This week
Welcome to this week’s Parkland Post, we hope you have had a fabulous week. There has been so much learning going on around school, it has been a joy to walk around and see what our children have been working on. Mrs Wierzbianski and Miss Spence had the pleasure of chatting with some of our children who had been chosen for Hot Chocolate Friday this morning. This is a wonderful opportunity for us to share a lovely treat, talk about the things they have learned and find out what their favourite part of the week has been.
We are looking closely at the current situation across school with the number of positive cases, we will update our families as soon as we have clear and up to date guidance for you. Thank you for your continued support.
At the moment, if your child has any symptoms, please do not send them to school. Do a lateral flow test and if positive, book or order a PCR test. Symptoms are: a new continuous cough, a high temperature, a loss of taste or smell.
Symptoms for the Omicron variant also include a runny nose and congestion, tiredness and a cough or sore throat, similar to a cold, headache and stomach ache. If you or your child have these symptoms, please do a lateral flow test to check whether you or your child are infected so we can limit the spread of the virus. Please keep us informed if your child is ill so we can record absences. Thank you.
Jigsaw/PSHE – Dreams and Goals
On Monday, Mrs Wierzbianski gave an assembly which introduced this half term’s Jigsaw (PSHE) theme. Our children and staff will be focusing on Dreams and Goals. Everyone was asked to think about one thing about themselves that they are proud of and then asked to think of a goal for the year ahead. We talked about how sometimes it might be difficult to stick to your goal because it was unrealistic in the first place so we decided we would think about making it achievable. During their work in PSHE sessions in class, our children will be sharing these goals and dreams and helping each other with ways in which we can successfully achieve them.
Parent Forum
Our next Parent Forum will take place on Thursday 27th January at 9am in school where we will be sharing our MIND mental health and well-being action plan which the last group helped to create. There will be tea, coffee and cake so feel free to come and join us.
We hope you have a wonderful weekend with your families and that you enjoy some fresh air and hopefully some good weather! We will see you all bright and early on Monday morning.
Skills Builder Home Task
For this week’s home task linked to our Careers Related Learning skill of Listening, we would like you to do the following:
Think of someone in your family who has a talent that you admire.
It could be that they are great at baking delicious cakes, or they seem to have green fingers and their plants always grow really well. They may know lots of card tricks or they have fun ideas of things to do on rainy days.
Ask them to help you learn something they know – to share their talent with you.
Listen carefully as they explain and ask questions to help you understand more.
Parent Forum Date
Thank you to those parents that attended our previous forum, it is important that we get your input and ideas for school. If you can make the next one please join us for tea and cake and a good chat! Here are the dates for the rest of the year.
January 27th
March 4th
May 5th
School Dinner Prices
Please be aware that from the 1st of January the cost of a school dinner will be £1.95 which is 5 pence more per day. Thank you.
Please remember to send your child in the correct uniform as there have been a few instances of inappropriate footwear and earrings. The uniform list can be found on the following link to our website:
Uniform list
Pride Awards
Do what matters most
Be yourself, always
Show you care
Succeed together
For developing his confidence and continuing to build relationships with his peers.
For having a fantastic first week and a positive attitude towards her learning.
For writing some fantastic sentences about Stick Man.
For applying his new Maths skills around the classroom. Well done Arlo!
Year 1
For always trying her best with all of her work.
For always listening and working well with others during our group work.
Year 2
Not giving up on her work, even when she its tricky.
For working well with others, well done Ruby.
Year 3/4A
For putting everything into your learning. Your character description is a perfect example of this.
Your positive and supportive attitude. You have so much passion for learning- it’s great! Keep it up!
Year 3/4NW
Perseverance with your Maths work on column addition
Jack B
Fabulous teamwork in our French lessons.
Year 5
Superb work in Maths, working on factors and multiples.
Excellent group work and discussion about our book Wuthering Heights.
Year 6
For their work in Maths this week where the focus was simplifying fractions. Both Ruby and Jessica have impressed us with their ‘can do’ attitudes!
For their work in Maths this week where the focus was simplifying fractions. Both Ruby and Jessica have impressed us with their ‘can do’ attitudes!