Parkland Post – 13 May
This week
Welcome to this week’s Parkland Post. I wanted to start by saying how proud the staff are of our Year 6 pupils who completed their SATS this week – they showed just how resilient and mature they all are. We will still be focusing on writing over the next few weeks so please make sure your child is in school every day.
Rainbow Week
Next week, we will be having Rainbow Week where we are celebrating diversity, equality, and the freedom to be who we want to be! On Friday 20th May, we are having an Express Yourself Day where you can come to school in non-uniform. The kitchen team are also going to be doing a special rainbow themed lunch.
New lunch menus
Our delicious new lunch menus are now live on the school meals website. It runs on a three weekly basis. The link can be found below so you can see which meals your child can enjoy each day (just remember to select Co-op Academy Parkland).
Parents’ Evenings
Our Parents’ Evenings will take place on Wednesday 18th May 3-6pm and Thursday 19th May 3-4:30pm.
Slips will be sent out which show which date and time you need to attend.
Don’t worry if you didn’t request an appointment, one has been made for you by Mrs Murgatroyd so you come in and have a chat about your child’s progress.
Parent Event: Egyptian ModRoc Death Masks
This afternoon, we had a fabulous parent event with Years 3 and 4. They have been working over the last two weeks on the brief, design and have finally been able to get stuck in to making their masks. Keep a look out for the photos which will follow on our social media pages. Thank you to everyone who was able to come in to support – we hope you had as much fun as the children did!
Skills Builder Home Challenge
This weekend, as part of this half term’s skill ‘Staying Positive’, the weekend challenge is this: