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Parkland Post - Friday 17th November 2023

Welcome to this week's brightly coloured, spot-filled Parkland Post!  As you probably have worked out, it has been Children In Need Day - we have been sporting our most colourful, spotty, Pudsey-related clothing in order to raise money for some amazing charities.  Thank you to everyone who has donated - your help means such a lot to so many people.  Our main prize in the raffle was won by Mya in Year 5 - congratulations; we hope that you enjoy your winnings!  We will update you with our final total at the end of the day - thank you for being so generous.

Children in Need Poster Competition

We had lots of fantastic entries in our poster competition, where we asked pupils to think about someone who is important to them and why!

The winners were:

Rory (Y1)

Amelia W (Y2)

Willow A (Y3)

Aishah (Y5)

Olivia P (Y5)

Isla (Y6)

The winners were presented with a certificate and a chocolate treat! Positive Relationships Matter!

Big Family Breakfast 

We loved having everyone for breakfast this morning!  Thank you to Mrs Denby and Mrs Peacock for cooking and preparing the delicious feast.  The pay as you feel money has been added to our main Children In Need donations.  


Parents' Evenings - 21st and 22nd November 2023


Appointment times have been sent home with your child. Please let the office know if you haven't received them.  Mrs Flaherty will be available both days and will be able to support you with information about our Community Shop and any other support you might need.  


Reception Stay and Play 23rd November 1:45-3:15pm


Reception parents and carers are warmly invited to our Reception Stay and Play where you will be able to take part in lots of different activities, and it will give you a chance to see how our provision works.  Please come to the normal morning entrance and staff will be there to greet you.


And Finally...


We hope you enjoy the weekend and manage to get outside in the fresh air (hopefully the rain stays away).  Mrs Wierzbianski is going to the theatre, Mr Watson is going to have some well-earned rest, Ms Pascoe is taking her boys out on their bikes and Mrs Shirra is spending time with her girls. 

Parkland Pride


Eden - Show You Care

For being a thoughtful member of our class and showing concern for her friends.


Louie - Show You Care

For using an apron in the water tray.

Faith - Do What Matters Most

For working really hard in Phonics. 

Year 1

Hudson – Do what matters most

For great improvement in all areas, he has impressed us with his positive attitude to learning. Well done for your hard work.

Jessica-Rose – Be yourself, always

For her fantastic work in Phonics. Jessica is a caring and considerate member of Year 1. She is always looking out for her class mates.

Year 2

Jessica – Be Yourself, Always

For improved concentration and listening skills on the carpet.

Bailey – Show You Care

For showing enthusiasm in all his lessons, he joins in with his friends and shows care for Phonics work.

Year 3

Louise – Succeed Together

For being a kind-hearted superstar and always doing her best in supporting her peers, well done!

Kysen – Succeed Together

For always putting 100% into everything he does. Kysen showers his peers with kindness and positive energy all the time. I'm so proud of you!

Year 4

Angel-Rose – Show You Care

For being willing to help everyone in class.

Sydney – Be yourself, always
For being a great character in the class.

Year 5

Vanessa  – Be Yourself, Always

For showing an excellent attitude towards learning this week, being able to share her opinions effectively and let her personality come through her work

Laiba – Do What Matters Most

For focusing in lessons this week. Volunteering to answer lots of questions and doing some good targeted writing in English.

Year 6

Georgia-Be Yourself Always 

For her exceptional learning behaviours and effort in writing.

Mason - Be Yourself Always 

For his effort in writing and his fantastic ideas. His great learning behaviour allows him to be at his best with his learning.