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News and Letters

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  • Parkland Post – 6 May

    Published 06/05/22

    This week

    Welcome to this week’s Parkland Post.  We started the week off with a bang with an author visit from Jenny York.  She led an assembly for the whole school where she read from some of her books and then did workshops all day with each year group.  They all had an amazing time and budding writers in Years 5 and 6 had an opportunity to have a discussion with her about how she became a published author, the skills she uses and the techniques she has developed when writing.

    Parent Forum

    We were joined this week by parents and our Vice Chair of Governors Ian Featherstone to chat about ideas for the Queen’s Jubilee celebrations, an update on a community garden project and even a sneak peek of our new library! 

    It would be wonderful to see more parents coming to our next parent forum which will take place on 30.6.22 at 9am.

    Coffee Morning – Monday 9 May

    Join us for our Coffee Morning! We’ll have advice on benefits, jobs and training. Everyone’s welcome: Monday 9 May, 9am-10:30am

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  • Parkland Post – 29 April

    Published 29/04/22

    This week

    Welcome to this week’s Parkland Post and to our summer term!  I have been thrilled with the way our children have settled back into life at Co-op Academy Parkland, they all look to have grown taller and were ready to buckle down to the new learning their teachers have prepared for them. 

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  • Parkland Post – 8 April​​​​​​​

    Published 08/04/22

    This week

    Welcome to the final Parkland Post of spring!  It has been a very busy term, with lots of learning taking place.  Your children have worked their socks off and made the staff so proud.  We hope they enjoy a relaxing couple of weeks and that the weather allows for lots of fresh air and playing out.  I have been impressed with the way our children have been able to talk about the work they are doing in their classes – if you get a chance, ask them what they have learnt about this half term and what their favourite part of learning has been.  When we return, they will be beginning new units which your child’s class teachers will share with you at the start of the new term.   

    When we return, we are going to have a big push towards much higher attendance and punctuality for the summer term.  Good attendance and punctuality are important for achieving success at school and are also important life skills.  Most importantly, our academy is a better place when everyone is in it.    
    We hope you have a wonderful holiday and we will see you all bright and early on Monday 25th April!  

    Skills Builder Task

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  • Parkland Post – 1 April

    Published 01/04/22

    This week

    Welcome to this week’s Parkland Post, we hope you have managed to thaw out after the snow yesterday; it certainly has been a crazy weather week!  
    Leadership Updates
    We are delighted to announce that Jack Sowter, the current Headteacher at Co-op Academy Nightingale, will be the new Executive Primary Headteacher for West Yorkshire.  This means that he will be working with Miss Connors, the leadership team and all the staff at providing the very best education and opportunities for your children.  
    Miss Connors is currently absent so Mrs Wierzbianski will be Acting Headteacher until she returns; we wish Miss Connors a speedy recovery and hope to have her back soon.  We are also thrilled to announce that Ms Pascoe has been appointed as Assistant Headteacher here at Parkland and we wish her luck as she begins her new role with us.

    Oliver Twist

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  • Parkland Post – 25th March​​​​​​​

    Published 22/03/22

    This week

    Welcome to this week’s Parkland Post.  Our children have been buzzing as the weather has been glorious allowing for the Daily Mile to be completed in the sunshine as well as taking part in our Big Wheel and Walk.  Don’t forget, this is running from 21st March until the 1st April and everyone who takes part either walking, cycling or scooting to school gets an extra workout before and after school and will receive a certificate for taking part.

    Northern Ballet
    Our KS2 children had the most amazing time with Edgar Lomas from Northern Ballet who came in yesterday to teach a ballet session with them.  Our pupils were amazed at the core strength needed in order to perform ballet and worked muscles that they had never used before!  Our thanks go to Miss Spence who organised the sessions, we hope to have Northern Ballet in again for further workshops.

    Parents’ Evening
    Our Parents’ Evenings will finally be able to take place in person!  They are to be held on Wednesday 18th and Thursday 19th May.  A separate letter will be sent home with your child/ren soon and if you could sign up for a slot by Monday 9th May that will give you more chance of being able to have the time/s that you would prefer.
    We hope you have a wonderful weekend – the forecast says it’s going to be warm and sunny.  Don’t forget to put your clocks forward early Sunday morning – the lighter nights are coming!  We will see you bright and early on Monday morning.

    Skills Builder Task

    If anyone manages to take part, please take some photographs, send them to Facebook Messenger and we will add your child to our Skills Builder Wall of Fame and they will gain 5 Parkland Points!  You might even be able to make it a BBQ if the temperatures stay high.

    Red Nose Day Generosity!

    Thank you to everyone who participated in Red Nose Day Baking and gave a donation, together we raised £301!

    Parent Forum Dates

    Thank you to those parents that attended our previous forum, it is important that we get your input and ideas for school.

    If you can make the next one please join us for tea and cake and a good chat! Here are the dates for the rest of the year.

    May 5th

    Easter Competition

    In addition to our Easter competition we will also be having an Easter raffle this year.

    Tickets will be sold from the main office from Thursday the 31st of March.

    All prize winners for the raffle and for the Easter competition will be announced on the last day of term in our assemblies

    (assembly times to be confirmed).

    Pride Awards



    For using and talking through her experiences in her role play.


    For showing a great understanding of tallest and shortest in Maths this week.



    For being a great phonics partner! Well done Ebony.


    Working hard in her phonics sessions this week

    Year 1


    For always wanting to join in and share his ideas in class.


    For always having a positive attitude and trying her best even when things are tricky. 

    Year 2

    Jacob D

    Focusing on improving his learning and independence. Well done!


    His fantastic effort in writing his diary entry this week in English. Well done!

    Year 3/4A


    Trying really hard in the dance workshop.  I was so pleased to hear how enthusiastic you were and the effort that you put in.  Well done.


    Having a positive attitude and sharing your enthusiasm for life with everyone you meet.  You’re a wonderful person to be around.  Thank you.

    Year 3/4NW


    Improved focus in lessons. you are working much more independently and contributing more in class discussions.


    Always trying your best and working hard. You are fabulous example for the whole class.

    Year 5


    Excellent spoken contributions to science and maths, and showing how much he really knows!


    Really embracing her maths tutoring and doing fantastically with division. Super star Hollie!

    Year 6

    Alfie MD

    For always being you and working hard in every lesson.

    Grace and Emily

    For your excellent teamwork of finding areas of a triangle.

    Parkland Panthers- Pupils who shone in their PE sessions this week

    Year 1 – Bowie and Jude

    Year 2 – Mason and Lola

    Year 3/4 – Lia Rose and Olivia

    Year 5 – Lyle and Alfie

    Year 6 – Miley and Jenson

    Do what matters most

    Be yourself, always

    Show you care

    Succeed together

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  • Parkland Post – 18th March

    Published 18/03/22

    This week

    Welcome to this week’s Parkland Post, our pupils have had another busy week!  It was lovely to see our Year 1 children doing some planting outside as part of their focus on recognising the differences between living and non-living things.  We have had some visits from our local PCSO Andy Blood who came to talk to our Year 5 and 6 pupils.  He was also able to spend some time with our Reception class talking about his job – they even had the chance to look at a police car! 

    On behalf of Justin Bowmans family we have a collection tin for the charity ‘4Louis’ in school. There is a collection tub in main office and we have charity bands and lanyards for sale in Nursery from next week. Please ask us if you would like to buy something or make a donation.

    Skills builder task

    This week’s Skills Builder family challenge is to work together to create a piece of natural art.  Andy Goldsworthy is an artist who was educated locally in Harrogate and at Bradford College and specialises in natural art – you could Google his art work and have a look at some of the images.  If you complete this challenge, please send a photograph and there will be 5 Parkland Points for each child who takes part and they will go on our wall of fame in school!

    Police Visit in Reception

    Reception had some very special visitors today and they enjoyed every moment of it! They got to sit in the police car, learn about what police officers wear, the different vehicles they use and what they do to help us. Your child will have photos uploaded on to Tapestry in the coming days.

    Red Nose Day Bake Off Winners & Gallery!

    Pupil Winner- Billy Boulton

    Parent Winner- Emma Quinlan

    Staff Winner- Mrs Walsh

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  • Parkland Post – 11th March

    Published 11/03/22

    This week

    Welcome to this week’s Parkland Post.  We have had a fantastic week, especially as the weather is getting warmer and the mornings are getting lighter. 

    Skills builder task

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  • Parkland Post – 4th March

    Published 04/03/22

    This week

    Welcome to this week’s Parkland Post!  We have had a fabulous time as we celebrated World Book Day as it gave us all an opportunity to share stories with each other and dress up as either a favourite character or wear pyjamas on a bedtime stories theme. 

    Our Book Breakfast was a great success as many of you joined us to create bookmarks, front covers for new books and complete puzzles.  The breakfast was delicious and we would like to thank everyone involved in setting everything up.  
    At lunchtime, the kitchen team created a special menu to celebrate World Book Day which the children loved – thank you to Amanda and the team for all of your hard work. 

    Above all, it was a day to celebrate books, characters, illustrations and helps to raise the profile of reading, which can only be a good thing! We hope you have a wonderful weekend and remember to use your World Book Day voucher to get yourself a new book.  We will see you bright and early on Monday morning!

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  • Parkland Post – 18th February

    Published 18/02/22

    This week

    Welcome to the final Parkland Post of this half term.  It has been an extremely busy week, our pupils have been taking part in RE Week where they have focused on a wide range of topics such as:  Precious Things, Special Days, Right and Wrong, Sacred Writing and Special People.  If you have a chance this weekend, ask them what they have been learning about.

    Meet our Governors

    This week and every week, we will be introducing you to one of our Governors.  We thought we would start with Emma Ainsworth who is our Chair of Governors – some of you may have seen her at the front of school on Wednesday doing a meet and greet in the wind!

    Hi everyone! My name’s Emma Ainsworth and I’m the Chair of Governors here at Co-op Academy Parkland. I help to govern school and work really closely with Mrs Wierzbianski and Miss Connors to make sure we’re doing everything we can to make school a great place to learn. I also work at the Co-op in the Technology team supporting our Food, Funeralcare and Legal Services businesses to make sure we’re meeting customer’s needs every day. I’ve been Chair at Parkland since the start of the pandemic and I’m really looking forward to getting to spend more time meeting everyone now that restrictions allow. You’ll find me at the school gates on the mornings I’m in school and visiting classrooms during the day too. I love travel and have spent many a holiday having adventures around the world on our motorbikes. I’m a keen gardener, renovator and pet mum too. My fiancée and I have 2 cats called Eva and Jumble and a bernese mountain dog called Onyx who is training to be an emotional support dog. I love taking her for walks up into the hills near where we live and seeing how much joy she brings to people when they cuddle her. If you see me do come and have a chat, I’m always up for a natter

    Express Yourself Day!

    Today was all about expressing yourself and you certainly wowed us with your funky outfits and smiling faces! It is so important to remember that we are all unique and that’s what makes you so special.  Thanks to your generosity, we are able to donate to mind and we will let you know the final total asap. – thank you! 

    We hope you enjoy the holidays and we will see you all bright and early on Monday 28th February.

    World Book Day

    This year is the 25th anniversary of World Book Day, and it falls on Thursday 3rd March.

    World Book Day is a wonderful way for children to celebrate their love for reading. Every year, school gets involved by handing out World Book Day tokens, and the best part…encouraging everyone to dress up!

    We will be having a book swap breakfast for parents and carers from 8am, you can come in and join us with your children and take books home with for you and your child keep.

    If you have any donations of books we would love to accept them for our book swap!

    We would encourage all children to dress up as a book character or in their pyjamas. Please bring the book your character is from if you can!

    Coffee Morning- Jobs and Training

    There will be a coffee morning in school 9am till 10.30am on Friday March the 4th. If you would like an informal chat with helpful professionals who can help you with getting into training or you need advice on benefits or employment this is for you. We hope you can come in and join us.

    Parent Forum Dates

    Thank you to those parents that attended our previous forum, it is important that we get your input and ideas for school.

    If you can make the next one please join us for tea and cake and a good chat! Here are the dates for the rest of the year.

    March 24th

    May 5th

    Pride Awards



    For showing determination and persistence when things get tricky.

    Jessie Leigh

    For being a great friend to all.



     For using and applying his maths skills to solve problems around the classroom. 

    Chloe P

     For always having a positive attitude to learning.

    Year 1


    For challenging herself during provision by working on her handwriting and number formation


    Always having a positive attitude and contributing to our lessons.

    Year 2


    Her home resesrach and extending her own knowledge on pirates.


    Always looking to improve her work by rehearsing important skills.

    Year 3/4A


    For working hard on his persuasive letter to Monsieur Georges.  You tried to include the different features and developed a fantastic piece of writing.  


    For working hard in maths and showing great resilience to find a solution.

    Year 3/4NW


    Sharing wonderful ideas during group work this week


    Showing improvements in your writing. It is getting much more exciting to read

    Year 5


    Showing great enthusiasm for learning about new ideas in RE and recalling new facts.


    Sharing his knowledge and experiences of hinduism with us during RE week. Thank you!

    Year 6


    For being yourself always and sharing her excellent sense of humour. 


    For showing such a caring attitude to peers and adults. 

    Parkland Panthers- Pupils who shone in their PE sessions this week

    Year 1 – Jack John, Jaden & Lily

    Year 2 – Fabien & Piper

    Year 3/4A – Georgia & Kayla

    Year 3/4NW – William, Kaja & Samuel

    Year 6 – Lucy

    Do what matters most

    Be yourself, always

    Show you care

    Succeed together

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  • Train to Teach with Co-op Academies

    Published 11/02/22

    Andy Gibson- Head of Early Career Framework with Initial Teacher Training

    At Co-op Academies Trust, we believe in changing the lives of young people through empowering teachers and young people to work together for a better education and a better community. I’ve been lucky enough to have visited several academies since joining the Trust as Head of ECF with ITT in January and the purposeful learning that was present everywhere was amazing to see.

    I found an affinity with the Ways of Being and knew that I wanted to be a part of the driving force behind such a dynamic Trust. Outstanding education is the single biggest driver of outcomes for our young students with the quality of staff being the most significant variable that leaders can influence directly. Co-op Academies Trust are committed to ensuring teachers receive high-quality training and professional development at every stage of their career, I was again drawn to work with like minded practitioners. 

    Like Co-op, I value self-help and self-responsibility, meaning when I was tasked with ensuring supportive and structured opportunities for practitioners to explore and master strategies where present, I was ready for the challenge. 

    Co-op Academies’ commitment to curriculum, pedagogy, teaching and learning and the wider trust community resonated with me to guarantee we are evidence-informed, rooted in honesty and openness and do what matters most across all schools so that we work in solidarity to best create outstanding opportunities for our young people.

    As well as overseeing Early Career Teaching in all of our academies and working with our superb practitioners, my new role is to create our own Trust Initial Teacher Training programme. We will be working with Bright Futures SCITT to bring together expertise from across the Trust Primary, Secondary, Special and Further Education provisions in an aim to promote excellence in all aspects of education. Our trainees will benefit from focused, central and school-based training, working in our academies on the thirteen courses we offer: Primary 3-7, Primary 5-11, Primary SEND, English, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Geography, History, Religious Education, Computing and Design & Technology.

    Although they will be completing a PGCE, all our trainees will benefit from being on our School Direct course which means being in the classroom from day one, working and training with our outstanding practitioners  and understanding what it means to be a Co-op teacher. Thank you to everyone who has worked with me so far in helping to create the foundations of the programme. Your eagerness and ambition will make this a fantastic provision we have to offer. 

    Train to Teach with Co-op Academies

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  • Parkland Post – 4th February

    Published 04/02/22

    This week

    Welcome to this week’s Parkland Post. What a blustery week of weather we have had – our times on the Daily Mile were so much faster as we had the wind helping us along! 

    Next Parent forum

    We will focus on the MIND Action Plan whilst sharing a cuppa and some cake.  We hope to see as many of you as possible there.
    We hope you have a wonderful weekend and that you are able to get out into the fresh air – maybe go to the park or have a walk somewhere in our local area.  Whatever you decide to do, we hope you enjoy it.  We will see you bright and early on Monday morning for another week filled with learning!

    Skills Builder Home Task
    This weekend, we would like you to practise the skill of Listening (and talking) by taking some time to talk with someone in your family.  Tell them about your week at school – what you enjoyed, anything you have learnt or anything that you might want to find out more about.

    Year 5 and 6 Reading Club
    Our Reading Club had grown this week!  More and more children are joining our group as we read ‘When Life Gives You Mangoes’ by Kereen Getten which is a story about a girl called Clara who loves to eat mangoes but who is struggling to remember anything about the previous summer.  As we read through the book, there have been clues as to why she might not have been able to remember and it is becoming quite gripping!

    Viking Day in Year 3/4

    The children in Year 3/4 have had a very exciting experience this week, a Viking day!

    Each class had a full day of learning about the lives of the Vikings, their clothes, their homes and even learned about how the Vikings fought their battles.

    Parent Forum Dates

    Thank you to those parents that attended our previous forum, it is important that we get your input and ideas for school.

    If you can make the next one please join us for tea and cake and a good chat! Here are the dates for the rest of the year.

    January 27th– rescheduled to February 10th

    March 4th

    May 5th

    Time To Talk

    Yesterday, we took part in Time to Talk Day in association with MIND.  Our staff were treated to breakfast and were able to sit and have a chat with each other (something which we don’t normally have time to do).  Staff then joined our pupils on their walk around the playground at morning break talking with each other about all sorts of things.  Each class took part in a circle time to discuss things that they were interested in as well as talking about issues going on in the world around them.

    Pride Awards



    For demonstrating her fantastic maths skills using the Numicon this week.


    For showing a love for learning when celebrating Chinese New Year.



    For his amazing maths knowledge about different ways to make four and five. 


    For always being ready to learn in phonics. Well done Bonnie!

    Year 1


    Be yourself always: for always joining in with our class discussions and being a pleasure to teach.


    For showing improvement on his presentation and care over his work.

    Year 2


    Being a fantastic friend to her classmates and treating everyone with respect.

    Jacob S

    Growing in confidence and being able to speak in front of a group.

    Year 3/4A

    The whole class

      For their amazing enthusiasm, participation and effort they put in for Viking day!

    Year 3/4NW

    The whole class

    For their amazing enthusiasm, participation and effort they put in for Viking day!

    Year 5


    Always doing her best and really shining in maths through her dedication and hard work.


    Pushing himself in all areas of his learning and for always having something to share.

    Year 6


    Amazing effort with her maths this week, solving quotations involving fractions and persevering.


    Having a lovely smile and cheery attitude all day in school this week.

    Parkland Panthers- Pupils who shone in their PE sessions this week

    Year 2 – Alfie and Charlea

    Year 3/4 Amelia and Tommy Lee

    Year 5 – Ffion and Stephen

    Year 6 – Finn and Ruby

    Do what matters most

    Be yourself, always

    Show you care

    Succeed together

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  • Parkland Post – 28th January

    Published 28/01/22

    This week

    Welcome to this week’s Parkland Post!  Dare we say it, it is definitely beginning to feel a bit more like spring – we have had some fabulous sunrises and sunsets and have noticed the birds in our local area are very busy which links very nicely to this weekend’s Skills Builder home task. 

    Big Garden Birdwatch

    This week on Newsround, our children watched a report on which birds you might see in our gardens and parks.  The RSPB are holding their Big Garden Bird Watch this weekend and invite you to join in with more than one million other people to count the number of birds you see in one hour.  Taking part is as easy as 1, 2, 3.
    1.  Watch the birds around you for one hour.

    2.  Count how many species of bird land on your patch.

    3.  Go online and tell the RSPB what you saw.

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