The Academy Day
Breakfast Club
Doors open at 7:45am. Come and join us for toasted bagels, cereal and fruit and one day a week a hot choice such as beans on toast. Our Breakfast Club is supported by Magic Breakfast and Kelloggs.
Monday and Tuesday - 9am until 3pm and Wednesday 9am until 12pm.
Reception to Year 6
Day begins at 8:45am
Day ends at 3:15pm
Total time this amounts to in a typical week = 32.5 hours
Reception | 11.55 – 12.45
Year 1 | 12.00 – 12.45
Year 2 | 12.00 – 12.45
Year 3 and 4 | 12.15 – 1.00
Year 5 and 6 | 12.30 – 1.15