We use a range of resources from providers such as White Rose Maths to ensure we embed a mastery based approach which encourage children to secure their understanding of a skill before using and applying it diversely.
Each area of maths starts a visual process. Children should be able to see and interact with this process, before they go on to master the application of the maths.
A combination of maths techniques are used:
Concrete – Using maths tool boxes and practical hands on objects to teach the visual models of maths.
Pictorial – Showing the maths; we draw it, use a bar model and other methods to visually explain the process. Our children also demonstrate what the maths looks like.
Abstract – Turning the maths back into the numerical, functional methods we recognise. Understanding the fundamentals of maths our children can then apply it in formal written methods.
We take steps to ensure children are regularly honing their maths fluency skills by using weekly skills tests which include a focus session pitched at an appropriate level for children and also regular times table practise to embed this knowledge so that children can apply it independently.