Special Education Needs
We believe in making sure that children are safe and happy in our community.
We build strong relationships to nurture our children and empower them with the skills and knowledge to be the best version of themselves.
Co-op Academy Parkland is fully inclusive and committed to ensuring the best possible outcomes for all of the children in our care. We strive to ensure that all pupils achieve their potential socially, emotionally and academically in all areas of the curriculum (regardless of their gender, ethnicity, social background, religion, sexual identity, physical ability or educational needs).
Who are our SEND Coordinators?
Our SENDCo is Ms Pascoe. You can call them on 01274 611512 or arrange a meeting via the Main Office.
Special Educational Needs and Disability Information Report
This document is intended to provide information regarding the ways that we support all pupils, including those with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND). At Co-op Academy Parkland we embrace the fact that all children are different and unique, therefore their educational needs are individual and unique. Practices are continually developed and provision modified to meet the changing needs of our pupils.
What is a Special Educational Need or Disability?
Children have special educational needs if they have a learning difficulty that calls for additional and different provision to be made for them.
Children have a learning difficulty if they:
- Have a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of children of the same age.
- Have a disability that prevents or hinders them from making use of educational facilities of a kind generally provided for children of the same age.
- Are under compulsory school age and fall within the definitions above or would do if special educational provision was not made for them.
(2014 SEN Code of Practice)
A disability is defined as a physical or mental impairment which has a long-term and substantial adverse effect on their ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities’.
(Equality Act 2010)
Our ‘SEND Local Offer’ is intended to provide information regarding the ways that we support all pupils, including those with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND). At Parkland we embrace the fact that all children are different and unique, therefore their educational needs are individual and unique. Practices are continually developed and provision modified to meet the changing needs of our pupils.
How are Special Educational Needs or Disabilities identified and assessed?
We aim to identify Special Educational Needs and Disabilities quickly, understanding that early intervention is most effective in preventing disruption to a child’s education. There are effective procedures in place to quickly assess need and implement provision when a child first joins school.
Initial concerns about a child’s progress or development may come from:
- The child’s class teacher or key worker expressing concerns that their progress has slowed or stopped or that they are finding learning, or any other area, especially difficult.
- Our assessment cycle; highlighting that a child has not made the progress expected or that they are falling behind other children of their age.
- A health professional (such as a GP or Health Visitor) following a medical concern or diagnosis.
- Previous Educational settings such as Nurseries or Children’s Centres.
- Parents, speaking initially to the class teacher/ Key worker or SENCo* about any concerns that they may have. `
- The child, expressing concerns about their own development or progress.
Once it has been identified that there may be a Special Educational Need or Disability the class teacher, in consultation with the SENCo, will identify where the need lies and what gaps in learning need to be addressed. Bradford Local Authority Matrix of Need may be used to support this.
From here, we will consider what your child’s short term targets should be and what ‘additional provision’ should be put into place to help them to meet their targets. The school will invite you and your child to contribute to this process and will ensure that your views are fully taken into account when considering what provision may be appropriate.
How will the school let me know if they have any concerns about my child?
- Initially your child’s teacher will speak with you either at parents’ evening or at an arranged meeting to discuss their concerns.
- They will listen to your views on your child’s learning.
- They will discuss with you any additional support that they feel would benefit your child and will discuss short term targets for the coming term.
- Where further support is needed the SENCo will contact you to review the provision that has been put in place and to gain your views on your child’s progress.
- This may involve the implementation of further in-school interventions or
- Discussion about referrals to outside professionals.
We value your knowledge of your child and are keen to work in partnership with you in ensuring the best for your child.
The Assess-Plan-Review-Do Cycle SEND support takes the form of a four-part cycle (assess-plan-review-do). Throughout the cycle actions are reviewed and refined as our understanding of a child’s needs, progress and the support required to help them secure good outcomes is increased.
What support is available for my child to support their Special Educational Needs or Disabilities?
We operate a graduated approach to SEND as outlined in the 2014 SEND Code of Practice. This consists of three waves of intervention;
Wave 1- Quality First Teaching- Class teacher input through specially targeted teaching
It is expected that the majority of pupils at Parkland will have their needs met through Wave 1, Quality First Teaching.
- Teachers have high expectations for all learners.
- Teaching is based on in-depth knowledge of a child’s strengths and difficulties and builds on what they can already do or understand.
- Teaching is carefully planned and differentiated to help all children to access learning.
- Teaching takes into account a child’s preferred way of learning and may include the use of additional equipment.
- Uses specific strategies that support the progress and inclusion of all pupils.
This may look like: differentiation of learning including by support, resources and outcome, the use of a visual timetable or prompt, access the a range of equipment and resources such as pencil grips, concrete maths resources, spelling aids etc., modelling and scaffolding, support from teachers and teaching assistants, turn-around table resources, access to a quiet space, high quality marking and feedback, Space2Talk
Wave 2- Targeted intervention
More targeted approaches are employed where Wave 1 intervention has not resulted in expected progress. This may take place in or out of the classroom and will mean:
- That, in consultation with the parent/carer, the child has been added to the schools SEND register
- They may take part in 1-1 or small group interventions run by a teacher, SENCO or Teaching Assistant that are focussed on meeting specific targets.
This may look like: additional or specialist equipment such as ear defenders pre/post-teaching, Fresh-start, Nurture provision, 1-1 reading, daily check in, fiddle toys, new/next board, collaborative play workshops, magic bag, access to sensory room, access to a breakout room or play provision, access arrangements such as additional time, a scribe or reader.
Wave 3- Additional highly personalised and specialist intervention
Targeted provision for a minority of children where it is necessary to provide highly tailored intervention to address their need.
This may look like:
- A bespoke and highly personalised curriculum or timetable.
- Risk assessment
- Intimate care plans
- Small group or 1-1 support from a Teaching Assistant.
- Support from outside agencies and specialist teachers.
- Specialised communication aids such as PECS, Boardmaker, Makaton.
- Application for EHCP, My Support Plan or Early Years Inclusion Funding
Where your child is identified as needing a particularly high level of targeted and specialist support which cannot be provided from the budget available in school an Educational Health and Care Plan (EHC plan) may be applied for.
- The school (or parent/carer) can apply to the Local Authority for a statutory assessment of your child’s needs. This is a legal assessment in which your views and those of professionals who have worked with your child will be considered.
- If the Local Authority agrees that your child’s needs are severe and complex enough to need a Statutory Assessment additional information will be gathered and an EHC plan will be written.
- You and your child will be asked to contribute to this.
- An EHC plan will have long and short term goals for your child. It will outline what support and strategies should be used to help your child to meet their goals.
- You may be contacted to discuss a ‘personalised budget’ for your child’s additional provision.
- The EHC plan will be reviewed at an annual meeting in which you and the professionals involved with your child’s provision will discuss their progress and set new short term targets.
- If the Local Authority does not agree that your child’s needs are severe and complex enough to require a Statutory Assessment then the school will be asked to continue to provide personalised support.
Support from ‘Outside Agencies’
Co-op Academy Parkland is committed to working in close collaboration with a number of professional agencies outside of school to ensure that any child’s needs are fully met.
Where it is felt that a child has additional needs or barriers to learning that cannot be overcome through Quality First Teaching and Wave 2 intervention, advice may be sought from professional agencies outside of the school.
This might include
- Local Authority Services such as the Social Communication Interaction & Learning (SCIL) Team.
- Agencies such as the Speech and Language Therapy Service. (SALT)
- Medical professionals such as the School Nurse, Paediatrician or Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS).
The school will gain your consent prior to making any referral and will discuss with you the conclusions and recommendations of the professional involved.
How are staff helped to work with children with SEND and what training is offered?
- The SENCo supports staff in planning for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. The SENCo team at Parkland have completed National Award for SEN Coordination.
- Access to SENCO Forums and support from specialist professionals.
- Regular professional development and training allows staff to improve teaching and learning for all pupils.
- Good practice and expertise are shared across the Coop Academy Trust and Local Area Partnership.
- Staff may have training on specific SEND from specialist professionals.
- Staff are trained to deliver specific interventions and programmes.
How is additional provision recorded?
The school makes use of the CPOMS online safeguarding and monitoring system to ensure that all relevant information regarding a child’s needs are recorded and shared with the correct staff members.
A ‘provision map’ is used to show the additional support that is given to all children with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities. This allows us to clearly see what additional provision has been put in place for each child and to identify any gaps that there may be in the provision offered.
The class teacher will make use of individual Education Plans to record and review a child’s individual targets and provision termly. Targets will usually be focussed around a child’s prime area of need and will be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely (SMART).
Where a child has had input from a professional agency, targets will be those recommended by the specialist.
For children who have an EHCP, targets will be taken from this document and progress will be measured against the agreed outcomes. It may be necessary for the class teacher to break these targets into smaller steps to ensure that they are achievable.
All targets and additional provision will be discussed with you and your child, where appropriate.
How will my child’s progress be assessed and reviewed?
School uses a range of assessment techniques to track attainment and progress based on a child’s prime area of need. Children’s progress will be assessed and reviewed as a part of the Assess-Plan-Review and Do cycle and are used as a basis for setting new targets and for deciding upon appropriate provision to help your child to meet these.
Your views on this progress and on newly set targets will be sought and will be included in deciding future provision.
How will school help my child in transitions between phases?
We understand that for children with a Special Educational Need or Disability moving between classes and phases can present unique challenges. We therefore strive to ensure that all transitions are as smooth and worry free as possible.
- If your child is moving to another school
- We will contact the SENCo at the new school to ensure that they are aware of your child’s strengths and difficulties and understand the additional provision that may be needed.
- We will ensure that all records about your child are passed on as soon as possible.
- We will assist in organising transition visits.
- If your child is moving to Parkland from another setting
- We will contact the SENCo at the existing setting to discuss your child’s needs, strengths and difficulties.
- We will request that all records about your child are passed on as soon as possible.
- The class teacher and/or SENCo may arrange to visit the setting.
- Your child may have transition visits to Co-op Academy Parkland.
- We will contact you to discuss your views on needs and provision.
- When your child is moving classes in school
- The two class teachers will meet to discuss your child’s strengths, difficulties and provision in depth.
- All records will be passed on to the new teacher in advance.
- Your child may have additional time with their new teacher.
- If appropriate a transition book may be used to support your child’s understanding of moving on.
- When your child moves on to Secondary School
- The SENCo and class teacher are available to assist you in selecting the most appropriate Secondary School for your child.
- The SENCo will contact the Secondary School’s SENCo to ensure that they have a thorough understanding of your child’s needs and of the additional provision that may be needed.
- Your child may have additional transition visits or may be visited in school by staff from the Secondary School.
- If appropriate a transition book may be used to support your child’s understanding of moving on.
How will school ensure that my child has access to facilities and extra-curricular activities?
- The Senior Leadership Team Parkland are working hard ensure that the site is accessible to pupils and to improve the learning environment for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.
- We ensure that all equipment is accessible to pupils regardless of their need and are able to source specialist equipment where it is needed.
- Extra-curricular activities are accessible to all children, including those with SEND. Where additional support is needed to allow a child to access activities these needs will be considered on an individual basis.
How will my child’s social and emotional development be supported?
Co-op Academy Parkland is committed to developing the ‘whole child’ and recognises that a child’s social and emotional development is equally as important as their academic achievement. We support this development through:
- A caring school environment and inclusive ethos.
- Regular opportunities to celebrate differences and personal achievements.
- Staff who are responsive to pupils’ views and needs.
- The school council: giving pupils a say in how our school is run and giving each class a council member who is able to put forward their views. .
- Teaching focussed on the Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning.
- The regular use of ‘Circle times’ to give children to share their views and to address their worries or concerns.
- The schools’ Nurture Room to provide additional support where needed.
- The use of programmes that promote emotional literacy.
- Access to Space2Talk, which children may self-refer to as needed.
We take all instances of bullying seriously and have a separate policy which outlines procedures for dealing with this. An anti-bullying curriculum is well established and children are taught about the value of diversity and difference.
Children who are looked after (CLA)
We strive for close collaboration with parents, carers, Bradford Local Authority and Health and social care. All children who are looked after will have their needs considered in a Personal Education Plan (PEP) which is initiated by social care. School takes an active role in ensuring that targets and provision meet need and that children have access to appropriate assessments and support.
Support for parents of pupils with Special Educational Needs
We are able to signpost you to a number of agencies who are able to support parents of children with additional needs including Barnardo’s, SNOOP and Early Help.
If you would like to discuss what support can be offered, please contact one of our SENCO Team or our Parental Involvement Worker, Tracey Murgatroyd.
Roles and responsibilities in relation to SEND
Your child’s class teacher
Is responsible for:
- Monitoring the progress of all children.
- Providing Quality First Teaching that is carefully adapted to the needs of pupils to ensure that all children reach their full potential.
- Identifying, planning and delivering any additional support that may be needed. This might include targeted learning, small group work or a personalised curriculum.
- Discussing any initial concerns with you and highlighting these concerns to the school’s SENCo.
- Evaluating children’s progress, setting targets and planning appropriate provision.
- Ensuring that they follow the school’s SEND policy.
- Ensuring that any other adults who work with your child in school are aware of their strengths and difficulties.
- Helping other adults to deliver the planned program to help your child to meet their targets.
*The SENDCo is Ms B Pascoe
Is responsible for:
- Writing the school’s policy for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.
- Coordinating all of the provision for pupils with Special Educational needs or Disabilities.
- Ensuring that you are:
- Made aware of any concerns regarding your child’s progress.
- Involved in supporting your child’s development.
- Involved in evaluating and reviewing their progress towards set targets.
- Liaising with any other people or agencies who may be coming into school to support your child’s development.
- Updating the schools SEND register (a system for recording the needs of pupils).
- Ensuring that there are appropriate records of your child’s needs, targets and progress.
- Providing support to teachers and teaching assistants so that they can help all children to reach their potential.
The Headteacher- Mrs C Wierzbianski
Is responsible for:
- The day to day management of all areas of the school’s work including provision for pupils with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities.
- Working closely with the SENCo and class teachers to delegate responsibilities and to ensure that the needs of all children are met.
- Keeping the Governing Body informed of any issues related to SEND.
The Inclusion Governor on behalf of the Governing Body
Is responsible for:
- Determining the school’s general policy and approach to provision for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, in co-operation with the Headteacher.
- Establishing the appropriate staffing and funding arrangements and maintain a general oversight of the school’s work.
We work hard to ensure that all children’s needs are met and that parents are confident in the provision that we put into place. However, if you are not happy that your child’s needs are being met please contact the Headteacher to fully discuss your concerns. Any further concerns related to SEND provision should be directed to the governing body.
We hope that this document has answered any questions which you may have about Special Educational Needs and Disabilities policy and provision at Co-op Academy Parkland. However if we have missed anything or you have any other queries, please feel free to contact the school.
Appendix – Glossary of terms in relation to SEND
Annual review | A yearly review of a statement of special educational needs. |
Appropriate progress | Progress in line with targets that would be appropriate for a child of similar age and aptitude. |
Assessment | An ongoing process of finding out a child’s progress, achievements, strengths and needs. |
Attention deficit disorder (ADD) | A diagnosis that is based on difficulties with attention and impulsiveness. |
Autistic spectrum condition/ disorder (ASC/ASD) | Autistic spectrum conditions are ranged on a spectrum that is characterised by social, communication and learning difficulties. |
Chronological age | Age in years and months. |
Code of practice | A guide for early education settings, schools, local authorities and those that help them, on meeting their responsibilities for children with special educational needs. |
Community paediatrician | A doctor employed by the health service, who plays a major role in early identification of special educational needs. |
Differentiation | The ways in which the curriculum and teaching are adapted to meet a range of needs. |
Educational psychologist (EP) | Educational psychologists are trained in psychology, pedagogy and child development. They provide advice, consultation and assessment to schools and other settings. |
Education Health and Care plan (EHC Plan) | A legal document written by the local authority that sets out a child’s needs and the extra help they should get. |
Group learning plan | A plan setting out targets and special provision for a group of pupils. |
Health visitor | A qualified nurse with additional training. |
Hearing impairment (HI) | A loss of hearing, which ranges from profound and permanent deafness to lesser, temporary levels. |
Individual education plan (IEP) | A working document setting out the targets and the support to meet special educational needs that is additional to or different from that provided for others. |
Inclusion | A process of educating children within their community. |
Learning difficulty | A school aged child has a learning difficulty if he or she finds it much harder to learn than other children of the same age or if he or she has a disability that hinders them from using educational facilities. |
Learning mentor | A school based professional, who works alongside teaching and pastoral staff to support individual pupils to overcome barriers to learning. |
Mainstream school | A local school, which caters for all children. |
Modification | A change made to the national curriculum to make it more accessible for a child. |
National curriculum | This sets out the entitlement to learning for all pupils. |
Peer group | Other children of a similar age, interests or abilities. |
Sensory impairment (SI) | An impairment of hearing or vision. |
Social worker | A person employed by the local authority, who is trained to provide support and advice for parents and families on social/care issues. |
Special educational needs coordinator (SENCo) | The member of staff with responsibility for coordinating special educational provision within a school or early education setting. |
Special educational provision | The extra or different provision made for children with special educational needs. |
Specific learning difficulty (SLD) | A brain based learning difficulty that manifests in delays in specific areas, including reading and writing. E.g. dyslexia, dyscalculia etc. |
Speech and language therapist (SALT) | A person trained to assess and treat speech, language, voice and fluency disorders. |
Statutory assessment | A multi-disciplinary assessment of special educational needs, which have not been met by provision put in place by the school. |
Transition plan | A plan, written after the annual review, drawing together information from different people into a plan for the child’s transition to a new class or school. |
Visual impairment (VI) | A loss of vision that ranges from profound through to lower level. |
Bradford Local Authority Offer for SEND is available here.
If you have any further questions or require any more information please contact our SENCo team- Ms B Pascoe
Local Offer and other Guides
The Local Offer is a new way of giving children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and their parents or carers information about what activities and support is available in Bradford.
Bradford Local offer website
Our Policies