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Parkland Post - Friday 3rd May 2024

Welcome to this week's Parkland Post - the summer term is hurtling along at great speed!  The weather has been so much warmer this week which has really lifted everyone's spirits - we have begun planting our sunflowers ready for our academy competition to see who can grow the tallest sunflower!  Mrs Wierzbianski received a letter from the Eco Warriors to request new equipment for them to use when tending to our green spaces.  We have also applied for a grant from the Royal Horticultural Society to use on grey to green projects so watch this space for further details and keep your fingers crossed that we are awarded the grant.

Attendance Matters

This week's attendance has been much lower than our target of 96% as we only managed 88.7% whole school.  Next week, we need a big effort to get all of our children in school every day and on time as essential learning is being missed.  Well done to Year 4 who had the highest attendance with 95% - they won a new book for their class.  

Family Breakfast 17.5.24

On the 17th May, we will be holding our next BIG Family Breakfast.  This will be held in the dining hall from 8.15am and there will be bacon and sausage butties (veg options too), pastries, cereal and toast available.  Please book your place using Arbor - it will appear under the 'Trips' section.  Booking will end on 15th May at 3pm to allow us to order the food.  We can't wait to see you all there!


Rounders Tournament at Priesthorpe

Our Year 5 and 6 pupils did us proud this week when they participated in the Co-op Rounders tournament at Co-op Academy Priesthorpe.  They worked together as a team communicating well and helping each other out where needed and were incredibly happy to be awarded gold medals.  Thank you to Mrs Clegg and Mrs Gatenby for taking the group and to the staff and pupils at Priesthorpe who arranged and facilitated the day.


May Day Bank Holiday

Please don't forget that we are not in school on Monday 7th May as it is the May Day Bank Holiday.  We will reopen on Tuesday morning at 8:40am.


Toddler Group

Our Toddler Group runs every Friday morning between 9 and 10am in school - please share far and wide with anyone who would be interested in joining us.

And finally...


We hope you have a wonderful extended weekend and that we don't get the usual rainy Bank Holiday weather.  I feel like lots of you are going to be having BBQs and getting the paddling pools out from what the children have been telling me!  Ms Pascoe is going to get the pizza oven out, Mrs Shirra is going out for drinks this weekend, Mr Watson is going camping and Mrs Wierzbianski is going to be celebrating Jet's 5th birthday with lots of walkies!  Whatever you decide to do, we hope you have an enjoyable time.  We will see you bright and early on Tuesday 7th May where our doors will reopen at 8:40am ready for learning to begin at 8:45am.

Parkland Pride 


Finley – Show You Care

For making sure all of his friends have someone to play with.


Luca – Succeed Together
For writing fantastic, independent sentences about minibeasts

Erin K – Show You Care
For working hard to write a clear sentence with finger spaces.

Year 1

Alyssa  – Show You Care
For a positive attitude towards learning, working hard in all subjects this week and being an assembly superstar.

Jacob – Show You Care

For never giving up and always putting in the effort. I was really impressed with Jacob’s singing in our music lesson.

Year 2

Nikki  – Show You Care

For being kind, respectful and compassionate during lessons to teachers and your friends.

Bailey-Lee – Succeed Together

For helping out Mrs D when teaching history – you make a great teaching assistant for others.

Year 3

Indira – Show You Care
For always being a hard worker in her learning. Your positive attitude is always radiating. Keep smiling!

Olivia – Do What Matters Most

For always trying her best! Your attitude is working hard and doing your best in everything.

Year 4

Corben – Show You Care

For showing extra effort and attention to detail in his decimal unit. You have mastered your tenths and hundredths.
Jacob D – Be Yourself, Always

For contributing brilliant ideas during our diary writing lessons and letting others imagine them!

Year 5

Jason – Show You Care

For showing a positive caring attitude towards learning and presentation on all subjects.

Aishah – Succeed Together

For being a positive role model to her peers and helping others learn.

Year 6

Lexi  – Be Yourself, Always

For always being so fantastic. You are so kind to your peers and make everyone smile.

Lily – Show You Care

For being determined with everything, you do keep going. You are smashing it!