Parkland Post - Friday 22nd September 2023
Welcome to this week's Parkland Post! The weather this week has certainly been changeable - one minute raining and the next it is beautifully sunny. Please can all children bring a waterproof coat with a hood and make sure to put their name in it, so it can be returned if lost.
Mrs Wierzbianski has been visiting classes this week and has been so impressed with the way children are coming into school and getting straight on with their learning. She loves to hear all about what they have been learning and has been thrilled to have so many visitors to her office from children who have good work to share - keep up the incredible work! One particular highlight has been seeing our Nursery children voting for their book of the day for story time - so many discussions around the 5 Frame; Is it full? What differences do you notice between each 5 Frame?