Welcome to this week’s Parkland Post; we have been incredibly busy! Our children really impressed Mrs Wierzbianski and Ms Pascoe when they visited classes to see learning taking place in reading, phonics and maths. We are also beginning to sing harvest songs in our singing assembly this week in preparation for the Harvest Festival which will take place on the 21st of October at 9am (more details will follow).
Attendance and Punctuality
Our academy day begins for children at 8:45am prompt, this means that you should aim to be in the playground at 8:40am to ensure your child is ready to be collected so they can begin their day on time. We have noticed this week that there has been a much larger number of children being late at the start of the day which means they are not only missing out on breakfast, they are also missing out on essential learning. Please help your child by making sure they are in school every day and on time.
Last week’s whole school attendance was 92.7% which is lower than our target of 95% +
Skills Builder Home Challenge
This week’s challenge practises the ‘Aiming High’ skill and builds on the careers activity you have been doing in school this week. We have a new Skills Builder display board in our entrance hall which desperately needs your work – can you complete the challenge below and present your ideas in a creative way?
World Mental Health Awareness Day
On Monday, we will be taking part in World Mental Health Awareness Day. This year’s theme is ‘Make Mental Health and Wellbeing for all a global priority’. Your children will have sessions during the day which focus on mental health and wellbeing. Examples of work and photos of the activities will be shared on our social media pages on Monday.
We hope you have a wonderful weekend, Mrs Wierzbianski is going to Fountains Abbey with her family and Jet and Ms Pascoe will be catching up on some reading. We will see you all bright and early on Monday morning!
Pride Awards!
For joining in and working hard in phonics. Well done Tallulah!
For always making the right choices. We can always rely on Jamin to work hard and try his best.
Year 1
For always pushing herself to do better and putting 100% effort into her learning every day.
For going that extra mile every day in the classroom, and displaying her wonderful maths learning whilst in provision. Keep up the hard work!
Year 2
For always working to the best of her ability and challenging herself. Well done!
For striving to work independently in all subjects. Well done!
Year 3
For an impressive character description. You added every writing feature I asked for and I could really see the characters as a read.
Really wowing me with your character description. You worked independently and I could imagine who you were writing about.
Year 4
For always trying her hardest in everything she does.
For writing a fantastic, emotive poem.
Year 5
For consistently producing quality writing. Georgia uses effective verbs, adjectives and is also using powerful figurative language in her work.
For always makes the correct choices in class and is an excellent example of how a year 5 pupil at Parklands should behave.
Year 6
For being a good friend, role model and member of Y6.
For consistently pushing herself to excellence in her learning.
Do what matters most
Be yourself, always
Show you care
Succeed together