Parkland Post - Friday 21st June 2024
Welcome to this week's Parkland Post which is dedicated to Ruby Morris-Rands who we said our final farewell to on Monday. Yesterday, our children and staff came together with close family and friends in a Memorial Assembly which celebrated Ruby's life through dance, poetry and with some of our Year 4 children sharing their memories of Ruby. It was a really special time for all and I was incredibly proud of the empathy shown by all of our children. In the next few weeks, we will be developing a Memorial Garden which will be a place of quiet reflection for children and staff to remember anyone who they have lost.
World of Work Week
I wanted to say a big thank you to Mrs Shirra, Miss Tindall and Jo Sykes from Co-op Academies Trust for the organisation and delivery of our hugely successful World of Work Week. It began with a Launch Assembly on Monday where the children could ask questions about the occupations our volunteers had and ended with a fantastic Careers Fair with a large number of volunteers with a wide range of careers for the children to speak to.
Year 6 took part in a number of different tasks throughout the week from a Dragons' Den style pitch to Gemma and Jen from Circana, being interviewed by a panel of Governors and Claire Dodd from the Trust for jobs around the academy to preparing a presentation in order to give information to our Year 5 pupils about the World of Work.
Key Events and Class Assemblies
Each class will be doing an assembly to showcase what they have been doing in class. The dates for these are:
Reception - 18th July at 2:45pm
Year 1 - 11th July at 2:45pm
Year 2 - 4th July at 9am
Year 3 - 18th July at 9am
Year 4 - 11th July at 9am
Year 5 - 11th July at 9am
Year 6 - 27th June at 9am
Summer Fair
Our Summer Fair is taking place on Tuesday 25th June 2:30-4pm, thank you to everyone who has sent in a donation for the stalls on our 'Summer Wear for the Summer Fair' non-uniform day today. It looks like we are going to have fabulous weather next week so remember your sunscreen and hats! Children can be collected from their usual classroom doors if they are in Nursery, Reception, Years 1 and 2 and from the main office if they are in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 at 2:30pm and I'd like to thank you in advance of next week for your patience when getting your children to you during that busy time.
Attendance Matters
Our attendance has been extremely low this week as a large number of families have taken holidays during term time. I would like to remind everyone that holidays during term time are not authorised as children miss essential parts of their learning journey.
Our winning class was Year 3 with 89.2% and they have won a movie treat. There are no classes with an extra playtime this week as we haven't managed to get above 96%. Please can everyone try to be in school every day and on time so we can have much higher whole school attendance next week - thank you for your support with this. We are still putting names into our raffle to win £50 whenever your child has above 96%+ - remember, you have to be in it to win it!
Key Dates
The key dates for the rest of this year are on our school website which can be found here:
And Finally...
We hope you have a brilliant weekend and enjoy the sunshine safely. Mrs Shirra will be visiting Hartlepool, Mr Watson will be sunbathing, Mrs Wierzbianski is finally having her nails done and is very excited about it and Ms Pascoe is going to be enjoying the sunshine. Whatever you decide to do, we hope you have a great time and we will see you bright and early on Monday morning where our doors open at 8:40am ready for learning to begin at 8:45am.
Parkland Pride Awards
Finley - Be Yourself, Always
For engaging so well in his maths session and then extending his learning in provision.
Luca - Be Yourself Always
Luca worked very hard to design a pop up character when making his own pop up book, choosing a character that he thought was a fantastic superhero, and adding his own comic book word.
Lincoln - Succeed together
Lincoln worked really hard in PE this week, not only for his team, but supporting players in the opposite team to practise skills and succeed.
Year 1
Jamin – Be Yourself, Always
For always making the right choices. This has helped him to do well in his end of term assessments.
Willow– Succeed Together
For becoming more confident during class discussions, sharing ideas and opinions to answer questions.
Year 2
Bethany– Show You Care
For amazing singing and dancing for our assembly!
Bailey – Do What Matters Most
For amazing singing and dancing for our assembly!
Year 3
Leah – Do What Matters Most
For putting in 100% effort in her assessments all week and never giving up even when she found the test difficult! Super work!
Isabel – Show You Care
For being extremely helpful and kind towards her peers and teachers! For always offering her assistance and being an amazing role model!
Year 4
Sydney – Be Yourself, Always
For never failing to make me smile. You are kind, hardworking and so funny. Thank you for being such joy!
Savannah – Show You Care
For putting in 100% into her tests this week. You have shown such determination and resilience.
Year 5
Thomas – Do What Matters Most
For working really hard on his assessments and making sure he answers every question. His results have seen a big improvement.
Layla-Mae – Succeed Together
For showing an excellent attitude for working this week and producing such a brilliant piece of work for our English writing project.
Year 6
Daisy - Be Yourself, Always
For being an absolute joy to spend careers week with. I am so impressed with how you have grown in confidence and it has been amazing to see your beaming smile. You have been an essential member of your group.
Regan - Succeed Together
For supporting your team this careers week. You showed great leadership and support when a member of the team didn't have all of the skills. You did not take over but stepped into support them. Well done.
Year 6 – Career Awards
Team work - Scarlett-Leigh
Communication - Lily
Creatively - Kayla - Mae
Problem solving - Mason
Positivity - Billy
Leadership – Tyler
All children in Year 6 received an Aiming High award for Careers.