Parkland Post - Friday 10th May 2024
Welcome to this week's Parkland Post - we have been enjoying the sunny weather this week. A reminder that children can wear summer uniforms and on warm days, please make sure your child is wearing sunscreen, and that they bring a hat and a water bottle so they can stay safe in the sun. Please follow this link to see which items can be worn during the summer term:
Please, can you also ensure that your child is bringing and wearing the correct PE kit and school shoes and that any earrings worn are small studs. Thank you for your support of this.
The children in Nursery and Reception had an awe-inspiring morning this week when they released the butterflies they had seen growing as part of their life cycle work. Some of the children were a little unsure about how the butterflies would manage out in the wider world so lots of discussions were had to reassure them. The children's faces were a joy to see as they watched the butterflies fly away! Some of the butterflies needed a little encouragement - they had obviously loved the fruit and care they had received from our children too much!
BIG Family Breakfast
Following the success of our last BIG Family Breakfast, we are holding another one in association with The Gateway Centre on Friday 17th May from 8:15am in the dining hall. Please book in via Arbor so we know how many bacon and sausage butties we need to prepare - we can't have anyone going without! There will also be cereals, pastries, fruit, juice, water and tea and coffee. There are going to be lots of prizes and hampers to give away on the day so it would be lovely to see as many of you there as possible!
Next week, our Year 6 children will be sitting their SATS. This will be their time to shine and show off all of the knowledge and skills they have learnt. All the staff would like to wish each and every one of them the very best of luck - you have got this! SATS Breakfast Club is running Monday to Thursday from 8:15am in the Year 6 classroom.
Nursery & Reception trip to Hesketh Farm
Nursery and Reception will be going on a school trip to Hesketh Farm, at Bolton Abbey, on Tuesday 14th May. As part of the trip, we will be having a tour of the farm, feeding the animals, petting the smaller animals and going on a tractor ride. We will be travelling by coach and the school minibus, leaving school at 9am promptly, so please ensure that your child is in school on time. Children should be collected at the normal time at the end of the school day. To cover the costs of the trip we are asking for a contribution of £15 per pupil. Payments must be made through Arbor. Please follow this link to set up access: or contact Miss Denby, in the school office, if you have any problems.
Reception Stay & Play (Minibeast themed)
On Thursday 16th May, the children in Reception (and 30-hour Nursery children) can come dressed all day as their favourite mini-beast (insects!) Costumes could be as simple as wearing a yellow T-shirt with black stripes for a bee or a red T-shirt and black spots for a ladybird! Parents/carers can join their children from 1:30 and be able to take their children from 3:00 pm. Please come to your normal pick-up point for arrival.
30-hour Nursery children's parents/carers are more than welcome to join us!
Attendance Matters
This week our whole school attendance was 92.3% which is below the government target of 96%. The class who won this week's attendance award were Year 4 with 98.3%. They won a new class game and an extra playtime as their attendance was over 96%. Year 2 also had an extra playtime as their attendance was 96.7%. Let's see those attendance figures rise next week and remember, you need to be in it to win it!
Congratulations to Paisley James-Boots!
Last weekend, Paisley travelled to Crawley where she took part and competed in the British Baton Twirling Nationals Competition.
She performed 5 solo routines which were: Marching, Solo Baton, Dance Twirl, Poise and Fancy Strut. Unfortunately, she didn't place in the top 5 however, she managed 2 'no drop' performances (not dropping her baton) and will now start training for her next National Competition in October. We are incredibly proud of you Paisley!
And finally...
We hope you enjoy what is promising to be a very sunny weekend with higher temperatures (keeps everything crossed). Please remember your sunscreen and hat if you do go out anywhere. Ms Pascoe will be enjoying the sunshine, Mrs Wierzbianski will be doing some gardening as we need lots of colour in the garden this year, Mrs Shirra will be having a tidying spree and Mr Watson will be enjoying the sunshine and fresh air. Whatever you decide to do, we hope it is enjoyable and we will see you bright and early on Monday morning where our doors will open at 8:40am ready for learning to begin at 8:45am.
Parkland Pride
Megan - Be yourself, always
For always trying her best in everything she does.
Layla – Do What Matters Most
For fantastic expression of writing through song! We were so proud of you!
Georgia – Show You Care
For her hard work in following all the routines and expectations of all adults, well done!
Year 1
Amelia – Show You Care
For trying really hard, especially with her spelling!
Jessica – Succeed Together
For finding her voice. Jessica is becoming more confident and joining in well!
Year 2
Arlo – Show You Care
For looking out for your friends in class!
Amelia – Do What Matters Most
For always making the right choices every day!
Year 3
Louise – Show You Care
For always looking out for her classmates through her compassionate and caring attitude.
Ellis – Do What Matters Most
For proving how he can show a positive attitude to learning and others. Keep it up!
Year 4
Lily – Succeed Together
For always striving to be the best version of herself but she also tries to bring out the best in others!
Alfie – Be Yourself, Always
For never failing to be kind, hardworking and showing willingness. You are such an all-round lovely boy!
Year 5
Evie – Show You Care
For being a good friend and always looking out for others! You are amazing!
Kiarna – Be Yourself, Always
For being an exemplary student and classmate all day every day! Thank you!
Year 6
Nevaeh – Be Yourself, Always
For always doing the right thing and being a kind, caring member of the class. You are a joy to teach!
Maks – Do What Matters Most
For all your determination in your learning. Your reading has improved so much: you are listening to advice and showing great care in your skills.