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News and Letters

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  • Parkland Post – 16th December

    Published 16/12/22

    Ho, ho, ho and welcome to the last week of our Autumn term! We are definitely feeling festive this week with the EYFS/KS1 Nativity, our KS2 Carol Concert, Christmas Jumper Day, Christmas dinner, class parties and end of year assembly!  Mrs Wierzbianski definitely needs to up her game next year with her Christmas jumper, it simply didn’t have enough glitter, lights and tunes to keep up with the amazing examples your children were wearing this year!  Jet even joined in this week with his Christmas jumper – he was thrilled to be in school with our children again.

    Christmas Dinner

    Our wonderful kitchen team prepared and cooked a delicious Christmas dinner for all of our children and staff on Thursday – they looked amazing in their Christmas T-shirts and everyone pulled a cracker whilst sharing jokes and having a good sing to the Christmas tunes.  Thank you so very much for all of our kitchen team and dinner hall team who ensure your children are looked after.

    Skills Builder Home Challenge

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  • Parkland Post – 9th December

    Published 09/12/22

    Welcome to this week’s very chilly Parkland Post – winter has finally arrived!  It has been so much better greeting families in the sunshine rather than last week’s foggy weather.  We have lots of exciting events taking place next week – make sure you refer to the key dates posted on Facebook or in last week’s Parkland Post.  The EYFS and KS1 Nativity dress rehearsal sounded amazing from my office, I can’t wait to watch it for the first time with you all next week on Monday afternoon and Tuesday morning.

    Christmas Choir

    Our fabulous Christmas Choir visited St John’s Church this afternoon to sing to our community.  The singing was delightful and brought smiles to many faces.  Thank you to Mrs Steere and Mrs Peacock for accompanying them.  Keep an eye out on our Facebook page for photographs of them in action.

    Early Years Stay and Play and Open Evening

    Thank you to all of our families which joined us for Stay and Play sessions this week and for new parents who came to look at our provision on Wednesday’s Open Evening for Reception.  It was lovely meeting so many new families and we hope Co-op Academy Parkland will be the academy you choose to begin your child’s education.

    Year 3 and 4 Stocking Parent Workshop

    Our Year 3 and 4 children had an incredibly creative afternoon with their adults creating Christmas stockings based on their original designs.  There were beads, glitter, sequins as far as the eye could see and it looked so festive!

    Skills Builder Home Challenge

    It is the final home challenge which focuses on our ‘Aiming High’ skill.  Remember, your child can earn 5 Skills Builder Class Charts points if you share what they have done for the challenge via Facebook Messenger. 


    We hope you have an enjoyable weekend.  We have one more week left before we break up for the holidays at 3:15pm on Friday 16th December.  Attendance remains important as every day matters when it comes to your child’s education.  I hope you manage to get outside, hopefully the weather will be kind.  Mrs Wierzbianski is planning to get a Christmas tree and decorate it and Ms Pascoe is visiting Father Christmas at Stockeld Park. We will see you all bright and early for another fun-filled week of learning.

    Pride Awards!



    For working hard and joining in with our nativity dress rehearsal.


    For sharing her fantastic maths knowledge on how to make different numbers. 

    Year 1


    For fantastic design and making of a moving car in DT.


    For her success and attitude to learning in phonics. Ava tries so hard with her sounds and we are so proud.

    Year 2


    For always being a wonderful role model around school.


    For her wonderful attitude to learning.

    Year 3


    For settling in so well to Year 3 – we are so lucky to have you!


    For showing great determination to succeed this week. You have tried hard in everything and really wowed me.

    Year 4


    For showing resilience and determination during our assessment week.


    Working hard and participating in all of his work, even when it’s not his favourite subject.

    Year 5


    For developing a mature attitude in her own progress.


    For his infectious love for learning something new.

    Year 6


    For working hard on her maths recently, using her peers for extra support.


    For being a lovely friend and a calming presence in class.

    Be yourself, always

    Show you care

    Succeed together

    Do what matters most

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  • Parkland Post – 2nd December

    Published 02/12/22

    Welcome to another packed Parkland Post!  It has been yet another busy week with Nativity rehearsals, PE tournaments and the introduction of some key roles in our academy!

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  • Parkland Post – 25th November

    Published 25/11/22

    Welcome to this week’s Parkland Post!  Our Reception children have had a wonderful trip to Tropical World where they experienced desert conditions with meerkats, were able to walk with a vast array of butterfly species and looked closely at all manner of reptiles, insects, birds and aquatic creatures.  They have created a beautiful book of their visit which you will be able to see when you visit their Reception unit in the future.

    Key dates

    • Parent Forum, Tuesday 29th November at 9am
    • Non-uniform day (please bring in donations for the Christmas Fair) Friday 2nd December
    • Nativity (Reception, Years 1 and 2) Monday 12th December 2pm and Tuesday 13th 10am
    • Christmas Fair, Tuesday 13th 3.15
    • KS2 Carol Service Wednesday 14th December 2pm
    • Non-uniform day and Christmas parties Friday 16th December
    • End of term assembly Friday 16th December at 9am
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  • Parkland Post – 18th November

    Published 18/11/22

    Welcome to an action packed Parkland Post!  We have had a very productive and successful few weeks – I am feeling so proud of our pupils who have been shining in lots of ways not only within our academy but within our community too. 

    Key dates

    • Parent Forum Tuesday 22nd November at 9am
    • Non-uniform day (please bring in donations for the Christmas Fair) Friday 2nd December
    • Nativity (Reception, Years 1 and 2) dates and times to be confirmed
    • Christmas Fair date and time to be confirmed
    • KS2 Carol Service Wednesday 14th December time to be confirmed
    • Non-uniform day and Christmas parties Friday 16th December
    • End of term assembly Friday 16th December at 9am
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  • Parkland Post – 4th November

    Published 08/11/22

    Welcome to this week’s Parkland Post in what has been a very busy and focused beginning to the second half of our autumn term.  This half term is always a busy one as we have our Remembrance assembly, Children in Need Day and there will be lots of Christmas events coming up.  We have included these dates below for you.    

    Key dates

    • Remembrance Assembly Friday 11th November at 9am
    • Family Breakfast with a Road Safety Theme Tuesday 15th November from 8am until 8:40am 
    • Children in Need Day Friday 18th November
    • Parent Forum Thursday 24th November at 9am
    • Non-uniform day (please bring in donations for the Christmas Fair) Friday 2nd December
    • Nativity (Reception, Years 1 and 2) dates and times to be confirmed
    • Christmas Fair date and time to be confirmed
    • KS2 Carol Service Wednesday 14th December time to be confirmed
    • Non-uniform day and Christmas parties Friday 16th December
    • End of term assembly Friday 16th December at 9am
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  • Staff and Parents Create Peace Garden for pupils

    Published 24/10/22

    …while standing in the area, in the overgrown unused area, surrounded with a broken rickety old fence, there was a robin redbreast happily tweeting away and the peace in among the chaos was overwhelming. From that moment everything changed it was now going to be a peace garden, a place where our children could go to escape for a moment from the chaos in their lives. 


    Staff, Parents, and friends all worked together to create a wonderful Peace Garden for our pupils here at Parkland. Led by our CoCo’s Mrs. Peacock and Mrs. Steere, the group worked tirelessly to transform a disused, overgrown area into a tranquil space for pupils to use.

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  • Parkland Post – 21st October

    Published 21/10/22

    Welcome to the final Parkland Post of the first half of the autumn term.  Our children have made a fantastic start to the academic year, there have been so many things to celebrate such as: our Bench Ball Tournament winners; the development of our Peace Garden; our new Eco Warrior team who attended the Eco Conference and our School Councillors who attended the Pupil Voice Conference in Manchester at 1 Angel Square.  In addition to this, the children have been proudly showing their work each week in our celebration assemblies.

    Staffing Changes

    We are saying goodbye and a HUGE thank you to Mrs Cooper who has been teaching in Year 4 and Mrs McGough who has been teaching in Year 5 for their hard work and dedication to our children.  We wish them both lots of luck in their next ventures.

    Miss Evans will be teaching Y4 after half term, sharing the role with Mrs Nunn.  We will confirm who will be sharing the class teacher role with Miss Heaven in Year 5 at the beginning of the new half term. Ms Pascoe will be teaching in Year 6 and is leading the residential at Ingleborough Hall.

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  • Parkland Post – 14th October

    Published 14/10/22

    A warm welcome to this week’s Parkland Post!  As we hurtle towards half term, which begins next Friday, I thought we’d reflect on some of the good things which have been going on across our academy.  

    We have developed a Peace Garden, groups of children have already started to use it and have been sharing their ideas of how to develop it further.  Our library has become a really popular place for our children to spend time listening to stories and sharing them with friends.  Children have requested sessions at playtime so they can access our wide range of books, something which we will be doing after half term.  The final thing we wanted to mention was our new Careers Related Learning boards in the entrance – this is where our local heroes are displayed.  People from our local community who have been to Parkland and worked at developing skills which have led to exciting and inspiring careers.  Take a look the next time you’re in school and see the journey that they have been on. 


    We had two teams of Year 4 and 5 pupils who took part in a Benchball tournament against other pupils from academies across the Trust.  We are delighted to be able to share with you that our Year 5 team won and our Year 4 team only lost by 1 point!  We were also proud of our children as staff from other schools commented on how well-behaved they were.

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  • Parkland Post – 7th October

    Published 07/10/22

    Welcome to this week’s Parkland Post; we have been incredibly busy!  Our children really impressed Mrs Wierzbianski and Ms Pascoe when they visited classes to see learning taking place in reading, phonics and maths.  We are also beginning to sing harvest songs in our singing assembly this week in preparation for the Harvest Festival which will take place on the 21st of October at 9am (more details will follow).  

    Attendance and Punctuality

     Our academy day begins for children at 8:45am prompt, this means that you should aim to be in the playground at 8:40am to ensure your child is ready to be collected so they can begin their day on time.  We have noticed this week that there has been a much larger number of children being late at the start of the day which means they are not only missing out on breakfast, they are also missing out on essential learning.  Please help your child by making sure they are in school every day and on time.

    Last week’s whole school attendance was 92.7% which is lower than our target of 95% +

    Skills Builder Home Challenge

    This week’s challenge practises the ‘Aiming High’ skill and builds on the careers activity you have been doing in school this week.  We have a new Skills Builder display board in our entrance hall which desperately needs your work – can you complete the challenge below and present your ideas in a creative way?  

    World Mental Health Awareness Day

    On Monday, we will be taking part in World Mental Health Awareness Day.  This year’s theme is ‘Make Mental Health and Wellbeing for all a global priority’.  Your children will have sessions during the day which focus on mental health and wellbeing.  Examples of work and photos of the activities will be shared on our social media pages on Monday.


    We hope you have a wonderful weekend, Mrs Wierzbianski is going to Fountains Abbey with her family and Jet and Ms Pascoe will be catching up on some reading.  We will see you all bright and early on Monday morning!

    Pride Awards!



    For joining in and working hard in phonics. Well done Tallulah!


    For always making the right choices. We can always rely on Jamin to work hard and try his best.

    Year 1


    For always pushing herself to do better and putting 100% effort into her learning every day.


    For going that extra mile every day in the classroom, and displaying her wonderful maths learning whilst in provision. Keep up the hard work!

    Year 2


    For always working to the best of her ability and challenging herself. Well done!


    For striving to work independently in all subjects. Well done!


    Year 3


    For an impressive character description. You added every writing feature I asked for and I could really see the characters as a read.


    Really wowing me with your character description. You worked independently and I could imagine who you were writing about. 

    Year 4


    For always trying her hardest in everything she does.


    For writing a fantastic, emotive poem. 

    Year 5


    For consistently producing quality writing. Georgia uses effective verbs, adjectives and is also using powerful figurative language in her work.


    For always makes the correct choices in class and is an excellent example of how a year 5 pupil at Parklands should behave. 

    Year 6


    For being a good friend, role model and member of Y6. 


    For consistently pushing herself to excellence in her learning.  

    Do what matters most

    Be yourself, always

    Show you care

    Succeed together

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  • Parkland Post – 30th September

    Published 30/09/22

    Welcome to this week’s slightly wet and windy Parkland Post!  The weather has definitely taken a turn and feels bitterly cold.  Please make sure your children are wrapped up in warm, waterproof coats as they will still complete their Daily Mile each morning.  There have been some exciting things going on around our academy this week from local area walks as part of the Year 1 geography curriculum, D&T days in Year 5, to our Eco Warriors visiting 1 Angel Square for the Eco Conference.

    Attendance and Late Marks

    As you are aware, our school day now begins at 8:45am prompt.  Thank you to all of the families who are bringing your children in every day and on time.  Gates are closed at 8:45am and if your child arrives after this time, it is recorded as a late mark and the length of time recorded.  Every time your child is late, they are missing valuable learning time, which is time they won’t be able to make up.  

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  • Parkland Post – 23rd September

    Published 23/09/22

    Welcome to the first Parkland Post of the year – it is so good to be back!  Our children have made the most wonderful start to the year and have settled into their new year groups well.  

    Cliffe Castle Visit for Years 3 and 4

    This week, Years 3 and 4 have had a visit to Cliffe Castle where they focused on rocks and soils which complements the learning in class about The Stone Age.  They had the opportunity to take part in two workshops and returned full of new information and facts!

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