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News and Letters

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  • Parkland Post - Friday 8th December 2023

    Published 08/12/23

    Welcome to this week's Wintry Parkland Post - what a week we have had!  It has been wonderful to welcome so many families through our doors during our Nativity performances and KS2 Carol Concert.  I am sure you will agree that they did themselves and us proud!  I love just how well everyone has worked together in order to achieve one of our Ways of Being - Succeed Together.  Thank you to all of the staff who have put in so much work behind the scenes; none of it would have been possible without you.

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  • Parkland Post - Friday 1st Decemeber 2023

    Published 01/12/23

    Welcome to a festive Parkland Post on what has been a brilliant non-uniform day - we would like to thank you for all of the donations towards our Winter Fair which is being held on the 14th December.  

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  • Parkland Post - Friday 24th November 2023

    Published 24/11/23

    Welcome to the final newsletter of November - can you believe that next Friday is the start of December; where has the year gone?  This week has flown by with two well-attended parents' evenings, thank you for joining us for these, so we could share the progress your children are making.  We will feedback on the results of the parent questionnaire next week.

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  • Parkland Post - Friday 17th November 2023

    Published 17/11/23

    Welcome to this week's brightly coloured, spot-filled Parkland Post!  As you probably have worked out, it has been Children In Need Day - we have been sporting our most colourful, spotty, Pudsey-related clothing in order to raise money for some amazing charities.  Thank you to everyone who has donated - your help means such a lot to so many people.  Our main prize in the raffle was won by Mya in Year 5 - congratulations; we hope that you enjoy your winnings!  We will update you with our final total at the end of the day - thank you for being so generous.

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  • Parkland Post - Friday 10th November 2023

    Published 10/11/23

    Wow, it's Friday already - how did that happen?  It has been another busy week which has meant it has flown by!  We have had such a positive beginning to November and there are so many exciting things to look forward to this half term.  

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  • Parkland Post - Friday 3rd November 2023

    Published 03/11/23

    Welcome to a wild, windy and rainy Parkland Post!  What a week it has been - we have had a week of two halves with the majority of children being in school and our Year 6s on residential at Ingleborough Hall.  There has been so much learning going on across the academy and children have been excitedly telling us the new knowledge they now have! 

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  • Parkland Post - Friday 20th October 2023

    Published 20/10/23

    Welcome to the final Parkland Post of this half-term - it has been such a wet end to the week; thank you for still ensuring your children are in every day and on time, it has such a positive impact on their learning.  As we approach the half-term holiday, please can you check in on what your child is accessing on social media and via their devices, so they can be as safe as possible and check the age restrictions on apps.  


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  • Parkland Post - Friday 13th October 2023

    Published 13/10/23
    Attendance Matters   Our attendance for the week was 92% which falls below the government's national target of 96%.  This week's winning class was  Year 3 - well done to them, and we hope you enjoy your cla
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  • Parkland Post - Friday 6th October 2023

    Published 06/10/23

    Welcome to this week's Parkland Post and what a week it has been!  The days seem to be flying by and our academy has been a hive of activity.  Our Co-op Young Leaders have been doing a brilliant job as Playground Buddies during our playtimes and lunchtimes.

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  • Parkland Post - Friday 29th September 2023

    Published 29/09/23

    Welcome to this week's Parkland Post!  We had a brilliant week with all of our children talking enthusiastically about their learning when we had a visitor at school.  Our Eco Warriors have been busy tending to the Peace Garden during their club, and we have had the Class Charts Shop open for Key Stage 2 - next week, it will be KS1's turn, so keep collecting those points!

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  • Parkland Post - Friday 22nd September 2023

    Published 22/09/23

    Welcome to this week's Parkland Post!  The weather this week has certainly been changeable - one minute raining and the next it is beautifully sunny.  Please can all children bring a waterproof coat with a hood and make sure to put their name in it, so it can be returned if lost.  

    Mrs Wierzbianski has been visiting classes this week and has been so impressed with the way children are coming into school and getting straight on with their learning.  She loves to hear all about what they have been learning and has been thrilled to have so many visitors to her office from children who have good work to share - keep up the incredible work!  One particular highlight has been seeing our Nursery children voting for their book of the day for story time - so many discussions around the 5 Frame; Is it full?  What differences do you notice between each 5 Frame?

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  • Parkland Post - Friday 15th September 2023

    Published 15/09/23

    Welcome to the first week of this year's Parkland Post!  What an amazing start everyone has made, it has been wonderful to see so many happy and smiling faces as families enter our academy each day.  Thank you to all families for working hard at getting their children in on time and in every day.  We will be having an attendance reward day on Thursday 5th October which Mrs Flaherty is organising - keep a lookout for further information.

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