You are fantastic helper to everyone in your class.
Rory – Show You Care

For a huge improvement in your book work this week! You have really shown that you care.

Year 3

Kaci-Jade – Be Yourself, Always

For her fantastic and infectious enthusiasm and her wonderfully positive attitude to learning.  

Arlo – Do What Matters Most

For always trying his best and joining in even when he feels unwell.

Year 4

Leah – Do What Matters Most

For showing determination and perseverance in your English and Maths work.

Indira – Show You Care

For creating some amazing pieces of work at home. I love how much enthusiasm you are showing towards your learning.

Year 5

Liam –
Be Yourself, Always

For always having such great enthusiasm! No matter what subject

Jacob– Show You Care

For putting so much effort into his work this week. He’s made some great improvements in his English work. It has been especially brilliant

Year 6

Thomas - Be Yourself, Always

For always doing everything with a smile and showing your commitment to your learning and attendance.

Laiba – Do What Matters Most

For always working exceptionally hard and putting in maximum effort.