Parkland Post - Friday 19th January 2024
Welcome to a very chilly Parkland Post! It was lovely to welcome so many of you in for our weekly Celebration Assembly this week - we love to share our children's successes with our families. There was an overwhelming theme of succeeding together this week with our pupils going above and beyond to help others and work well together - they should be so proud of themselves.
Panto at the Alhambra Theatre
We had the most amazing time at the Panto 'Cinderella' on Tuesday - the children's faces were amazed throughout! The magic tricks, the singing, the dancing, the laughs were simply brilliant! None of it could have been possible without the support from Emma Ainsworth, our Chair of Governors, who set up the crowdfund. Thank you to each and every one of you who donated - it meant such a lot.
Attendance Matters
This week's whole school attendance is 91.7% which is below the government target of 96%. Our class winners this week were Year 2 who had 94.2% - well done to them! Next week, any class who reaches 96% or above will have an extra playtime; you have to be in it to win it!
Number Day 1st February
We are going to be taking part in the NSPCC Number Day on Thursday 1st February. We will be taking part in lots of fun maths activities and games throughout the day and your child can come to school dressed as something number or shape related. You might want to simply write numbers onto a t-shirt, you could come dressed as something to do with maths or number.
Time to Talk Day 1st February
On Thursday 1st February, we will also be taking part in Time to Talk Day in association with the charity Mind. We will be having a 'Walk and Talk' playground where all staff will be out in the playground with the children. At lunchtime, we will be holding a Time to Talk lunchtime club with cosy mats, beanbags, blankets and lots of things to talk about. The charity has a fabulous website which you can have a look at for ideas with what you can do at home:
Lunchtime Clubs
At lunchtimes, our KS2 children from Years 3 to 6 are able to join a lunchtime club which is run by members of the Senior Leadership Team. Each day has a different club:
- Monday - Story Club with Mrs Shirra
- Tuesday - Movie Club with Mr Watson
- Wednesday - Mindfulness Colouring with Mrs Wierzbianski
- Thursday - Lego Club with Ms Pascoe
- Friday - Chromebook Club with Mrs Wierzbianski
And finally...
We hope you are able to get out into the fresh air this weekend and do something you enjoy. Mrs Wierzbianski will be going shopping with her daughter (send help!), Mr Watson will be going out for a meal with friends, Mrs Shirra will be relaxing and keeping cosy in the winter weather and Ms Pascoe will be catching up with family. We will see you bright and early on Monday morning where our doors will open at 8:40am ready for learning to begin at 8:45am.
Parkland Pride
Everyone – Succeed Together
For being amazing at the pantomime and looking after each other whilst we were there.
Summer – Show You Care
For improved handwriting (taking care with her work when writing letters and drawing)
Anisah – Show You Care
For persevering to learn new skills. Anisah worked very hard on her weaving project which, at first, she said she couldn't do, and then she went on to make two independently!
Year 1
Logan – Do What Matters Most
For his positive to learning, he has been completing his work.
Evie-Mae – Be Yourself, Always
For giving her all in Maths and creating wonderful poster in writing.
Year 2
Blayde – Succeed Together
For working well with different children, always offering others support.
Harrison – Show You Care
For supporting his peers when they need a laugh and a smile.
Year 3
Rodney – Succeed Together
For working like a superstar and for his amazing, pleasant attitude towards others and his learning.
Jaden – Show You Care
For always doing his best in everything and for always showing his car and compassion for others.
Year 4
Piper - Succeed together
Not only showing her best self every day, but supporting her friends and classmates to do the right thing.
Taylor – Show You Care
Contributing thoughtful questions and comments during our lessons on the civil rights movement.
Year 5
Patrick– Succeed Together
For working hard and showing the class how to take care of your own learning. He has worked so hard to explain his thinking in Maths and deepen his understanding.
Ellie-Mae – Show You Care
For working really hard all week, it’s clear to see how the effort she is putting in is having a really good impact on her work, especially in maths this week.
Year 6
Regan - Succeed Together
You have been a delight to teach. Your work ethic and effort has been great. You are setting an example for others.
Lyra - Do What Matters Most
You have made such improvements in your maths learning. I have been really impressed.