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Parkland Post - Friday 21st March 2025

Welcome to this week's fun-filled Parkland Post and what a week it has been!  We have had a brilliant day today raising money for Comic Relief - we all wore something red or non-uniform and did something funny for money!  Our Parkland's Got Talent showcased just how incredibly talented our children are with a wide variety of singing, dancing, telling of jokes, ball skills and so much more!  The audience really enjoyed watching and being part of the show and our Year 6 panel of judges were amazing (watch out Simon Cowell).

Parkland's Got Talent!

The winners were:  

1st - Evie (Y6) Bethany (Y3)

2nd - Fabien (Y5)

3rd - Isla (Y4) 

It was such a good way for us all to come together and admire everyone's talents!  Prizes will be awarded in our Celebration Assembly next week. 


Attendance Matters

This week our whole school attendance was 92.3% which is higher than last week - well done to everyone who was in school every day and on time!  Our winning class this week was Year 4 with 96.3% and they won a new class book on our Attendance Wheel.  There was only 1 class whose attendance was above 96% so win an extra playtime - well done!

Road Safety Workshops for KS1

Yesterday, Years 1 and 2 had road safety workshops delivered by West Yorkshire Police.  They talked to our children about the risks associated with being on or near the road.  They explored road safety rules and how to be safe near roads if you are walking, cycling or travelling.  

Year 3 Trip to Bolton Abbey

Well the weather certainly was on our side yesterday when our Year 3 children went to Bolton Abbey as part of their Geography unit on the Yorkshire Dales.  They had helped to plan the visit and will be using their knowledge gained on this trip to complete their work over the next two weeks.  I am certainly looking forward to hearing all about it! 

Parents' Evenings

Our Parent's Evenings will be taking place on Wednesday 23rd from 3:20-6pm and Thursday 24th April 3:20-4:30pm (Nursery appointments will only be taking place on Wednesday 23rd).  Bookings are to be made on Arbor from 5pm on the 14th April - a further reminder will be sent out nearer the time.

And finally...

We hope you all have a fantastic weekend, we have been so lucky with the weather this week and I'm sorry to say that it's looking a bit rainy for Saturday and Sunday.  I will be meeting up with my sister for a cuppa and probably some cake (because it would be rude not to), Mr Watson is going to Lincoln to see a friend from uni, Ms Pascoe will be going to the Yorkshire Sculpture Park and Mrs Shirra will be meeting her mum and dad and having brunch!  Whatever you decide to do, we hope you have a great time doing it.  We will see you bright and early for another busy week at Parkland.  Our doors will open bright and early on Monday morning at 8:40 ready for learning to begin at 8:45am.

Parkland Pride 


Layton - Be Yourself, Always

For some amazing self-care skills this week.


Kodie - Be Yourself Always

Following class rules, and making lovely choosing choices.

Finley - Succeed Together

Using Fred Fingers with friends, and doing great turn and talk.

Year 1

Lincoln – Be Yourself, Always

For his fabulous writing about Little Red Riding Hood. Lincoln used his creativity to write sentences with exciting vocabulary.

Aubrey – Succeed Together

For her amazing effort in all lessons and she is showing a resilient attitude by staying positive.

Year 2

Matthew – Succeed Together

For your fantastic independent phonics sounds.

Kayleigh-Mae – Be Yourself, Always

For your amazing perseverance to join in and learn all week even though you hurt your arm.

Year 3

Bailey – Do What Matters Most

For incredible leadership and teamwork on our trip to Bolton Abbey.

Alex – Do What Matters Most

For incredible leadership and teamwork on our trip to Bolton Abbey.

Shontayne – Do What Matters Most

For incredible leadership and teamwork on our trip to Bolton Abbey.

Year 4

Naviyah – Be Yourself, Always

For always asking amazing questions and sharing your wonderful ideas!

Anirudh – Do What Matters Most

For putting 100% effort into everything you do. You always show you are and try your hardest with your school work.  

Year 5

Piper –
Succeed Together

For always working well with others, no matter what group or team she is in she is the glue that puts them together.

Jacob– Succeed Together

For using his ideas and knowledge to help others, remembering to put his hand up and share thoughts at the right moment.

Year 6

Aishah – Show You Care

For your steady commitment to your learning and exceptional progress in Maths.

Zuzanna– Succeed Together

For your fantastic attendance. Your contribution to the class is important and valued. You are happy helping us succeed together.