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News and Letters

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  • Parkland Post – 15th July

    Published 15/07/22

    This week

    Welcome to this week’s Parkland Post, we have had another busy and productive week!  There have been lots of events happening and it has been lovely seeing so many parents, grandparents and carers in school supporting the children.

    Sports Day

    This week, the weather has been very kind and helped us celebrate our wonderful Sports Days. Thanks to all of the adult in schools involved with organising and leading such great events and to you, the parents, for supporting us and the children.

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  • Parkland Post – 11th February​​​​​​​

    Published 11/07/22

    This week

    Welcome to this week’s Parkland Post.  Thank you to the wonderful parents who came to our Parent Forum this week.  We discussed our Mental Health action plan and the progress we have made so far, the upcoming events that you will be able to look forward to and a general chat about how we can encourage more parents and carers to future forums.  We will be sharing information about all of these things over the next few weeks.
    Skills Builder Weekend Challenge!

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  • Parkland Post – 8th July

    Published 08/07/22

    This week

    Welcome to this week’s Parkland Post, we have had another busy and productive week!  There will be lots of events happening over the final two weeks so please keep your eyes peeled to our website and social media pages for more information. 

    Careers Week and Enterprise Day

    This week, we have been fortunate to have visits from a number of people who came to talk about the work they do for a living, the skills they need and what opportunities there are for our children’s futures.  On Tuesday, Years 5 and 6 were joined by Northern Power Grid where our pupil impressed Ben with their knowledge of energy.

    On Thursday, Years 5 and 6 were visited by Zurich Insurance who talked about the skills needed for their jobs which links with our Skillsbuilder programme.  We were also joined by Blue Watch from West Yorkshire Fire Service who showed the children the fire engine and talked about training too.

    Today, we have had our Enterprise Day where each class has had a pop up shop as part of the Fiver Challenge which they have been working towards each day this week.  Their challenge was to ‘grow’ a fiver and all the money they make will be donated to each class’ charity of their choice.  We will let you know which charities they have decided to support in next week’s Parkland Post when we announce which class won the Fiver Challenge!  Thank you to everyone who came along to support us.

    Our School Dog – Jet

    Jet joined our children earlier this week and had a great time being looked after by our children, especially those in Year 5 who have taken a shine to him!  Having Jet in school is great for wellbeing and has helped with their understanding of how to look after a pet.  I’m just not sure who is enjoying themselves more: Jet or our children!

    Skills Builder Home Challenge

    As always, if you complete the challenge, please send us a photograph of your child’s work via our Facebook Messenger and they will receive 10 Parkland Points and their name on our Skills Builder Wall of Fame!

    And finally…

    We hope you have a wonderful weekend in the sunshine.  Mrs Wierzbianski will be soaking in the rays on the beach with her family and Ms Pascoe will be running the Ilkley Half Marathon!  We’ll see you bright and early on Monday morning for another week of learning!

    Pride Awards!



    For always arriving at Nursery with a smile on her face and her positive attitude towards learning.



    For always trying her best in phonics.


    For listening carefully during our carpet sessions and sharing her thoughts and ideas with the class.

    Year 1


    For working hard to recognise numbers to 100 and find one more and one less than a number.


     For always being positive, kind, and a pleasure to teach. 

    Year 2


    For your fantastic improvement in your writing. Well done Leo!


    For showing a can do attitude and not giving up when things get difficult.


    Year 3/4A

    Archie Smith

    For working hard with your group on our Enterprise work. You listened well and took on board other peoples’ ideas. I was also very impressed with how you embraced our creativity challenges- you had lots of wonderful ideas.  Well done.


    For working hard with your group on our Enterprise work. You listened well and took on board other peoples’ ideas.  I was also very impressed with how you embraced our creativity challenges- you had lots of wonderful ideas.  I loved your glasses! Well done.


    For working extra hard on TTRS this week.  You have shown how when you keep trying, your effort is rewarded and I am pleased to see that you got 24/25 on Soundcheck! Keep it up!

    Year 3/4NW


    For Fantastic independent English work identifying the correct verbs.


    For showing improve confidence in her own abilities and sharing her ideas with others.  

    Year 5


    For always being a wonderful friend with a warm nature and kind heart.


    For always having a positive and enthusiastic approach to learning.

    Year 6


    For being a fabulous member of Year 6 and putting lots of effort into his performance for the production.


    Always being a 100% child. Flo puts her all into everything that she does and is a shining star.

    Do what matters most

    Be yourself, always

    Show you care

    Succeed together

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  • Parkland Post – 1st July

    Published 01/07/22

    This week

    Welcome to this week’s Parkland Post.  Our children made us proud this week when they spoke to Mr Featherstone, our Vice Chair of the Academy Governing Council about the trips and experiences they have had this year.  They talked fondly about where they had been and what they had learnt along the way.  Years 3 and 4 were able to tell us a great deal about how the Vikings went into battle and are looking forward to being able to share their Egyptian death masks with parents at an event which is detailed below.  Year 6 talked about how they developed resilience and overcame their fears when caving and Year 5 were looking forward to a visit to a local mosque.  

    Careers Week and Enterprise Day/Fiver Challenge

    Next week, we will be having our Careers Week which will end with an Enterprise Day on Friday 8th July.  Each class will be given £5 to ‘grow’ – they will have to decide as a class what sort of enterprise they are going to take part in, prepare and resource it and share it with you all on Friday afternoon at 2:30pm.  We will be welcoming parents and carers into school to look at the children’s stall/enterprise ideas – please don’t forget to bring some pennies as each class will be trying to raise as much money as they can; the winning class receiving a certificate for their achievements.  Careers Week is an opportunity to develop our Co-op Ways of Being and Skills Builder skills.  Who knows, there might be a budding entrepreneur in our midst.

    Transition Day 

    On Wednesday 6th July, our children will be meeting their new class teachers in preparation for the new academic year.  They will have an opportunity to set goals for the new year, discuss their hopes and what they’re most looking forward to doing.  Our new Reception class will have their transition from 10am and have their lunch at 11:30am.  Our Year 6 pupils will have their transition on Tuesday 5th July if they are attending Immanuel College and Wednesday the 6th July if they are attending Hanson.     

    Year 6 Performance

    We are delighted to invite you to watch the Year 6 end of year performance ‘Go for Gold’ on Thursday 14th July at 1:30pm in our school hall.  A letter will be sent out to Year 6 families next week for you to apply for tickets which will be allocated on a first come first served basis.  The play promises to have you laughing, crying and everything in between as you are taken on a journey to Athens in Ancient Greek times.

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  • Parkland Post – 24th June

    Published 24/06/22

    This week

    Welcome to this week’s Parkland Post!  It has been another scorcher of a week, we’ve had lots of water and shade at the ready during our playtimes.  It has been Refugee Week and on Tuesday, Mrs Heaven delivered an assembly on this theme using the story ‘There’s a Boy Like Me’.  The children had a chance to think about the issues and heartaches that face children in the world today and showed such empathy.  

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  • Parkland Post – 17th June

    Published 17/06/22

    This week

    Welcome to this week’s instalment of the Parkland Post!  What a scorcher of a week it has been, our children have been loving playing out safely in the sun and have been taking part in some outdoor learning too.


    Our attendance this week and last has been much lower than normal and I’m sure you know how important it is for your children to be in school and taking part in learning.  Please ensure that you send your children into school unless they are poorly; even if they just feel a little bit under the weather.  It is better to send them in as more often than not, they feel much brighter once they get busy with their learning.  We also want to remind you that holidays during term time can’t be authorised and should be taken during the school holidays.  It would be amazing if we can improve our whole school attendance next week – any class who have above 90% next week will get a spin on our attendance wheel!  Year 2 enjoyed their non-uniform day today as a treat for their high attendance – well done!

    Skills Builder Home Challenge

    Well done to Connor Sutcliffe in Year 5 who sent in his ideas for the home challenge with some fabulous ways of helping you get to sleep.

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  • Parkland Post – 10th June​​​​​​​

    Published 09/06/22

    This week

    What a wonderful first week back we have had!  It has been such a busy time at Parkland and our children have returned with big smiles on their faces ready to learn which is fantastic to see.  Your child’s teachers will be sharing the curriculum webs next week which details what they will be learning about over the next half term and how you can support them at home.  Homework menus will also be sent home which link to the wider curriculum subjects they are focusing on. 

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  • Hello from Mrs Wierzbianski​​​​​​​

    Published 26/05/22

    I’m thrilled to share some exciting news with you all! Watch my video or continue reading.

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  • Parkland Post – 26th May​​​​​​​

    Published 25/05/22

    This week

    Welcome to this week’s Parkland Post as we draw a close on this half term.  We have had a fabulous day celebrating the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee – everyone looked magnificent in red, white and blue!

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  • Parkland Post – 20 May

    Published 20/05/22

    This week

    Welcome to this week’s Parkland Post. We have four days of school before we finish for half term. We will return on Monday 6th June ready for Summer 2. Your child’s teachers will be sharing what each class will be learning and how you can support them at home with reading and homework projects. 

    Rainbow Week

    We have been celebrating Rainbow Week across our academy where we have read books, written poetry, had author visits and been able to express ourselves with a non-uniform day!  Our kitchen team made a delicious rainbow themed feast for everyone to enjoy.  Rainbow Week is just part of the work we do at Co-op Academy Parkland to celebrate diversity and equality which we believe is an important part of our curriculum.  Keep a look out on our social media pages for photos of this week’s events.

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  • Parkland Post – 6 May

    Published 06/05/22

    This week

    Welcome to this week’s Parkland Post.  We started the week off with a bang with an author visit from Jenny York.  She led an assembly for the whole school where she read from some of her books and then did workshops all day with each year group.  They all had an amazing time and budding writers in Years 5 and 6 had an opportunity to have a discussion with her about how she became a published author, the skills she uses and the techniques she has developed when writing.

    Parent Forum

    We were joined this week by parents and our Vice Chair of Governors Ian Featherstone to chat about ideas for the Queen’s Jubilee celebrations, an update on a community garden project and even a sneak peek of our new library! 

    It would be wonderful to see more parents coming to our next parent forum which will take place on 30.6.22 at 9am.

    Coffee Morning – Monday 9 May

    Join us for our Coffee Morning! We’ll have advice on benefits, jobs and training. Everyone’s welcome: Monday 9 May, 9am-10:30am

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  • Parkland Post – 29 April

    Published 29/04/22

    This week

    Welcome to this week’s Parkland Post and to our summer term!  I have been thrilled with the way our children have settled back into life at Co-op Academy Parkland, they all look to have grown taller and were ready to buckle down to the new learning their teachers have prepared for them. 

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