Parkland Post - Friday 7th June 2024
Welcome to this week's Parkland Post, it has been such a busy time across our academy and our after school clubs have started with a bang! Our clubs are full to the brim at the moment but if you would like your child to join one, you can put their name down on the waiting list. We are so lucky to be able to offer these free clubs as a result of staff giving up their time to run them - thank you.
Nursery Superheroes!
Nursery have made a 'super' start to their Superhero topic! We welcome our new children to Nursery and to our Parkland family - it is wonderful having you with us. All of the children have been using our resources really carefully and making up lots of stories about how they will save each other. They have been reading Superworm and drawing their own versions.
Key Events and Class Assemblies
Our website has all the dates of events we are holding this half term - keep checking back regularly as new events are added. Each class will be doing an assembly which will showcase what they have been doing. The dates for these are:
Reception - 18th July at 2:45pm
Year 1 - 4th July at 2:45pm
Year 2 - 4th July at 9am
Year 3 - 18th July at 9am
Year 4 - 11th July at 2:45pm
Year 5 - 11th July at 9am
Year 6 - 27th June at 9am
Attendance Matters
This week, our whole school attendance has been 90.9% which is below our target of 96%. Our winning class this week is Year 5 who achieved 93.5%. They have won extra play time. Remember, we are aiming for each class to have higher than 96% each week and when they do this, they will get an extra playtime. Every time your child has 96%+, they will be entered into our raffle which will be drawn later this half term - you have to be in it to win it!
World of Work Week 17th June
We are thrilled to be offering another World of Work Week again this year where we will be focusing on careers. Mrs Shirra has organised an action packed week and will be sharing details of this next week. We are looking for anyone who used to attend Parkland who now has an interesting career and wouldn't mind coming in to speak to our children - please contact the main office if you think that might be you!
And finally...
We hope you have a fantastic weekend whatever you decide to do! Mrs Wierzbianski is going to visit her family at the seaside, Mr Watson will be celebrating his niece's birthday, Ms Pascoe will be going on some walks and enjoying a pub lunch and Mrs Shirra will be meeting up with friends for a curry. Our doors will reopen on Monday at 8:40am ready for learning to begin at 8:45am - we'll see you then!
Parkland Pride Awards
Amzi – Be Yourself, Always
For having some fabulous ideas in his play and being so enthusiastic about our superhero.
Erin - Do What Matters Most
For working very hard in phonics - Erin is demonstrating a very mature attitude and remembers to use her phonics mat to support her writing!
Lilly - Do What Matters Most
For using provision beautifully to explore and learn - Lilly is very purposeful with her play, and will often listen and see if her peers need supporting too!
Year 1
Myla – Do What Matters Most
For her fabulous prediction in English. Myla has worked really hard this week.
Hudson– Do What Matters Most
For always working hard and always on task.
Year 2
Blake – Succeed Together
For worked so hard in your Phonics groups. You are smashing it!
Willow – Show You Care
For always looking out for everyone. You are so kind to us!
Year 3
Kian – Be Yourself, Always
For being a true role model in PE and English. Show casing his amazing ideas!
Jaden– Show You Care
For his love care and compassion, he has towards his teachers and classmates. You are amazing!
Year 4
Fabien - Succeed Together
For being a kind and caring member of our class. Thank you for checking and looking out for your classmates!
All of Year 4 - Succeed Together
For working as a team, showing care and being patient and understanding. You have really come together and supported each other and we are all so proud.
Year 5
Ayrton - Do What Matters Most
For showing how much he cares about his work, always pushing himself to do better and contributing to everything he can in class!
William - Show You Care
For having a great attitude and showing real maturity. His focus and attention have improved so much recently and, as a result, his work is showing great progress too.
Year 6
Billy - Do What Matters Most
For your growing confidence in your learning, The effort and concentration you have shown in your writing this week has been fantastic, and you have produced some great work with great presentation.
Georgia - Do What Matters Most
You have excelled in your writing this week, taken on feedback and improved your work every time. This has shown determination and commitment to your learning - well done.