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Early Years - New Starters

As Nursery and Reception are the children’s first experiences of school, we work hard to ensure that every day is engaging, stimulating and meaningful. The play-based curriculum underpins all future learning by developing the children’s social and personal skills whilst building positive attitudes towards learning. Our dedicated and passionate Early Years team nurtures and creates a positive learning environment for all children at Co-op Academy Parkland. 

The EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) is divided into three prime areas of learning:

  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
  • Communication and Language
  • Physical Development

The four specific areas of learning are:

  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the World
  • Expressive Arts and Design


If you are interested in joining our school, please book a visit by ringing our school office on 01274 611512. An admissions form must be filled in before joining our school. It is a legal requirement that we hold all the necessary information regarding your child/children before joining us. 

Our Early Years Team


Mrs Bew, Nursery Lead
Mrs Birkett, Nursery Nurse


Mr Watson, Assistant Headteacher & EYFS lead
Miss Carter, EYFS lead 
Miss Hodgson, Class Teacher 
Mrs Robinson, Nursery Nurse