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News and Letters

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  • Parkland Post – 8th October

    Published 08/10/21

    This week

    Welcome to this week’s Parkland Post!  We hope you are all well and that no-one blew away earlier this week – autumn was most certainly here and now it’s looking like we might be having another glorious weekend; it’s impossible to keep up!  

    Story writing in Years 3 and 4
    Years 3 and 4 have been story writing this week based on the Visual Literacy short film ‘Lou’.  So far, they have written an opening and a problem ensuring they use fronted adverbials and that the vocabulary they use is of a high standard.  Mrs Wierzbianski has read a few pieces of work and is impressed with their writing so far – she can’t wait to read the final pieces!

    Your Governing Body
    This week, Miss Connors met with our Governing Body which was chaired by Miss Emma Ainsworth for this term’s update on the wonderful things happening at Parkland.  We are lucky that our governors are so supportive and are part of our journey of school improvement.  They are all looking forward to meeting you at our events this year.

    Times table of the week
    We had a great time reciting our ten times tables in the KS2 playground and counting in 2s in the KS1 playground.  Next week, we will be focusing on the 4 times table in KS2 and will be continuing to count forwards in 2s in KS1.  You could help your child become more confident at home with their times tables by reciting them together.

    We hope you have a fabulous weekend, whatever you decide to do.  Please try to listen to your child read for 10 minutes per day, help them to practise their spellings and their times tables.  Mrs Wierzbianski will be walking Jet and doing a spot of reading as she’s quite fond of reading you know!  We can’t wait to see all of our pupils bright and early on Monday morning for another week of learning!  

    Black History Month

    October is Black History Month and pupils in Year 6 have been reading a text called ‘Hidden Figures’  which is the true story of four African-American women who were incredibly gifted mathematicians.  The work they did changed not only their own lives but the face of air and space travel forever.  Year 6 read about the barriers these women kept coming up against and learnt the importance of resilience, self-belief and sheer determination and grit.  


    This year our Harvest Competition has the theme of Scarecrows, all children from Nursery to Year 6 are encouraged to make, create, build or decorate a scarecrow, be creative!

    Our Harvest Festival is taking place on Friday 22nd October at 9am.  We are delighted to be able to invite you into school to watch our pupils share songs and information about harvest around the world.  We will also be joined by Rev. Mary Winters and can’t wait to welcome our Parkland family back through our doors.  Please feel free to wear masks if you wish and socially distance wherever possible. 

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  • Parkland Post – 1st October

    Published 01/10/21

    This week

    Welcome to this week’s Parkland Post. We have had another busy week which started with Miss Connors who talked to the pupils about our British Value of Democracy and what this looked like at Parkland. Our classes have had their ‘elections’ and our new School Councillors have been voted for. We are looking forward to seeing how our School Council helps to shape everything in our academy.

    Hot Chocolate Friday
    Miss Connors met with some pupils from each year group to share a hot chocolate and a chat about how they are settling into the new school year.  She also had the chance to find out about what they have been learning and the new knowledge they have gained which was a very lively conversation!  

    Times table of the week
    This week, our times table was the 5 x table and by the end of the week, everyone was joining in- even in the drizzle!  Next week, our focus for KS2 will be the 10 x table and in KS1, they will be counting in 2s.  It is wonderful to see how eager our pupils are to join in with Year 6 leading the way!
    We hope you enjoy your weekend, remember to encourage your child to practise their times tables, spellings and read for 10 minutes each day as this will help them feel more confident when in school. 

    Free Dinner Day!

    Oh I do like to be beside the seaside!

    We will be having a free dinner day on Thursday October the 7th, the theme is seaside. There will have a choice of picnic sandwich boxes or Fish and chips with ice cream for dessert. No need to bring a packed lunch or pay- its on us!

    Harvest Competition

    This year our Harvest Competition has the theme of Scarecrows, all children from Nursery to Year 6 are encouraged to make, create, build or decorate a scarecrow, be creative!

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  • Parkland Post – 24th September

    Published 24/09/21

    Lets see what’s coming up!

    Autumn days are here, our pupils have been noticing the changes around school such as the leaves turning beautiful shades of gold, orange and red as they have been completing their Daily Mile.  Staff have been challenging our pupils to see how many laps of the playground they can do during our morning playtimes and we are developing an awareness of how exercise is helping us to be happy and healthy.  

    Harvest Festival
    Ms Barkerwood has been leading our singing assemblies for the last two weeks, it has been a while since we have heard ‘Cauliflowers Fluffy’ echoing around our corridors and we have definitely missed it!  We are hoping to be able to invite parents and carers in for our Harvest Festival; we will give further information nearer the time.

    Keeping Children Safe in the car parks-
    We wanted to make you aware that both of our car parks are in use by staff and visitors at all times.  Please help us to keep you and your children safe by making sure you supervise them if you are near these areas.   
    Times Tables at Co-op Academy Parkland

    This week, the whole school began our big push on times tables.  Anyone passing school at the end of playtimes and lunchtimes will have heard every child belting out their times tables in rote – our Year 6s were fabulous at leading the chant and Miss Anson was impressed!  Each week, we will have a different times table to focus on and it would be wonderful if you could help by helping your child to practise at home.  This week was the 2 times table for KS2 and in KS1, they were counting in ones up to 20, we will announce our new times table on Monday – keep looking at our Facebook page to find out what it is!
    We hope you have a wonderful weekend and enjoy some time outside  – why not try to complete your Daily Mile somewhere different.  You could always take a photograph of you doing the Daily Mile and send it to us through Facebook Messenger as we love to see all the exciting things you get up to!

    Year 1 and 2 Phonics Books

    Year 1 and 2 have started their phonics sessions this week, to help the children with their phonics we will be sending home a book for you to read with your child each Friday. These books must be returned to school every day, especillly on Friday so that we can change them for the next book.

    Please make sure you look after these books as we will have to charge £5 to replace each missing book as they are part of a set. Thank you and happy reading!

    Nursery and Reception Fluoride Varnish

    The Oral health team will be in school on 22nd November to apply the fluoride varnish to the childrens teeth in Reception and Nursery.

    Please fill in the form linked below by 24th September, if you need a paper form, please ask at the office.

    Register for Fluoride Varnish here

    School Councillors

    This year we have brand new school council members for each class (Y2 to Y6). Each of these classes took a vote for their representitives and here are the results.

    Y6– Jacey & Rocco Y5– Charlee & Layla Y3/4A -Deacon & Hunter Y3/4NW– Aisha & Jayden Y2– Piper & Noah

    School Photographer

    Arts Photography will be attending School on Tuesday, 5th October to take some amazing Individual Portraits of your children.Please can you pre-register, before the photography date above. This is important as it enables you to gain quick access to your child’s photographs and the opportunity to purchase them. To do this, you will need to enter the following code: JR4UP85 The link to the registration is below.

    You will then be asked to register your child, by using your child’s full school register name and group. Next enter your email address and pre-register.By pre-registering, when the photos are ready you will receive a private access code via an automatic email notification to inform you, your child’s photos are now ready to be viewed and purchased.

    Register your child for their school photo here

    Parkland Pride

    Do what matters most

    Be yourself, always

    Show you care

    Succeed together



    For settling into Nursery so well and for being a great friend to all of the children.


    For coming into Nursery with a smile and developing her confidence greatly.



    For being a kind and considerate friend to all of the children in class. 


     For being much more confident to speak and join in. 

    Year 1


    A fantastic start to Year 1, Leo has really come out of his shell and taken great pride in his learning- especially phonics!


    Her fantastic learning about the characteristics of different animals. You have really taken our learning on board.

    Year 2


    Supporting others and caring for the learning environment.


    Preparing her sentences oralyy and then writing them independently.

    Year 3/4NW


     Working really well as part of a group. You help people and have a fabulous attitude.


    Being enthusiastic all day long. You give 100% in everything you do! 

    Year 3/4A


    Making great choices and stepping up to the Y4 expectations


    Your wonderful nature. You always put 100% effort into all of your learning. I am really proud of everything you do.

    Year 5


    Approaching all his learning with a fantastic attitude and making excellent progress.


    Always supporting others and working hard at everyhting she does. Well done!

    Year 6


    For the amazing home learning he has produced this week.  Our half-termly homework menu only went out last week and he has already produced so many informative pieces of work!


    For his detailed responses during our whole class reading text ‘The Journey’.  Jack has been able to interpret changes and show empathy for characters who were experiencing modern day war.

    Parkland Panthers– PE awards

    Year 1 – Indira, Ruby, Jaden and Kysen

    Year 2 – Brooke, Liam, Mollie and Noah

    Year3/4A – Harvey and Erica

    Year 3/4NW – Riley and Lucy

    Year 5 – Leyton and Lincoln

    Year 6 – Tyler and Jacey

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  • Parkland Post – 17th September​​​​​​​

    Published 17/09/21

    This Week

    We have had another busy week here at Co-op Academy Parkland, our pupils are settling back into the routines of the school day.  As you walk around school and into classes,  there is such a positive energy and pupils can’t wait to talk about their learning.

    Home Reading
    Next week, Mrs Wierzbianski will be re-launching our reading rewards during Monday’s assembly.  In KS1, your child will bring home two reading books – one linked to the phonics they are learning in school and one for pleasure which they will have chosen themselves.  KS2 will bring home an Accelerated Reader book which is suited to their current reading and chosen by themselves.  EYFS will have a separate message about reading later this week.
    You can help your child by listening to them read each night for ten minutes then signing their reading record book.  Reading books and reading records need to be brought into school every day so pupils can use them in class.

    Parent Forum Dates
    Would you like to shape the future of Co-op Academy Parkland?  Would you be able to spare an hour every half term to come in and talk about how we can continue to improve?  Do you love coffee or tea?  Are you partial to a biscuit (or two, we won’t judge)?  If the answer to any of these questions is ‘yes’ please come along and be part of our Parent Forums in school.  The dates are:

    30th September 9-10am

    25th November 9-10am

    27th January 2022 9-10am2

    4th March 9-10am

    5th May 9-10am

    We hope to see as many of you as possible and can’t wait to hear your ideas for Parkland.

    Morrisons It’s Good to Grow
    We have signed up to be part of the Good to Grow scheme from Morrisons.  Every time you shop with them and spend £10 or more in store or online, we can earn one Grow Token.  All you have to do is select Co-op Academy Parkland on your app then swipe your MyMorrisons card or use your app every time you shop and for every £10 you spend, we earn a Grow Token which we can use towards gardening equipment for our school.

    We hope you have a wonderful weekend, enjoy the good weather and we will see you bright and early on Monday morning!

    Year 1 and 2 Phonics Books

    Year 1 and 2 have started their phonics sessions this week, to help the children with their phonics we will be sending home a book for you to read with your child each Friday. These books must be returned to school every day, especillly on Friday so that we can change them for the next book.

    Please make sure you look after these books as we will have to charge £5 to replace each missing book as they are part of a set. Thank you and happy reading!

    Nursery and Reception Fluoride Varnish

    The Oral health team will be in school on 22nd November to apply the fluoride varnish to the childrens teeth in Reception and Nursery.

    Please fill in the form linked below by 24th September, if you need a paper form, please ask at the office.

    Register for Fluoride Varnish here


    If you have a child in Nursery or Reception you will have been given a Tapestry login. You can now activate and log in to see all the photos of their first couple of weeks at school. Tapestry allows you to look at your childs observations and also events and reminders that your childs teachers have uploaded. We strongly encourage you to share with us your at home activities and adventures on here too, as we really do love to see them!

    If you have any trouble with your log on please get in touch with the class teacher.

    Log in to your Tapestry here

    School photographer

    Arts Photography will be attending School on Tuesday, 5th October to take some amazing Individual Portraits of your children.Please can you pre-register, before the photography date above. This is important as it enables you to gain quick access to your child’s photographs and the opportunity to purchase them. To do this, you will need to enter the following code: JR4UP85 The link to the registration is below.

    You will then be asked to register your child, by using your child’s full school register name and group. Next enter your email address and pre-register.By pre-registering, when the photos are ready you will receive a private access code via an automatic email notification to inform you, your child’s photos are now ready to be viewed and purchased.

    Register your child for their school photo here

    Parkland Pride

    Do what matters most

    Be yourself, always

    Show you care

    Succeed together



    For being a good role model to our new to school children.


    For settling in well to Nursery.



    For being a great team player! Blake is always so kind and considerate when playing with the other children. 


    For being a superstar! Aliza has settled into reception so well and we are so proud of her. 

    Year 1


    A wonderful start to Year 1. Willow has a mature attitude and always gives 100%


    Making fantastic choices with his learning and being a real handwriting star this week.

    Year 2


    Improved concentration and ensuring that she completes her independant tasks.


    Completeing every task with care and consideration.

    Year 3/4NW

    Scarlett Leigh

     For making improvements to your work. 


    For keeping on trying even when you found it hard. 

    Year 3/4A


    Supporting and encouraging your peers.  I am proud of how you encouraged your learning partner.  


    Her effort and attention to detail in English.  She created a wonderful poem.  

    Year 5


    Having a go with a happy heart and loving school life.


    Always doing the right thing and having a wonderful attitude

    Year 6


    For being incredibly switched on in class and for displaying fabulous behaviour for learning.


    For her Whole Class Reading work this week and her ability to interrogate a text.  Lauren also scored highly on her Star Reader test giving her a reading age of 15!

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  • Parkland Post – 10 September

    Published 10/09/21

    Welcome Back

    We are thrilled to have everyone back in school and are incredibly pleased to report that attendance is at an all time high; we certainly are starting as we mean to go on!  All of our pupils looked smart in their uniforms showing that they belong to our community. 
    Over the holidays, we have had our entire heating system replaced which means we will be toasty in the winter.  Our site staff have worked tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure classrooms were ready for our pupils’ return. 
    Yesterday, Jet was in school to spend time with our pupils.  He began the day in Breakfast Club and then had time with our KS2 pupils during their playtime where he enjoyed having the ball thrown. Next week, he will spend time with our KS1 pupils getting to know them and hopefully listening to some of them read.  Following that, he will get to know our EYFS pupils so if any parents or carers wish for Jet to stay away from their child, please let us know.  Jet is a cockapoo (a cross between a cocker spaniel and miniature poodle) and as a result, is hypoallergenic so is better for anyone who suffers from allergies to pet hair. 

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