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News and Letters

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  • Parkland Post – 28th April

    Published 28/04/23

    Welcome to this week’s Parkland Post in what has been a whirlwind of a week – we can’t believe it’s Friday already!  Don’t forget that Monday 1st May is a Bank Holiday so we will be open again on Tuesday 2nd May.  Our children have been involved in lots of events this week and our children and staff have been lucky enough to have two fabulous assemblies: one delivered by Miss Ahmed all about Eid and one delivered by the Eco Warriors which focused on Earth Day.

    Big Biffa Coffee Morning

    Thank you to everyone who attended our Coffee Morning and bake sale.  We have managed to raise over £200 which will be matched by Biffa to double the aid we can offer communities in Cameroon.  There were lots of raffle prizes on offer and the winners were very excited to receive them in our Celebration Assembly!

    PTA Meeting

    We are going to have our first PTA meeting on Tuesday 2nd May at 2:30pm in school.  This is for anyone who wishes to help set one up so we can organise discos, school fairs and other fundraising events.  We would love to see as many of you there as possible.

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  • Parkland Post – 21st April

    Published 21/04/23

    Welcome to the first Parkland Post of the Summer term!  We hope you had a restful Easter break and that the lighter mornings and evenings are lifting spirits.  We’ve had such a busy week back and have welcomed some new members to our team.

    Eco Conference

    Eco Warriors gave a presentation of what we have done so far in our academy and what we are hoping to achieve over the year at Parkland and in our local community.

    There was a presentation from Don Mitie about vertical wall gardens and their benefits for biodiversity and personal wellbeing.  The Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) told us about a new project that will be launched in September, we took part in one of their activities and provided feedback.  The activity was called ‘What am I?’ Which you can see in the photos below.  

    After a delicious lunch (Jack loved the chips), a company called ‘fairandfunky’ showed us how to make a wallet out of a juice carton; we had lots of fun!  This was followed by multiple choice questions and a Q&A session.

    Finally, they introduced ‘The Great Big Green Week’ which takes place from the 10th to the 18th June 2023.  They gave us some lovely ideas for what we can do e.g. to work outdoors during lesson time and to take photos of any species we might see on the school grounds and where they found them.  

    They had a busy day and loved every minute of it!  Thank you to Mrs Clegg and Mrs Lee-Winter for accompanying the children for the day.

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  • Parkland Post – 31st March

    Published 31/03/23

    Welcome to the final Parkland Post of the spring term!  What a busy time it has been for our children and staff.  Thank you to so many of you for attending our Easter assembly – it was lovely to have you all coming together to celebrate the children’s work and achievements.  

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  • Parkland Post – 24th March

    Published 24/03/23

    Welcome to this week’s Parkland Post, we have had a week full of sporting events with an OAA competition and a football tournament alongside our usual weekly offer of PE and the Daily Mile.  Phew, I’m exhausted just writing about it!

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  • Parkland Post – 17th March

    Published 17/03/23

    Welcome to this week’s Parkland Post.  It has certainly been a busy last couple of weeks with a snow day and strike days and we are so grateful for your patience and understanding with these.  Our children have had a great day today in non-uniform to raise money for Comic Relief.  I set them a challenge at the start of the day to tell jokes to each other and see if they could make each other laugh – we have been giggling throughout the day!  

    Next week, Years 1, 3, 4 and 5 will be completing assessments so they can show off how much they have learned and remembered.  Please can I ask that you make sure your children are in every day and on time so they can be part of these.  The outcomes of these will be shared at our next Parents’ Evenings in May (16th and 17th).

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  • Parkland Post – 3rd March

    Published 03/03/23

    Welcome to this week’s Parkland Post. It has been a busy and exciting week this week celebrating all things Fairtrade, World Book Day and hosting our Family Breakfast. As always, the children have made us extremely proud with their hard work and enthusiasm.

    World Book Day and Family Breakfast

    We had a fantastic day for World Book Day and the staff and pupils made a wonderful effort with their costumes. Thank you also to all of the people who attended Family Breakfast on Thursday morning, it was lovely to share breakfast with so many of you.

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  • Parkland Post – 10th February 2023

    Published 10/02/23

    Welcome to the final Parkland Post for this half term.  This week has been Children’s Mental Health Week and our children have taken part in a variety of different activities with the purpose of making mental health and wellbeing something we talk about and feel happy and comfortable sharing with others – the acknowledgement that it is okay not to be okay and that there are people in school and at home who can help with that.  Perhaps you would like to do some mindful colouring this week during the half term or get out into nature which are both great ways to press the reset button and clear your head. 


    It is the first half term where we have awarded a £50 meal gift voucher as part of our attendance raffle.  A ticket is put into the draw every time your child has 97% attendance over a half term – you have to be in it to win it! 

    Please make sure that your child is in school every day and on time so they don’t miss valuable learning time.  Our doors open at 8:40am and learning begins at 8:45am.

    Children’s Mental Health Week

    We had our Dress to Express Day in school today and everyone looked AMAZING – we thought you would like to see some photos of their funky outfits!

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  • Parkland Post – 3rd February 2023

    Published 03/02/23

    Welcome to this week’s Parkland Post, we have had yet another busy week where our children have impressed us with their knowledge.  Year 5 have been planning an investigation into thermal insulators and conductors.  Year 1 have been working on ways to save our planet and have written a letter to persuade me to lead an assembly on it with their help.  

    Roman Day

    Years 3 and 4 were joined by a visitor yesterday who helped them to learn all about the life of the Romans.  They learnt about inventions such as roads, hypocausts, aqueducts and sewers and were able to handle artefacts – the oil burner being a particularly interesting item.

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  • Parkland Post – 27th January

    Published 27/01/23

    Welcome to this week’s Parkland Post.  We’ve had an amazing week across our academy with all of the children working hard.  I have loved popping into classes and talking to everyone about their learning.  I was particularly impressed with Year 4 who every morning, give some fast facts linked to the task they are doing – keep it up!

    PE with Mr Parkinson

    Our children can’t wait for their sessions with Mr Parkinson each week so they can continue to develop their skills set in areas such as teamwork, football, gymnastic, dance and hockey to name but a few.  It is always a joy to see their progress each week and to be able to see the PE sessions in action.

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  • Parkland Post – 20th January​​​​​​​

    Published 20/01/23

    Welcome to this week’s Parkland Post.  It has been a very busy week for our children, they have been sharing their learning with Mrs Wierzbianski who has been impressed with the quick recall of key knowledge.  She has also been excited to read Year 6’s writing about Antarctic animals which will be displayed on the wall outside their classroom from next week.  We will share photographs of their work in next week’s Parkland Post so keep your eyes peeled!

    Co-op Academies Trust Football Tournament

    Year 4 and 5 pupils attended a football tournament hosted by Co-op Academy Priesthorpe this week and returned with ENORMOUS smiles on their faces as they were awarded Gold for 1st place!  Our teams displayed one of our Ways of Being (Succeed Together) by communicating effectively, playing fairly and creating opportunities on the pitch during each match.  We are so proud of their achievements and would like to thank our hosts for their hard work organising and running the event.

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  • Parkland Post – 13th January

    Published 13/01/23

    Welcome to this week’s Parkland Post!  At the end of a wild and windy weather week, we are pleased to announce that a group of our Year 6 children attended a PE competition and returned with bronze medals!  We are incredibly proud of the way they represented our academy and how hard they worked individually and as a team – they embodied Succeed Together; one of our Ways of Being.

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  • Parkland Post – 6th January

    Published 06/01/23

    Welcome to the first Parkland Post of 2023!  We hope you have had a relaxing Christmas and New Year and that you are all ready for what is going to be a fantastic year.  Our children returned after the break with lots of stories to share and have been ready to learn.  We were visited by Mr Featherstone, one of our Governors this week who had the chance to meet lots of you on the school gate at the end of the day on Thursday.   

    Home-School Agreement

    Our new home school agreement will be sent to each family next week for you to read, sign and return to school.  Research has consistently shown that active parental interest makes a great deal of difference to how well children do at school.  You can help more effectively if you know what our academy is trying to achieve and what you can do to offer support.  Every home-school agreement which is returned by Friday 13th January will be entered into a prize draw to win a hamper containing food and drink.  The draw will take place in next Friday’s celebration assembly from 2:45pm.

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