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Parkland Post - Friday 11th October 2024

Welcome to this week's Parkland Post and what a busy week it has been! We have had so many exciting events happening across the academy which gave our children lots of opportunities to develop new skills and work on existing skills.  I strongly believe in our pupils developing the skills they need for life and for the world of work as it helps them to make positive contributions to our community and invests in their future.  Next week, your child will be bringing home their Children's University passport - we will send out some information to go with it so you know how you can help them achieve their goals.    

Attendance Matters

This week, our whole school attendance was 91.2% which is above last week - well done as it's going in the right direction!  The winning class this week was Year 4 with 99.6% and they won an extra playtime for their class prize and an extra playtime for being over 96%.  Year 3 also have an extra playtime as their attendance was over 96% - keep it up!  Let's see if we can have some classes at 100% next week.

World Mental Health Day

There were some lovely activities happening around our academy yesterday linked to World Mental Health Day.  Reception took part in some space related yoga, Year 1 talked about the various ways they can look after their mental health, Year 2 did a circle time about how to look after their mental wellbeing and Year 5 completed some mindful colouring.  

Moonbase Challenge

Mrs Shirra launched the Moonbase Challenge in assembly yesterday and got the whole school excited about their day ahead.  Each class took part in lots of different activities during the day and used the full range of Skills Builder skills.  Once the groups had researched and designed their moon base society, they worked together to create it from junk modelling materials and then presented their projects to the rest of their class.  There were some amazing projects and all of the children enthusiastically communicated what they had included and why. 

Key Events and our PTA

I met with our fabulous PTA yesterday who have some brilliant events lined up for the year ahead.  This year, the PTA will be holding one fundraiser and one event per term.  I will send home a list of Key Events for the term on Monday so you can plan ahead.  If anyone would like to join the PTA, please get in touch as we would be happy to have you on board!

And finally...

We hope you have a fantastic weekend - I'm hoping the weather stays crisp and bright so that everyone has the chance to have an autumnal walk - being out and about helps with our mental wellbeing.  I will be going to the seaside on Saturday (Scarbados here we come), Mrs Shirra is having her family round for a big get together, Ms Pascoe will be going to a concert in Manchester and Mr Watson will hopefully be moving into his new house (keep your fingers crossed everyone!).  Whatever you decide to do, we hope you have a wonderful time and we will see you bright and early on Monday morning where our doors open at 8:40am ready for learning to begin at 8:45am.  Let's see if we can have even higher attendance next week!

Parkland Pride Awards 


Layton - Show You Care

 For sharing his ideas on the carpet during Project. His description of the patterns was amazing!


Tommy W - Be Yourself Always

For always working hard and doing 'phonics' writing sheets, in his own choosing time and at home.

Benjamin - Show You Care

For making a fantastic AB pattern kebab using oranges and blueberries in maths.

Year 1

Lincoln – Show You Care

For his commitment to writing, Lincoln has been working to improve his writing by responding to feedback. 

Georgia – Be Yourself, Always

For ensuring she is always putting her learning first. Georgia has worked hard to regulate her emotions to any school changes this week!

Year 2

Jamin – Do What Matters Most 

For being supportive to others and having amazing manners. 

Lilly-May – Show You Care

For being so kind to your friends by sharing at break time. You always put others first! 

Year 3

Bridie – Show You Care
For showing great leadership in group projects ensuring everyone participates and contributes. She encourages others to do their best, making teamwork a priority. 

Ebony – Succeed Together
For always being attentive to the feelings of her classmates, offering comforting words and helping when someone is struggling. 

Year 4

Geoffrey – Do What Matters Most

For trying his best with his schoolwork. Geoffrey made huge improvements with his listening skills this week. 

Paisley – Succeed Together 

For always helping her classmates when they need help. Paisley is a caring member of the class. 

Year 5

Piper – Succeed Together 

For being such an excellent team player, she works well with everyone in the class and helps others. We are lucky to have someone so helpful in Y5!

Ellie – Do What Matters Most

For always doing the right thing and focusing on her work. Her work this week has been outstanding and that is due to effort and doing what matters most! 

Year 6

William – Do What Matters Most 

For your fantastic sportsmanship. Not only are you a great player, but you are supportive and caring to members of your team. That's what matters most! 

Aishah – Be Yourself, Always

I know Maths is not your favourite, but you are always being your fantastic self and showing determination, hard work and confidence. Keep it up!