Parkland Post – 9th June
Welcome to a very sunny Parkland Post! Our children have returned after the half term holiday ready to learn with great attitudes. We have had a number of visitors to our academy this week who have all commented on how polite and helpful our children were which makes me feel so proud.
More dates will be added and communicated with you as we organise trips, Early Years Stay and Play sessions and parent/carer workshops where you will be able to come in and take part in an activity with your child.
Big Summer Bash Attendance Reward
This week, Mrs Flaherty launched our summer attendance reward. Children have to be in school every day and on time between 12th June to 14th July. If their attendance during this time is 96%+ they will be able to join our Summer Bash where they will be able to enjoy ice creams/lollies, music and games!
Skills Builder
Our Skills Builder focus for this half term is Leadership. This weekend’s challenge is a fabulous one where you can think about the strengths in others and celebrate them. If you take part in this week’s challenge, send us a photo of what you have done to our Messenger page and we’ll display it in our academy and your child will receive 5 Class Charts points! We can’t wait to see what you come up with!
Warmer Weather
The forecast for the next week is for higher temperatures so please ensure your child has a water bottle, hat and that you apply sun cream in the morning; thank you.
Class Dojo
Class Dojo has been launched across the school! You should have received an invite by text message to sign up. The app is used to communicate with your children’s class teacher and staff at Co-op Academy Parkland. You can also find out all the upcoming information and photos/videos of your children’s learning. If you have any trouble getting on the app please see Mr Watson who is available at the beginning and end of the school day.
And finally…
We hope you have a terrific weekend, the weather forecast looks like it will be hot. Mrs Wierzbianski is going to be shopping with her daughter, Ms Pascoe is going to be enjoying the sunshine, Mr Watson will be celebrating his nephew’s birthday and Mrs Shirra will be having a barbecue in the sunshine! Whatever you decide to do, have a good one and we will see you back in school where our doors will open at 8:40am ready for learning to begin at 8:45am.
Pride Awards!
For her fantastic independent writing during her morning task.
For working hard to sound out and spell words independently.
Year 1
For her fabulous story-telling in writing.
Year 2
For putting care and attention into all he does especially his artwork.
For trying her hardest in all lessons and being helpful around class.
Year 3
For blossoming like a flower and growing in confidence. Well done and keep it up!
For becoming a maths superstar. Super proud of your progress and attitude. Keep it up!
Year 4
For always coming to school with the most amazing attitude to learning and for trying extra hard in Maths this week.
For working really hard on her presentation in Arts and supporting her peers.
Year 5A
For his fantastic teamwork to write a poem with a rhyme scheme.
For her brilliant participation in our dance class. Lia-Rose has brilliant focus and enthusiasm. She really showed she cared.
Year 5B
For being a lovely, caring, kind, sensible young lady who shows great empathy for others.
For having a fantastic week. Doing lots of written work and joining in fully with class discussions.
Year 6
For excellent progress and improved confidence.
For working really hard in all lessons and positive attitude towards learning.
Be yourself, always
Show you care
Succeed together
Do what matters most